Unity - Bloodshift [v3.99G08-PUB] [Amalgam]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed playing Bloodshift. The story/writing is enjoyable and makes sense. The concept was super fun and the girls were… nice :) I'm thrilled for the creator that the project will continue; it's clear there's a lot of potential here. Keep up the great work!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've really enjoyed playing this game. It's well written and pulls you into the story. It's clear that a lot of time and effort has gone into the making of this and the result shows.

    I like the edgy feel to the game and the underworld feel to it. It's one of the few games that I've bookmarked for updates and really want to see what the rest of the story holds.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A really fun game with good graphics, a great idea that is well executed and the gameplay is good too. The recent updates have been great especially the Gemma Wilson one and the upcoming updates have a lot of potential, the community involvement is also great with the polls and suggestions on discord overall it's a good game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game cause it gives me tasks to accomplish, the graphics are really good and yeah, enjoyable. Sometimes a bit confusing as to where I should actually be going to get the task done but I found that it's ok if he is -17 blood fed even though I become a wraith and lose my abilities . I wish you can continue developing it though. 5* for me
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a wonderful concept, well written story and a fun gameplay experience but there are very few options generally advancing the story. There aren't many games like this out there. So, I wish there were more content to this.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Its a pretty fun story about MC being a vamp and goes out hunting for girls to in-slave to use for getting blood and to figure out who stole hes stuff from old days.

    It is a sandbox and it fails at being a good one, there are no hints to be had so many times you have absolutly no clue what to do, where to go or who to talk to, which gets really annoying....

    Then theres the mini-games/puzzle thats has a skip puzzle option? but it dosent fucking work.....like collecting flowers i got so stuck that i though fuck this ill skip it but then it tells me i cant skip untill i have all the flowers....thats just idiotic since then puzzle is pretty much done then so no need to skip it.....
    No clue if my game is just bugged or not but i talked with a girl that talks about a greenhouse but nothing happened after that and got no clue what to do or where to go from there....did find the green house but checking the hole freaking map and every location....but its annoying when you have to progress that way.

    Game is also very repetitive since you have to feed constantly and every time you see the same scene and same texts for every girl and you cant skip fuck all in this game either.

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    Girls 3/5
    Pretty average girls, not bad but not really great either.

    Animations 0/5
    I had to check front page again and true enough it does show the animated tag, but i have no freaking clue why since i havent seen a single animated scene in the game, all sex scenes are just pictures not even the 2 frame picture to picture shit either, just single pictures and thats it, so it lost alot of points in my book for that part.

    Music 1/5
    There are none, a few effects and thats about it.

    Choices 1/5
    Not sure there are any real choices in this game, it feels like a 100% kinetic novel where your forced to follow the set questline.

    I wasent sure what to rate this but i cant really give it more then 2 stars even though i did like the story, but there was to much i just dident like, stuff like missing animations, no choices, NTR feelings, lack of hints and being a real porn game without videos or animations is just to damn stupid and its really to bad since it really did have the potential to be a really good vamp story.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably more of a 4.5 stars but there aren't half ratings. For someone looking for a quick explanation of what type of game this is, it's largely an adventure game where you play as a vampire and attempt to gain a stable of hot vampire thralls. The primary challenge is in figuring out where to go and what to do, as well as some of the puzzles (although they're generally optional).

    The artwork is very good, it makes effective use of static images with transition and pseudo-animations (e.g., 1 interstitial frame between two poses). The sound effects and movement of assets gives a good impression of motion and punctuates the actions that are occurring in a way that text heavy games with pictures often don't manage.

    The premise is solid, the narrative is "ok". It's a little bit of an "and" plot - one thing happens, and then another thing happens, and there isn't much self directed behaviour so much as there is just the protagonist reacting to new situations as they occur. But narrative doesn't have to be excellent - it's porn - and it doesn't detract too much.

    Probably the criteria that is most important in a porn game is whether or not it's hot. And for someone into MC content, I think this is a resounding yes. It's not the hottest or best MC focussed game ever, but it is a good one, and the heat is where it needs to be. This won't attract the audience who is into vampire romance, but it should interest people who are into the d/s side of it.

    I think the biggest weaknesses, and the areas that I hope the author will focus on for future releases, are

    1. The relative instability of the game
    2. The user interface
    3. The stat based mechanics

    The first point I know the developer keenly aware of, because they include various hotkeys you can use to get yourself unstuck from some problems. Hopefully this will improve in future.

    The UI is serviceable mostly, and I do like some of the touches (like being able to drag items over people), but it can also be a bit fragile. Sometimes items will get stuck outside of containers (visually) after you close the bag / container. The save/load interface is a particular problem, because if you click "load" or "save" first, it errors and tells you to try again. It expects you to select a save slot, THEN decide if you're saving over it or loading it. This is back to front to how most games and commonly used game engines tend to work with it. It also takes a few moments for the save slots to populate as the game reads data, so this sort of tricks you into thinking that the reason there's nothing there is because you haven't clicked save/load yet. Even after realizing this was an issue, I still buggered this up maybe 10 or 12 times while playing. Oh - and one last UI thing - I'd like to have the game clarify whether a stat loss is temporary or permanent (e.g. "-3 charm" and "-10 energy") when you do something. I never felt save using various powers because I wasn't sure - when you level up you'll get "+10 energy" but then when you use a rare ability it suggests you'll lose energy - does it mean just a tiny amount for today, or is it for good? I still don't know, I never ended up using them as a result!

    Finally, I would like to see one of two things happen in the future with the core stat based mechanics - either simplify it greatly, or add a reason for it to exist. It currently seems like a classic case of overdesigned mechanics that were put in place before the game came together, and now are largely superfluous. The game will often give you choices that let you act in certain ways, and this gives random bonuses or penalties to stats, but the stats didn't seem to have a powerful influence and it was fine to get by with just default strength and speed stats the game doled out. Ordinarily I would expect a game that has stats like this to either have some kind of combat that justified them, or to have skill-checks that allow you to take different options in the game. Currently it doesn't seem to have much here. I *think* Charm is supposed to make it easier to persuade one of the NPCs to come with you, but it's currently not implemented.

    Ultimately, I don't mind whether the game simplifies or expands their use - the game works fine as a more classic adventure game - but currently it's a vestigial limb.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game will suck you in. Good immersive feeling with interesting characters and mechanics, without the grindyness you often find. Absolutely lovely cast of ladies and nice art aesthetic, plenty to keep you 'interested' throughout.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing and mechanics are good, as are the puzzles. The frequent bugs are frustrating but at least easy to solve. Overall the game is very good as of writing, but has the potential to be incredible one its more fleshed out. Here's hoping we gets to see that potential come to life.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    If I was a vampire, I would do exactly as the vampire in this game! I love the visuals, the feeding, the fucking, the economics, the girls, the story and especially the writing! What can be improved: having a very colorful background and a button color which is not easily visible. The "V" indicator appearing only for some and not for other clickable areas.

    Can't wait to see the story progress!
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 573745

    As of 3.99 Pub

    Game is messy as hell. The ladies are okay. The story is pretty good. The premise is excellent and extremely unexplored.

    Massive bugs/ poor coding/ sequencing.
    If Mara is turning during preacher sequence you cannot she is stuck turning and you can never progress the preacher sequence.

    When looking for flowers if you move too quickly between places the move to next area arrow stops working and you become completely stuck. I hit all the button, Iooked through every option. Nothing.

    The help page for stats shows like 3 stats. I assume the rest are garbage placeholders.... but there is no way of knowing.

    The 2nd character you run into in game is unplayable. Though it acts like she is the place you need to go to is unreachable.

    Poor planning and bad design. In like 3 or 7 years this might be a great game. But my god is it going to be a journey getting there.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This game wouldn't have been bad if it was made in the same format as "A Spell For All" , but as it is, I find it boring and tedious to do anything after passing the first chapter. Not to be rude or anything of course, I think the concept was fine, but the mechanics, the saving system, and the overall gameplay just... lacked.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    review based on 3.13/3.14 version
    - good ui
    - good game mechanics
    - pair puzzles avoidable
    - terrible tehnical state- game starting 1min+, game loading savegame 1 min+. dev, how u explain that?! mby ur game have 2+ million assets (in 1 gb game, lol)?
    - for what reason unity engine here? mby for best perfomance? y,y, ofc i saw ur "perfomance" with 1+ min loading... i cnt remember any renpy game with similar "perfomance"
    - pixelhunting... unavoidable pixelhunting... in addition some pixelhunting targets covered by leaves and player must to guess MOVE that damn leaves
    - game have bugs, some of them semicritical- when u speak to demon u ll got dialoge problem... what dialog problem? there NO DIALOG!! instead dialog menu u ll get some empty VERTICAL strips in demon figure region. ofc u can randomly press on them and mby something ll hape and u ll able play further, but its not normal.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game that has both wonderful writing and actual gameplay (point and click) with puzzles. One of the better takes on the adult themed vampire genre with plenty of sex throughout.

    Still early with the plot but there already hours worth of content and the Dev is active in their community and planning to add much more to the game.

    The art/porn is done particularly well and and not just a cut and paste job from other sources. Found it to be both tastefully done and sexy.
  15. 4.00 star(s)



    Firstly, this is a proper game (point and click) and not a VN. Secondly, this is an adult vampire story with sex and not a straight up porn game to fap to. If you are still here, you will be graced with some excellent writing and a pretty good execution of the point and click mystery gameplay.

    The writing is of very high quality. The actual plot delivery of the mystery surrounding MC's circumstance and the dialogues and character writing are top notch. There is a nice balance of different tones and situations as well. While the general tone is a serious one that explores the realities of being a lone vampire who wakes up in modern society, there are moments of hilarious situational humor mainly derived from the "fish out of water" nature of the story.

    The gameplay loop is enjoyable for the most part. I really liked the potential for character building. Stat modifying actions have a positive and negative effect to two entangled stats. I don't believe there was any real noticeable effects of the stats yet (at least up to the point I played), but there is potential here. This is a point and click mystery and puzzle game in a way. You are not just going around with the purpose of fucking women, although feeding and fucking them go hand in hand. The main purpose is to figure out what happened to the MC and hopefully build up his power again in this era. There were some puzzles that was not my idea of a fun time, but there is a skip function for those. Other puzzles was engaging enough while not being annoying and I had fun figuring things out.

    Now there is no real shortage of sex or the pursuit of it. However, I never felt like that was the purpose of my actions while playing the game. The sex blends in and becomes just part of the narrative of being a vampire who prefers to feast on sexy young females. Also, while the photophop skills and the sex scene writing are quite good, the length of the scenes are just lacking to try and fap or anything. Instead, it felt more like a sex scene in a TV show or something. That's fine.

    Honestly, the only REAL problem I see is the Loading time. God... loading a save takes an ungodly amount of time. It feels like a full minute. I docked a point for this because it really did detract from the experience. Not sure if it's something that could be fixed though.

    Overall, this is quite an atmospheric vampire game. I wouldn't play this for the purposes of fapping (you might have better luck), but those who like vampire stories and a pretty good point and click gameplay (as far as porn games go) will want to check this out.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Game gets a lot of credit from me for being in a different engine from RPG maker, or yet another R'py game.

    Sure, some of it needs some more polish but, that's in part because its largely from scratch.

    New girls are being added and there is a decent amount to be seen. Including at least one girl on the campus that's more or less "optional."
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot going for it. The point and click game is satisfying at times. The story is not overdone and interesting. The artowrk is integrated really well for a Real Porn game and is sexy.

    But I'm knocking off a star bc the game is so f***ing hard. It's literally impossible to play without the walkthrough unless you're taking this as seriously as a console game. Better hint system needed for 5*!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Has an interesting premise and pleasing artwork/porn that is appropriate rather than typical cut and paste from other sources. It mostly plays as a point in click adventure. The gameplay loop is enjoyable, beyond just source of porn.

    There are some issues with saves and while the game has rpg elements they are not terribly well developed as of yet.

    Looking forward to more.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is amazing but the load time of the game is way too high. Also it stops/hangs abruptly at certain points.. for example if you give money to mara before talking to her again about the money or if u give her daughter chocolate before talking to her and so on. The entire feel and story telling and gameplay is amazing but needs to improve on other aspect like platform being used. I would encourage rags or ren'py as the game play has its issues here and there and huge load time.. just a suggestion.. great work though
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome! Can't wait for the next uppdate! It's a really nice experience, I love the atmosphere and the fact that you're playing as a vamprie. The girls look really nice and (for me) unknown witch make this experience even better. Really really great! If you need music or anything just tell me. I'm a pretty decent writer for music and songs in general. All I want for it as payments is to play your game until the end.