Seeking Blank slate characters


Dec 22, 2019
I was hoping to find a game where the protagonist(preferably male, or just character creation with changeable gender is fine too) has little to no background and you get to pretty much make up the entirety of their personality/past. It's also preferable for it to be a game with actual combat, like rpgm or any engine that supports it I guess. 2dcg's are preferred(I know, I'm a weeb) but text is also acceptable. I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to sex or fetishes, but I'm fine as long as most "extreme" things are avoidable/optional. Ah, and sandbox is good as well, so that I'm basically able to just adventure or do whatever the hell I might wish to do in such an open world setting. I find it quite hard to find these games but I was hoping I could call upon the vast knowledge of the legendary forums.....

If you need more specifications, a good example of some games I liked were :
Lilith's throne
Lust doll Plus
Monster girl dreams(I prefer real combat over BF's, but bf is still fine . BUT something I consider even better than real combat is if it's the enemy attempting to use lust/seduction based attacks on you, and losing/cumming = reverse rape while you have to use normal attacks against the enemy.)

Thanks for reading this wall of text, and I hope you can hand me some of your research materials.
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