RPGM - Completed - Black Souls [Final] [Eeny, meeny, miny, moe?]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not sure what to add that others haven't already said. I was attracted to the simplistic illustrations which was different than many of the other games i played, but was drawn in by the story. There were several plot twists that I didn't expect, even making me feel genuine emotion for the characters. This is the type of game that would still be incredible even without the h-scenes, the creator seems to have a good grasp on storytelling with evenany side characters and enemies having their own backstories. basically I played for the "plot" and stayed for the plot
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    As a dark soul fan I really enjoyed this game, while many other RPG game have good art what set this one a part is its distinctive way of drawing. And the story is absolutely god, there is no good ending because it only exist in our heart. As well as letting me remember this quote whom I heard from my favorite story. "Human hearts are more terrible than devil. How many people in the world can understand the truth hidden behind the truth, and how many people in the world can truly be kind".
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Publix Hair

    This might not be a very ero-focused game, but I found it deeply "enjoyable" as fantasy literature and recommend it to anyone who can stomach it or derive from it the same value I did. The ero content sometimes reuses images, but you're almost certainly not going to notice without making many different choices across a number of saves, or until the very end. Not counting Soul Feed, anyways. You can miss content entirely, the same way you can in the Souls series. Utilize this thread, the fandom.com wiki, and the game's own text document if you deeply care to avoid missing anything. The combat is the standard turn-based rpg shit you'd expect from an rpgmaker game, and is ultimately not that bad for what it is. If you dislike it, there are a number of easy ways to avoid (or quickly finish) the majority of fights. I like the author's own art, and I believe the way he used the resources he purchased was effective. The translation seemed odd at some points, but it was ultimately high quality for a title this indie. I only encountered two lines of untranslated text, both in the same area. I played the final version, and completed every ending.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I very like the game plus the two other game around the same univers. The lore is big, the game is difficult and resist each time I play. I very like the story of all girl and the ending of baphomet and the one of mary sue was very gratiful. I love every second I play the game and like we could just deseactivated the H, it make the experience very fun, even if some important dialogue are in the H scene, so it past them.
    But at the exeption of the second, it's a obligation to have the true ending for reach the new game plus, so it didn't make me fell like a reward for succeed to discovered the secret of mary sue, and only by doing the one of the ending for the second time cause the dead of a heroine if there all alive, so it put some new mystery, where we have the obligation to do it for acces the new game plus.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is a long time coming.

    The best way to describe this game. It hurts. This game is Grimm's Fairy Tales. There is no real happy ending for everyone... but maybe for yourself. No matter how nice it looks, it is a trap. No matter how sweet it is, it is poison. Everything in this game dies and worse is your character will do so the most. Though if you can harden your heart, you will see it to the end and wake this false dream and kill the nightmare.

    The story is bitter sweet.
    The art plays with the theme.
    The game is honest with itself.
    The choices will matter and change.

    I only recommend this for those that are willing to play though all of it.
    If you just want porn. Play another game.
    If you want a game to play with your emotions...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent quality game. This is one of those h-games that are games which happen to contain a decent amount of hentai. However, the hentai definitely isn't the focus of the game.

    Story 8/10

    This is one of those games which gives you snippets of text and you piece together the story yourself. However, the game gave you enough snippets (and the complexity is quite low) that you could piece together what happened.

    There's an overarching story that really only comes into play after you get the first ending and see all the heroine endings. Then you work towards the "true" ending.

    This game has a very dark theme and executed the darkness very well. The characters are broken (inside) and almost nobody's sane.

    This type of dark fairy tale re-interpretation isn't unique, but it's always enjoyable.

    Gameplay 9/10

    For an RPGM game, the gameplay was quite enjoyable.

    The maps are linear-ish with small branching dead-end paths. I like you how go from biome to biome with little fanfare. Each map has a unique (dark) theme that creeps you out in different ways.

    Combat was surprisingly decent. I mean, it's a hack and slash at its core, but you get little upgrades to your battle strength after nearly every conflict. Those little dopamine hits are nice. Most cannon fodder are cannon fodder while the bosses give you a rough-ish time, but nothing you can't grind out and defeat.

    Choices (kinda) matter. You can kill/rape/let live basically everyone. You get different scenes depending on what choices you make (with the heroines). In terms of story progression, I don't think your choices matter. You'll just make non-optimal choices (like missing a character, item, drip-plot).

    One minor nitpick is that you have to hold shift to run. I prefer RPGM games that let you toggle the "Always Run" option.

    Art 7/10

    What can I say? Not my style. It's a very rough art style. What you see in the previews is what you get.

    But again, the hentai wasn't the focus for this game (although there's a decent amount of it) so it's mostly vanilla sex (strange choice, considering the rest of the game is so dark). It's amazing that even without the hentai being the focus of the game, the hentai is done quite well.

    Atmosphere 10/10

    Obviously this is a special category to call out and rate. This game had a dark/horror atmosphere which it executed amazingly. The music transitions when you encounter a special character was always on point and enhanced the atmosphere of this being a dark fairy tale.

    Although I bash on the art, I still think the rough style contributed greatly to the dark atmosphere.

    And again, almost every character is broken (inside) in some way or another. Combined with the drip story-telling style, most characters are decently developed and revealed to have multi-dimensional nefarious backgrounds/intentions.

    Overall 9/10

    I don't give high ratings easily but credit must be given where credit is due. This is a fantastic game.

    Really. All I got are nitpicks. Art style could do better (but again, personal preference). Story could have been a little richer (and that would have polished this game to a sparkling shine). Maybe maps could be a little smaller (I think 50% of my gameplay hours was spent walking around and backtracking).
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    Come for the plot, stay for the 'plot'. This game and it's sequel are some insane shit and I loved every second of it. You play a faceless nobody trying their best to survive and perhaps even save a fairytale world slowly sinking into ruin, and the stories you'll encounter and choices you'll make by the end of the game will haunt your dreams far longer then the ass.
    Playing this game is supposed to hurt, and not in a sexy way. It's not particularly difficult and gets repetitive fast, so don't hesitate to abuse the mechanics; I also recommend playing without a walkthrough until you get stuck for the full experience. The the porn is honestly a secondary component, too infrequent to be a real staple.
    9/10, my heart will never be whole again... so time to get hit even harder in it's sequel.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with a wonderful story. Has a dark atmosphere similar to dark souls. You can kill every npc and rape every female npc. Choices matter and there are multiple endings. I couldn't stop playing until I reached all of them. You'd have to see all the endings in order to realize how good the story is.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    1st RPG Maker porn game I actually enjoyed enough to complete.

    Got Around 11Hrs of content out of it.

    The Artstyle is quite unique, monster sprites are highly detailed.

    The best element of this game to me is the Characters and Worldbuilding, The Game takes place in a twisted fantasy world inspired by many old folktales (mainly the Grimm Brothers) in which you have a decent amount of choices of what to do with the Characters you meet.

    Dev was nice enough to hide items in the main hub that help skips most of the grind if you want.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Can you blaspheme an RPG set in a world populated by fairy tale characters? Right now, I would say yes: finally an(other) erotic game with noteworthy plot and gameplay, in a world that is anything but fairytale but oriented more towards its second soul, that of a souls-like, word pun intended. You may not like the hand-made drawings, of course, but I personally appreciated them and, indeed, I find that they adapt perfectly to the atmosphere of the game (even if they are not exactly fap material). In fact, among the downsides it should be noted that there is very little erotic in this erotic game.
    But I don't think there is any desire to dwell on the erotic side, because the pillar of this little pearl is undoubtedly its story: hidden, intuitive from the dialogues with the many heroines that we will gradually save in the immense game world and finally revealed in all its perverse and frightening splendor in the secret endings of this work with very few peers.
    The atmosphere of danger and decadence that pervades all game environments, reinforced by the identity of the enemies and bosses who will block our way, only enhances our immersion in this world on the edge of the abyss, which only we will be able to choose whether to save (alone or uniting with our beloved) or condemn to destruction (which perhaps, in the end, is not the worst choice, as those who have come to unmask the puppeteer of this sick tale can guess).
    In general, an RPG worth playing, especially for the slightly more curious players, willing to explore everything, even infiltrating places for evidently more advanced levels than their own..
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    (Probably 1 year late, but whatever)

    If you look for an H game specifically to fap, this is not for you, and not for me either. I cannot fap to neither the art nor the whole H-scenes in this game. The game does not focus on porn. To be fair, BLACKSOULS is a decent game with age restriction at best.

    Gameplay and story is really great. (just a summary, because many other reviews have praised in detail already)

    Overall: great game, not a great H-game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    What I thought was scuffed D.Souls.
    What I experienced was me enjoying and immersing in a world made for me as a fellow sadist and a psycho / socio.
    Not a single ending / character / area / story is sh-,
    May sound like bias but go try it! Normal people come out as scarred in this one but for me??? IT'S MEANT TO BE!!! > w>
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm writing this review like a month or two after beating the game simply because i'm hoping this review will convince more people to play it. Black Souls is an absolutely phenomenal game that will leave a lasting impression on you. The characters are all interesting with great dialogue, the enemy design is disturbing and top-notch, the music is very memorable, the boss fights are challenging and fun. Black souls tells a very dark yet compelling story that will leave you wanting more, this is a fully realized world that'll hook you and never let go.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a masterpiece. It's not really a H-game because you don't play it for the H, though you can get turn on from it. You can easily see the un-polish, rough artstyle and it fits well to the theme. It has a very high replay value for its game mechanic and story. I already replayed it three times and will do more to explore all possible aspects.

    - Gameplay: hard but you can beat the game easily with smart strategy. The world is very large but it has many interesting features that motives you to explore. For combat I see many people use cheat but I can tell you that you can combine certain skills for impressive damage, which can kill the bosses in 2-4 turns at max. Hint: magic is OP, don't go physical route if you want fast and smart battles.

    There is no armor but ring and weapons only, but they are pretty diverse. You also don't need to seek for secret gears because the normal ones are good enough with upgrades. I collect secret weapons and rings for the sake of collectibles only, rather than the uses.

    - Story/plot: story is amazing, dark and deep. There is a plot twist at the end for true ending but you can guess it easily with many hints through the game. You will have to replay at least twice or thrice times to get all endings, and more if you want to aim for full H-scenes collection by yourself (instead of using the "Unlock all scenes" mode after getting the true ending).

    You will get B endings for first blind playthrough. Then A end as fake end. Then D as a bridge to true end which is C.

    - Art: not mean for H-stuff, but it works well for a dark horror RPG game. Though I actually find the art style cute and it turned me on.

    - Music/sound. Perfect for the theme and it's so on point. I really like the BGMs as it fits well the maps/themes and the sounds are fine-tuned. The critical hit sound effect is good that you can tell the impact.

    Overall it's hard to find big flaws in this game. Though there are certain unclear triggers in the game if you want to get full H-scenes, unless you use walkthrough. But I think it's ok if the game is good enough for you to experience it completely and explore it yourself.

    This is my first review ever on F95 because the game is too good to not write a review for it. I definitely recommend you this masterpiece, you won't regret.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for porn, stayed for dense climate and world full of despair.

    Fighting is alright, there is no real need for grind but I've done it anyway cause it was fun. Plot is simplistic, but gives you direction.

    Climate is main advantage in my opinion. Music is more than good, writting is excellent. In this world, there is no place you are safe in, and you feel it. This world is brutal. Evil. Everything, everywhere, will try to murder you, with smile. And the fact this dark, twisted world is filled with corrupted versions of known fairy only adds to this. Worth to give it a try.

    Oh and you don't have to play good samaritan here. If you want, every character can be raped or murdered. Or raped, then murdered. It's your choice if you want to help to save the world, or corrupt it even more.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Story was interesting, original along with great plots and twist by hints that later reveal greater pictures of the outcome of your decision, since they matter a lot.
    Characters even minor had good backstories and were not hastle in anyway.

    The grinding was just right, enouph exp and rewards, along with items of great varity and weapons to choose fitting for classes and proper leveling of them and youself.

    An amazing RPG turn based combat like almost no other.
    The artwork is soo well done, an artstyle that has the dark environment it describes and gives the story of the game, the sexual artork is one new to me used in H but fits in either way because of the world around it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a fan of the majority of RPGM games but this is a good one, the porn is alright, the art is also alright but still kinda charming in it's simplicity, what's fun is the gameplay.

    Would recommand for other people who generally can't get into RPGM !
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game gives me Undertale and Fable vibes besides the Dark Souls(obviously). Art is not a big deal, it gets the job done if you're immersed.
    Only inconvenience I had was the enemy encounter and respawn rate which can be avoided by a simple magic or an item.
    Other than that it's a pretty good game and remember I said it reminds me of Undertale ? Hence you might go for an another run to get a different outcome, just FYI ;)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The design feels rough, so I bought it while a little worried.
    As a result, it was a good work that I felt satisfied with it, even if I used it a little as erotic, it fits into the overall atmosphere.

    The attractive point is still a fairy tale motif, but there are some characters that are deviating from the original material somewhere, and it becomes a companion or a disastrous end depending on the action, and it helps for most NPCs You can freely choose to kill or kill.
    Basically, it's a dark atmosphere of the world, but it feels like it gets a little brighter as the number of friends increases in the base.
    If you proceed to some extent, it will be much easier to train and the status will be raised even after reaching the upper limit of the level, and since you can play laps by taking over the status and equipment (excluding some), you can also try to see another ending of the character It's fun and fun to play.
    Most characters including friends can be killed, but if you encounter killing methods and kill immediately after committing or killing, or if you leave it alone, it will be a miserable because it becomes a monster, so if you kill it afterwards, if you grow up as a friend There are various variations such as killing, and I feel particular.
    Some of the female characters that basically appear as enemies have erotic but can't be friends, and it's a little pity that they can't be cleared without killing them after getting love from everyone. There is a clear route with all the members joining, but in any case I want something like Shin Harlem End.
    True End is a route that takes a lot of hearts, but it was very good because I was addicted to the story.

    About the erotic part. Characters that can be friends become rapists without becoming worshipers or friends, and they are different in CG but 180 degrees different in situation. I think that the design is rough and the people are selected here, but the text is solid and it can be used unexpectedly. I'm excited about the titty service of a busty saint.
    The eroticism of the enemy character is also good with a lot of wackiness, which is why it is a little regrettable as mentioned above. Expect additional elements as well.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Black Souls is truly a masterpiece among RPGM games and I'm not talking only about hentai games I mean RPGM games in general. The strongest point of it is the story, and my god what a story it is. It's going to blow your dick and your mind as long as you dig the artstyle. It's rough but adds so much more SOUL to the whole experience. Speaking of experience, I strongly urge you to try to go as far as you can without leveling. This game rewards playing smart so juggle equipment, use items and try to find the right strategy for each enemy. This way you'll make the most out of the battle system.

    Also YOUR FIRST PLAYTHROUGH HAS TO BE BLIND.AVOID SPOILERS AT ALL COSTS IF YOU'RE READING THIS AND HAVEN'T FINISHED THE GAME, CLOSE THIS TAB IMMEDIATELY. This game really hits you hard in the feels and you'll probably spill more tears than semen. So again watch out for spoilers, they will ruin the mood of the scenes completely.

    If you still want more, play the Red Hood spin-off, it didin't age that well but it will give you a couple of hints about the lore. The sequel is like the first game but bigger and more polished so prepare for even more suffering. Any questions you have will (meaby) be answered when the third DLC comes out.