- a few girls have such big breasts and asses that it just looks abnormal
- story could have been interesting but the boring writing destroids it completely
- almost no choices and the few you have don't impact anything
- because of the lack of choices you can't choose the girls Ethan (MC) should go for
- most lewd scenes are about anal
First another V/N where the MC has a ridiculously over sized dick like some kind of genetic mutation, a trope that has gotten old. I'm not sure why some Devs don't like realistic proportions.
The sex scenes aren't very sexy, especially the anal ones which you aren't given any choice over.
The MC is disturbed and worse. He's no better than the supposed bad guys he goes after. He's even a dick about it when getting a blowjob from either his sisters and the anal sex scene with Monica in the hotel had a gross ending.
The writing is not good and there were times when my thought was " what, who talks like that?" The plot gets a bit convoluted and at times it feel like something was skipped over. It goes from point A, steps around point B and straight to point C.
The disjointed English is inescapable, and occasionally causes considerable miscommunication and confusion.
The story concept is great, and the world building is interesting, but the plot is poorly constructed and wanders around at random without any sensible progression.
This really isn't a game where there are many choices for the player to make, and the choices you can make don't seem to have any significance to the direction of the story.
The renders are adequate, but not impressive, and the scenes are so repetitive and formulaic that this seems to be a showcase of the creators fetishes more than an attempt at creatively engaging the player.
This lack of choice, and absence of a clear direction, makes this game a long, frustrating, perplexing, story on rails that I eventually started just skipping to get to the next scene, which usually ends up just being the same scene with a different girl.
I like this game a lot. It's very good.
The ladies in this game are hot with a lot of variety.
I like that the mc is a badass who goes through hell and back to save someone he loves.
the game has great renders and the animations are well done.
Amazing harem game.
Keep up the good work dev!
Decent renders and animation. Story is pretty good. Some translation issues, but nothing that seriously hinders the product. I only wish there were more depravity in the dungeon scenes. It's nice to able to rename your relationships with other characters. Overall excellent experience!
Stilted as the 'all your base are belong to us' dialogue is (and fair play, the dev admits this), I can't believe it would read any less functionally or more erotically in Russian or Spanish or Uzbek or whatever the dev's first language is. It's almost (almost) cute how technical issues get resolved in side-scenes like going to the store to buy lightbulbs, redecorating your sister's room or that old staple, buying out the restaurant to eat alone with your Mom. Where she orders 'rice with bacon stew' for both of you, of course (chef's special in Tashkent?). Dark forces, look-don't look choices. Each time you get nearer to the jackpot, all three cherries, it's just another pull on the old one-arm bandit.
This is a horrible game, ugly models, bad story and horrible dialog writing
The models are bad, like the mom's boobs and ass is soo big it looks obviously unreal and to the point it starts looking less attractive and more disfigured
And what's with those pimples/spots all over the face with other girls?
And the writing is extremely horrible
Dialogues feel extremely dry
When the MC returns home after so long time, the family members reaction feels overdone, and the conversations feels extremely dry, it has no depth, feels like generic dialogue writing by a grade schooler.
It's obvious that this game wasn't created with passion rather created just to catch on the hype train of AVNs and milk that patron cow for as long as possible
The game proved to be a disappointment for me. I went as far as Ch7 part 1 so maybe some things will change from now on but I doubt it.
Right off the bat I need to tell you that Between Salvation and Abyss is not a game where you can be either good or bad when it comes to sex. 80-90% of content is about vanilla stuff that just repeats itself with almost every woman you meet. If that wasn't enough they are all almost begging you to bed them and despite this things move painfully slow with them. You get no satisfaction that you've done something (except for the 2 sex slaves) because of how they are throwing themselves at you. The dark side (a couple of sex slaves) is barely 10% -20% of the content and it's there as a side note and always rushed. The choices (in general not jut for the dark stuff) are non existent even when compared to the average XXX visual novel. The story is fine but it gets overly complicated without adding anything for the XXX content so it's hard to keep interested.
So despite the effort put in it and the decent amount of content I can't recommend it.
It's an interesting story, reasonably well-developed. Some of the models are cute and sexy, and the renders are done well. My main complaint about the game is similar to that in some other reviews -- lack of choice about sexual content. I am totally uninterested in sex that results in anal prolapse, but that's what most sex in this game is. If that floats your boat, this is the game for you, but not me.
*script: 3 stars I see a lot of grammar/sentence errors and sometimes someone is talking and it will have another persons name instead of the correct person .
*lewd scenes: 2 stars. lack of sexual preferences is very annoying. just about every time it is auto anal. Anal, anal, and more anal. I never pick anal in VN's but in here you are forced. Had to start skipping the lewd scenes. It would be 5 stars if it let you pick vaginal on the people you love. Leave the anal raping for the slaves/enemies!
Goofy meandering narrative with some decently fappable scenes. If you like male dom and incest you can probably get something out of this as there are a lot of decent scenes with the standards: mom, sis, aunt. The models are nice looking and have a bit of variety to them and the animations are passable, though the scenes tend to be on the short side. Lots of anal, which is good but the dev seems to have a thing for prolapsing anuses that i could have done without.
recommended for anyone who likes incest and male dom and is just looking for a fap
not recommended for people who need a solid narrative and deep characterizations.
I had a good time with this, nice story and good quality renders. Though not a lot of choices in this, it more like reading a story.
It was a bit hard to get in the story at the beginning, but that got better in time and as I said earlier there's not a lot of choices to make so story/gameplay wise it doesn't really matter.
I can get the other reviews saying the mc is being used and is oblivious to it, but I think it works story wise. It fits the character and his story. From his point of view with his background and history I think it makes sense he act's the way he does.
All in all I would play this again and can't wait to see how it all plays out in the end.
This VN was reasonably enjoyable the first couple of chapters.
Some mystery and tragedy was very nice and interesting.
the character personalities was pretty alive and varying, the females are pretty hot and well designed.
MCs personality is great, hes ruthless and an asshole which makes it far more interesting than the typical emotional mary sue simp MC that everyone seem so obsessed with.
writing was great, not perfect mind you, but at least readable.
Then it all falls apart, the mystery aspect of the VN becomes tedious and annoying because its drawn out for too long and more and more mysteries is introduced into the story which ends up piling on top of the old ones.
the female characters all become a bundle of issues where every single chick has some tragedy or boho thing going for them which would've been interesting if it wasn't present in every single one of them
the MC turns out to be a puppet for some organization yet too dumb to realize it even when people VERY clearly keeps hinting at it.
Honestly i would list a dozen more bad things but i dont have the energy for it.
This was an amazing VN turned garbage because the dev couldnt come up with something new and instead repeats things over and over just slightly differently.
At the start my first thought was while it is rough the game has potential but unfortunately the longer you play the worse the game gets.
One of the biggest problems of the game is technical, some scenes are repeated, dream sequences didn't work for me and some text has the wrong person attached, the art and spelling/grammar is passable but needs some work, mostly background and animations for the art.
For once the characters are the big plus for the game with the MC being a realistic interpenetration of someone who would have gone through what he did, honestly is great just to not have a simp MC, the women are quite varied in both art style and personalities(on a personal note, 80's pubic hair should stay in the 80's), sex scenes are good with a nice verity of positions and kinks.
I didn't find any choices that changed or directed the game but for once i think this game would be better as a pure kinetic novel without any choices as it fits the story better to just follow one direction.
While the story here is actually quite interesting and at the start very good it quickly develops problems, the first being it gets quite confusing figuring who is who and who is on which side and how many sides there are(a character guide would help with this or at least a recap every now and then), second is the story becomes lazy and things start to make less and less sense once the MC meets the woman in red,
As a side note the whole Katya forced sex thing is a total 180 of the MCs tough guy, take charge, dom personality which is disappointing and shows again how the game gets worse the longer it goes on.
Story 3/5 (good at the start)
Sex 3/5 (OK)
Characters 4/5 (Realistic)
Art 3/5 (passable)
Choices 1/5 (none but not really needed)
Kinks 3/5 (some but no huge focus on them)
Interesting story with many variations (of body type) for the female characters. The renders are not very HD but it is fine and serves along well with the tone of the story. Recommended to use the multi-mod for mostly the ambient music.
As for the negatives I think it is more of a taste that is not for me because the sex scenes are mostly the rough and violent type and consist (mostly) of anal scenes. I understand it is part of the dark story tone, it is just not to my flavor.
Still give it a high score because the story piqued my interest.
This is an interesting VN. Saying that, it's not quite 5 star material.
Renders are good
Female models are good
Story is interesting
MC looks like a mid teen.
Time line doesn't seem to add up to me
Dialogue needs some grammar fixes.
So, the MC was away for what I believe was 3 years, but he committed the crime when he was a child. This doesn't really add up to where we are now with the story. Could be just that my math is awful though.
There are loads of dialogue problems. I had to re-read several scenes to understand what was trying to be said. I stopped at Episode 4 to submit this review. I'll finish up the rest shortly
OUTSIDE of what I have listed above, I like the actual story. It pulls you in on some level and I'm left enjoying it more and more.
I do recommend this VN because it's a good story. Very few sex scenes, but that's not a big hit to the overall flow of things. They are worth the wait. Good luck to the dev and I look forward to the next update and where the story goes from here
Actually one of the best games out there. The concept is unique and very well suited to someone who's into SM things. I hope you continue the works and not abandoned it like the others. I will consider to become one of your patrons when i got the money. Thanks for the games, it is really satisfying concept, not an ordinary incest family things, but also great fetishes.
Overall, a great game that combines dark themes with romance fairly well.
Renders are good
Story is somewhat interesting
Characters are well done (cute red heads)
MC can be a bit psychotic at times
Kinetic novel. There are choices, but it does not affect the overall story/most sex scenes. Since some of the fetishes are extreme, this is a negative.
Solid game that deals in some uncommon fets. If the one chick that tries to hurt your family wasn't so ugly (I like hardcore content but damn, looking at her is tough) I'd probably give it a 5. The abyss scenes are good, as are most of the adult scenes. Still want to see where it goes from here but liking it enough so far. If you're not a fan of rougher content probably move on but if you can handle it or dig it, again solid game.
-Writing is horrible
- story a cringefest and a total mess all over the place
-could be a kinetic VN since the choices do not matter at all
- renders look average - neither good nor bad
- forced content all over the place and the game refers to "you" as you would actually be the mc (for immersion right?) - well let me at least change the mc's name then please, because refering to me as the mc and giving me no choice of the name , makes it redundant to say "you yadda yadda yadda"