RPGM - Beyond the Edge [v1.7.7.4] [Re-boner Ocelot]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The story line itself seems pretty interesting and creative. Artwork looks good, animations are pretty decent and music is okay. But after ~4h of playing i just quit because i was fed up with the bugs. And I get it, game is still in development and those things can happen...But ma brother in Christ there are still bugs that have been reported half a year ago. Bugs that prevent you from finishing quest or advancing whole storyline...Game has got some really nice potential, but not like this...
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating of v1.7.6.2 is 3.5/5 stars rounding up because it's far from done seemingly
    Would I recommend: Only if you are looking for a game with some porn rather than porn with a bit of gameplay. If you want a quick fap, this one isn't for you (based on my decisions, it took me 5 hours of gameplay to get to the first sex scene)
    Really good art with some okayish animation
    Above average combat for a typical rpgm game
    Has things like autobattling or easy mode if you just want to skip battles
    Lots of teleporters and stuff make getting around the map pretty easy
    Writing is decent if you can forgive some grammar errors here and there

    Very slow burn that takes a while to get to the action which some people may find to be too slow

    It's obviously still in development but there are a lot of girls, including both party members, that have hardly any content
    There are still a few bugs like not being able to walk in certain places that look clear or vice versa, some of the later quests loop and accidentally let you start them again and such
    You get a lot of options for spells but really only have one slot to choose which one to use, so the mc feels like a pretty shallow character combat wise
    Itemization and characters could be fleshed out more to make combat and exploration more developed

    Overall this game has a pretty solid start with a good bit of content, but there are definitely still some things to iron out to make it feel like a fully fleshed out game. I think some more nsfw action in the first few hours of the game could go a long way to getting people invested sooner.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a fair number of RPGM games on this site and I have to say that, this one, is one of the best (and the only reason it's not the best is that it's unfinished) the gorgeous art speaks for itself on the first page so I'll tell you what this game really has going for it on top of that, PACING. I recently tried out another highly rated RPGM game but while that one looked good it was a chore to get through.
    This game keeps a consistent and decent pace of action, you rarely feel like you're completely outclassed or that you outclass everything, oh sure you can get yourself to both those points but the game paces itself well enough that if you just do things as they come you're not likely to have too much trouble. Also while this game does have relationship values for the most part it's about picking the right dialogue choices during scenes it's not like other games I've played that require a constant grind of repeating the same activity with the same character over and over, just do quests and pick correct options.
    The only bugs I've run into is that sometimes the examination stones/riddle rocks don't work right and I have to try again and again/reload to fix them but their optional content and don't lock scenes
    I can't wait to see what future updates have to offer
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Have to say, I enjoyed the game overall. Most of my experience was positive but their were a few hiccups while playing.

    First, just love the worldbuilding. This game really does feel like a real world. With different factions, cultures, and species. The elf you meet at the beginning of the game feels real. The empire does not like non-humans and was great to see the empire take such a ruthless way to get rid of magic that could threaten it, even when non-human bystanders get in the way.

    Second, the art was great for the most part. Some of the animations for how the characters acted was very well done. Though other times was just skipping over because I was not that invested. Either because I did not care enough about these characters, or the porn was not that great.

    The combat was good. Was so fun to discover the different magic attacks affected different creatures. My favorite had to be the rocks with riddles. I only figured out half the riddles but was still satasifing figuring out the riddle. And if you don't figure out the riddle, it not essential to play the game.

    Overall, just recommend more personal moments with the characters. Let me get to know them. What are their personalities? How do they interact with different decisions? Can I go on a date to get to know them? While the story already has a few of these moments, they need to be better. I can't remember the characters names after I shut down the game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a beautiful artwork...
    Although, RPGM has its serious limitations, battles in The Book of Tentacles are also interesting. Some immersiveness is also admirable. Hope this game continues to expand in main story and characters arcs.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best story focused h-rpg I've ever played, like the choices feel meaningful, I feel attachment to characters, the main character feels so badass and cool yet so fragile, the writing seems really good, this is a great game even if you remove the AMAZING nsfw artwork, truly a masterpiece in the making.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game more or less. A couple of the BGM tracks sound like covers of other popular game tracks to me, the village in particular. It's a little upbeat/persona for a farming village being beset by bandit and monster problems. That's just a personal preference though I spose.

    The artwork is pretty nice, the animations aren't particularly good but the stills look good for scenes and most of the character art looks good. I say "most" just because a few of the secondary characters look like less effort was put into their work. But over all the art is pretty solid I get why b list characters might not get as much attention. The sprites though...I personally like old school sprites and when they don't match the character artwork it bothers me. But, that really is just coming from someone who used to make sprites for rpg maker...who also can't draw for shit otherwise so I understand.

    The story's interesting though the language is a little rough but I understand what it's trying to convey. It's got a sorta classic rpg feel to it, sometimes you don't need something "fresh" or "unique" you just need something familiar done well. I feel like you have done well setting a story because I'm looking forward to checking out the game here after a few updates.

    The lewd stuff is pretty decent really, the crown jewel as of writing this is the scene with Patricia but my personal favorite is definitely with uh...Arachnophobia. Not gonna lie, I don't dig the name but check this example. Araneae it's a Latin scientific term for spiders, to be honest I just googled "latin spider name". Not saying the dev needs to change it to that, and I'll still call her that in my head if the dev doesn't, but back on track! Spider nun is best girl is what I'm trying to say. And the sheer danger you put into her character, not just her looks but her attitude and back story. She's a great monster girl! I hope the dev is willing to give her more content and add others to the roster.

    Fun game over all, if you see this review Ocelot...don't let ppl complaining about the grind get to you too much. Your pace is pretty decent so far. Content to GAMEPLAY ratio is nice, some of us are still capable of paying attention to something longer then an average tictok clip...

    :cautious: And...just in case you do read this, look up Tourou no Ono by Nakamura Regura. He draws spectacular insect girls and he also shares your penchant for juicy but elegantly shaped girls. Ya know for research... Solopipb is also great, his girls are generally terrifying. and just to round it out Kirisaki Byakko also does fantastic art.

    TL;DR This game is a great blend of nice art, rpg elements, and base building with a diverse cast and a weird but interesting MC.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    What amazing art but buried in a game that too often embraces the worst things about RPGM game design. A lot of wasted travel time, game system that isn't the most fun, lack of guidance/walkthrough dependent, there are fun games that make use of RPGM in positive ways but the gameplay here falls short of that. It seems like it would have been better off as an adult comic or in several other engines. Saved from a 1 star by it's images alone which are top notch quality hand drawn.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    For how much content there is, the lack of choice on what to do with the people in the game, and when to do the important stuff with them (vaginal sex with impregnation and "kissing"), or even whether you want to do it with them is horrible.

    In the first half of the game, there is little to no sex, despite it being made blatantly apparent that you are supposed to have the power to do pretty much fuck-all you want with each and every female in the cast.

    Most of the initial females in the, say first 1/3 of the game have tomboy hair, for shitty reasons, mostly revolving their hellish past, or the inconvenience of using weapons (but not magic) with long hair.
    Sword user Anna and hunter M are prime show of this.
    Compared to Light Elf and Dark wizard who have long hair.

    Then there's the events. In the castle, you have mind-reader McOnee-sama
    who's apparently a forbidden love interest, because the mind-reading fucks with the fucking. Derp.
    There's this purple/pink haired biologist bimbo who denies you vaginal sex, DESPITE BEING IN THE DOGGY POSITION FOR A GOOD FEW PARAGRAPHS, only to give you a titfuck :/
    You need to adopt a fucking dog that nearly dies of poison to unlock the scene, btw.
    It is then spoiled that she gets her virginity stolen by some stupid tentacles, very original and entertaining.
    A short haired succubus, fuck if I know why, but her hair was the only reason I denied going past the handjob scene.
    A gorgeous Ice witch that tries to kill you, you mercy her into letting her run away, then you hunt her down, manipulate her into sparing you, convince her to finally fuck you vaginally in her tent.. uh-oh "haven't done this in a while" red flag, then she pulls out a magical condom IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING YOU, DENYING YOU THE CHANCE TO BREED HER LIKE A GOOD LITTLE SLUT, then she fucks off in the middle of the morning, leaving begind 2000 gold worth of tent, completely ruining the tempo of "defeat an enemy, now she joins your team" and she probably gets pregnant by someone else anyway (painful speculation)

    Then there's the "missing Empire army/Slime" mission.
    Wonder why they're connected?
    Remember what slimes love to do above all else? Breed.
    Your hapless lvl5 god-like character is struggling to make a harem of 5 girls, and you barely have vaginal sex with 1 of them.
    This fucking slime has had sex and impregnated over 30 of them in a month.
    I killed his ass in 3 seconds, because that's how triggered I was.
    General Slime, the biological weapon got his ass handed to him in 3 seconds by a lvl 10 god followed by 3 lvl 9 whores, because the only virgin is saving herself for a future with a bunch of tree tentacles. Fuck you developer.
    Your storytelling is pain, this game is worse than NTR.
  10. 3.00 star(s)



    good hand drawn art, although not much of it and the MC is not participating all too often.
    writing seems rather cliche. "oh the evil empire, those poor conquered people, so sad"
    english is ok but with common typos
    bugs are common
    combat is extra tedious.
    combat is unbalanced
    maps are too big. unfortunately. RPGM walking simulator syndrome.
    lots of choices. but no save in between, often after a boss fight. And the choices are very unclear.
    Pretty walkthrough depenmdent.

    lots of potential, but some pretty endemic issues. some can be polished out, others cannot.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent game. Reminds me of the games I played as a kid but with adult content. The story is well developed so far and I like how the developer allows you to either play with combat or a toned down version so you can pick your playstyle. Also this game is not grindy. Keep up the good work.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v1.7.0.2

    I went in with no real expectations and came out pleasantly surprised. This is shaping up to be a really good RPGM game, and with some polish and general development, I think it can hit 5 stars for me.

    As the overview says, this is a story-based game along with the lewd stuff. There's a good blend of everything going on. The writing is solid for the most part, but a couple places need some grammar touch ups. This feels like a proper RPG, with an interesting world to explore filled with all sorts of quests that have, so far, been interesting. There's some more serious moments, combined with some humorous ones.

    The art is also very good. Besides a few busts that could use some touch ups (I'm assuming older art), it's all been great. Every scene has art, a few of them even animated. The sex scenes that are properly written out are great as well, but there's also some quicker ones that have like a couple words and end. I think they kinda suck other than the good art. It would be better if they matched the properly written out ones imo.

    I'm a sucker for castle management and recruiting people to our "side" for lack of a better word, so that's a huge plus for me. I think it's fun to recruit people you meet on your adventures and watch your home base grow. It seems there's a lot of plans for that system as well.

    I do have a couple gripes. There is a decent amount of bugs I encountered and even more I didn't from a few posts I read. A couple required me to restart (so save often if you play). I also think the writing kind of falls flat in some places. It's weird that some of these characters move into our castle and have no real thoughts about anything going on. No questioning who this weird void entity that just recruited me is, or why he has a castle. No deep dialogue about now living in said castle or any real dialogue in general. They all move in rather easily. Just feels like a lack of character I suppose.

    A significant portion of the scenes are voyeuristic in nature which I don't really care for. It would be nice to have the MC actually involved instead of defeating women in combat just to watch them fuck someone else.

    Still though I really did enjoy what I played. I think giving the game time to develop will fix a lot of my issues. It's a solid start of what seems to be a promising RPG. Looking forward to seeing where it goes!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a nice game demo (as of v1.7.0.1), with too many bugs and nothing actually great about it yet.
    - art - great, but there is not that much of it and MC is not participating/present most of the time (for now at least)
    - quests - nice quest design, buggy as hell
    - writing - really good
    - world building/setting - it's a mess for now, maybe it will get cleared up later
    - story - MC has a twist to him but that's about it so far
    - english - it's ok, but there are small errors and misspellings everywhere
    - combat is bad, completely imbalanced and buggy
    - bugs everywhere
    - choices - i'm torn on this one, on one hand there are choices affecting scenes, characters disposition to MC and maybe more in the future, on the other hand you get a series of sometimes 5-7 2/3-way choices in a row, without ability to save inbetween with unclear outcomes for more than half of them... Ok, i'm moving this one from "Meh" to "Bad".
    - power/scale imbalance - we are supposed to be some powerful being in weakened state and soon fight some all-powerful Empire that can destroy the world, but MC is unable to one-shot the weakest enemy even when basicaly maxed out for the current content. In lore MC and (most of) the bosses are powerful beings, in game they are anything but.
    - Anna - ???, MC isn't strong, but Anna is a complete joke in combat

    Overall it could be 4/5 game demo if not for a ton of bugs and MC unable to get some action in all but 3 scenes, I had bugs in tutorial (MC turning into a ghost sprite), in combat (missing multiple sound and animation files causing random errors), after just loading the game (i don't remember exact error, but whole game crashed and i've got a pop up to restart with F5), when questing (entering slime cave 2nd time plays the whole quest chain again, locking me out of part of the later quest in chain) and again in combat (1+ hours after tutorial when i've used "Release" skill in battle the tutorial popped up again out of nowhere).

    TL&DR: This could be an interesting kinetic novel or something similar, writing and art is good but the game part is a mess. Also bugs.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game. First for the main character, an unexpected good devil, Cupid rised from the abyss. And then for the art wich is really guenuine. I wish this project good luck and I will report the little issues I found.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Like where this game is going with the artwork, each of the characters feel different in their own mindset and what they bring to the party as well as other story main characters. Waiting to see how the main character will turn out with more updates as still unsure if we are the good guy or the ultimate bad guy in the end. The combat is nice with different spells and the ability to learn whatever and swap out what you like and dislike but never giving the sense of magic is overpowered. Looking forward to more updates and where this game will go.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the current content of this game. The art is excellent and I can't wait for there to be more animated scenes in the future. I'll be following this one for sure. Keep up the good work my dude.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is excellent, with gorgeous art and a really good vibe to it. it's sadly very short but the content that exists right now is 10/10, i can only hope that the rest will follow these standards.
    if there's anything that i would critisise about the game it's that it's a bit bare bones and it lacks a good tutorial, but that's mostly nitpicking or stuff that'll be fixed in the upcoming updates.
    tl:dr. good game.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed playing it. It's about two hours long as of now. It's well written, not engrish, with much mystery surrounding the MC and the world around him that I'm very interested to learn more about in future updates. Need more tentacles.