Ren'Py - Big Brother: Another Story Rebuild [v0.06.01] [Aleksey90]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I understand that the grind is not everyone's cup of tea, but if you are a fan of the original game, you'll thoroughly enjoy this. The renders are nicer than the original and there are a few animations, but the graphics in general aren't considerably better than the original. However, since this is more or less a remake, I wonder why the updates are so slow.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The characters are pretty, but that is all this game has going for it.
    Too grindy, too slow with updates. Looks good, but that is really all.
    If you need to feel like a hamster in a running wheel, doing the same thing over and over again, then this game is for you! There are a few 'one-off' scenes but those are way too little. I could talk about the writing but it is non-existent and poorly translated at that.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    horribly grinding

    hints do not help you at all

    takes far too long to get the in-game money unless you use the cheat

    main character story does not seem to go anywhere.

    Yes i am complaining because i have tried to play this game 3 times.
    I am just wasting my own time trying to figure out this game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    extended scenes with new content in compare to the original are cool. even more would be fine.
    Use the spider when she is coming home drunk from going out...
    some coeplay photos with Olivia ... i like her with some clothes on!
    Liza should have a bad dream after horror movie ... and comes to your bed.
    all in all avery good version of the game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    So, last Friday was the long-awaited update.
    It was really cool, but not much.
    I'm excited about Alice and wouldn't mind fucking her, but the current state of affairs is more intriguing and arousing.
    Yes and it keeps the viewer's interest up.
    Well, now let's wait for REBUILD and an update with Lisa and Kira.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    BB the original was ok at the time it was out, it was the rage for a bit. Taking it over and just labelling with another name is ridiculous. There is nothing new in this version except render quality that is it. No imagination in taking the work by a previous dev and just redoing renders.

    The whole game was a massive grindfest in the first place, and it still is, that has not changed. So where is the actual improvements.

    Why not restart the whole damn thing and actually make a better version, WITH ANIMATIONS, actual quality animations not 2 second wham bam and move on crap.
    Yeah there a couple of very low quality 2 second animations in this one, that doesn't make for a big improvement.

    All this is doing is taking the reputation of an old game, using the name and work to make cash off something that was finished long ago.
    Cannot give it a good rating because it does not deserve one, is not original work, updates take a long time and there is certainly nothing new in the story line., i doubt there will be in the future as well. Most likely will be labelled completed at the same point that the original dev ended it.

    The fact that this ( remake ) has taken 2 years, to redo something that was only out and going for just over a year before it was abandoned. That says a lot, ( there is dairy involved in this one ).
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Adds almost nothing new from the original, and manages to keep all the grind. If you're going to bother porting a boring game, remove some of the boredom. Writing this review was more exciting than the game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Not to be mean spirited, but this has got to be the most boring VN I have ever sat through. NOTHING happens for ages, you're just clicking the same buttons, reading the same text over and over and over.

    Don't bother with this one, seriously.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I found this game to be better than average. I'm not sure about the BB game run that other have mentioned, but it does feel familiar. The biggest turn off for me is the grind involved, lots and lots of grind. I had to pause the game to leave the review and to play something else with less repetitive actions involved.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4887608

    Absolute garbage of a story where your go around wanking to whore of a landlady who fucks a guy solely because he gave her a job meanwhile being treated as a trash. The plots seems to be inconsistent & the grid fest which follows it gets pretty annoying. Those two stars are just for renders btw.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Waste of time. While there is a "vaginal sex" element, I feel like I have wasted too much time on this game, since I havn't seen anything closing related to it yet after a few hours. So I have removed the game
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 724036

    BB games never changes.

    It's not "another story", it's the same old boring story we all know. Just renewed with really good render images and a few animations. Yes, renders are great, I enjoyed that.
    If you never played any BB game - this would be really good for you except for the updates: updates are rare and offer little new content. Otherwise there is really nothing new except sunny weather and new lightning.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I tried to give it a shot, I really did but it's just way to grindy. Most of the game is just repeating the same thing over and over again for hours on end until eventually you might progress on a certain event which usually arent even good scenes, or maybe there are some better ones but with literally hours with no good progross really takes the ethusiasum out of it in the first place.

    I understand a lot of games on here this site have a problem with building up relationship with characters but a grindfesty nightmare is not a good way to resolve that issue. Instead of progress being slow burning you are just locked off from content until you keep repeating stuff over and over to give you the illision that you are building up a relationship. Not to mention that the Mc is a creep.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a grindy RNG nightmare which forces you into NTR for most of the story.
    Beyond the stat and money grind, this game is stil 90% waiting and raging at rng making you skip another week and basically start an opportunity from scratch.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Being more than just a Ren'Py port, this game starts as remake of the original BB. The story premisse is the same, but after a while the two games start to drift apart. The general direction is the same: Family comes to a house, Max tries to get into everyones pants, Eric threatens that. But the single events have been changed a lot, some have been removed and quite a few have been added or extended already. Some were revamped completely (Lisa's schoolmate/Olivia/horror movie opportunity for example) The general process feels a lot more natural, some opportunities are interconnected (best example: getting close to Alice requires progress in several opportunities), so you can't progress on one far more than on others with the same theme. Compared to the original, this game adds a lot more flavour, the scenes are shown from different angles, have multiple outcomes. Most of all you can see the diversity on the daily scenes, the girls pose or dress differently, so it does not feel all that repetitive. Also there are some new game mechanics like the use of the cameras to trigger certain events.
    All in all it's a good remake so far, we'll see how it goes from here. At least one side character was removed from the game, a new one was introduced instead, more were promised.

    What you can't expect from this game: It's not one of thoese VNs, which you start, click a few times and then get into bed with mom ... err ... the landlady. The advancement is rather slow, it's more about getting close to the other inhabitants (and of course spy on them, Max is a pervert), rather than a collection of lewd scenes. So the "when mom sex" question will be answered with "soon™" for quite some time.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    What exactly does this version improve?
    Grind as much, or even worse.

    Character rendering is uglier and weirder than the original.

    The gameplay and the plot have not been improved in any way, and the characters are not as good as the original, which is completely destroying the image of the original.

    Better to play the original.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Big Brother: Same Story
    Differences from "original" one: You can change their clothes, you can get a bj from sis "1 scene" and a bj from "aunt" sis scene is not worth it, I mean, scene is short asf
    It's kinda funny how the game gets the "another story" title but try the most possible to repeat the same steps as the game before.
    I am utterly disappointed, past game had so much years, this game have a considerable amount of time already and yet not much sex scene content I know dev tried not to rush but bruh wtf this is too much.
    Also game grinding is terrible to a point you're forced to cheat, this game without cheat is unplayable, literally, money grinding is terrible, imagine having to start new games to try to reach the grinding at the exact time, terrible just terrible....
    also don't be an idiot, you think there is any animation? lmao.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    When BB was originally abandoned there was a surge of all these copycats and I recall seeing this one in the mix and never paid much attention to it but I'm really glad the dev stuck with it cause this is a great game. It hits a lot of the same beats its predecessor did but the functionality feels better, the quests are easier to navigate and the renders are fantstic. Looking forward to see where they take this next and hope they branch out into some new territory with the stories as well.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Review of [v0.07.p2.03 fix]

    If Big brother: Another Story is the “better version”, the remake of another game, I am terrified to know in what state was left the original.

    Saying this is a game would be an euphemism, it’s a chore, a mindless wandering of clicks and repetitive dialogues.
    Everything in this VN, is made against the player, from obtaining objects to collect money to even talk to someone; it’s an hell of grinding where you can’t see any of the progress you have made after 1 hour, even the text seems against you! (Sometimes it is in white or yellow and the background is of the same color making hard to read)
    But if you don’t believe me, here it is an example:

    One of the first possibilities (As the quest are called) is obtained when you unpack a box and find some cameras, this leads to a journey to create a website which will be your main source of income.
    But firstly you need to buy a book of electronics, so you’ll grind for money, but the book doesn’t arrive immediately, so you will walk around the house checkin for something to do (Which also needs money).
    The book arrives and… Oh you thought you could start your own site?
    Slow down buckaroo you need to read it five times and not in one go, fine I have seen worse, you end the book after 5 days of wondering about your choices, and you can start your site but SIKE, you need money to start it; then you will still grind, asking like a beggar money from your mother every day; Got the money? Good, now you only need other money to make advertisements and...
    You see where I am getting at?
    It took a big amount of grinding which felt so useless and the reward can’t save you from the irritation of all.
    In fact the reward is laughable, to get money you need to wait (for a long time) or invest in other cameras, which at this point you’ll have downloaded the cheats or checked a walkthrough and even with them, your progress is still small.

    I could write about the sex scenes or the story but who am I kidding?
    Nothing is worth at this point, which it’s really a shame, because models and graphic look good and the story seems at least interesting, but the game won’t let me see them if I don‘t spend hours of my life trying to complete one

    I am not recommending it, in fact I am recommending to avoid it, if you have played before the vn and enjoyed it, I am truly happy that you could have found enjoyment in something that is empty of fun
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4447828

    What another story? It's exactly the same story as its original. And the same grinding too with additional bugs. Renders looked good with same stock models and some customizations, but all poses were close to pinups and backgrounds were separately made and reused. Dev seemed to concentrate more on outfits of characters and coding. After looking at this game for a year, I am not gonna play this game again.