Seeking best games with handcrafted images?


Active Member
Nov 22, 2020
most of the games i see are just characters models stamped on the same background

like the same bedroom,same kitchen and so on

then the devs stamp on it the character model and thats it

what are the best games with handcrafted images?dont know if there is a term for this kind of games

examples are big brother,glamour,cure my addiction and restor her career


Active Member
Oct 20, 2017
By hand crafted, I envision painted literally, there are some of those. Also there are the pixel art games which can be very beautiful in my opinion. But considering your examples I think you mean Ren'py games, a bit visual novel like, modern ones which can also be of very high visual quality.

Games by DecentMonkey
Fashion business
or by Adorable Romaine
Tamara's exposure
or something like
Goons raid her
but in general you can just search for tag 3dcg and sort on stars like so:
first few pages, and see you next year


Engaged Member
May 13, 2017
  • Beat Blades Haruka
  • Brave Alchemist Colette
  • Clara's Love Hotel
  • Demons Roots
  • Dilmur
  • Detective Girl of the Steam City
  • Elven Conquest series
  • Mirror
  • Huniepop
  • Lilitales