So basically, the game have been in the remake half the time since first release, and the first remade build is about the third of what the game was at the point it started being remade.
That's honestly disapointing. I for one hardly see what was the hustle to start remaking things, you know, one would expect the change to be HUGE to take that much time, and if anything the change are quite insubstancial:
-All the CG have been remade but for fuck sake we're talking about a few still image made by IA. I mean, since the scenes don't change, half the work was being done already right? Even taking into account edditing, that is still a shitton of time.
-Some basic motion effect are now applied to every scene... I honestly don't like it. Actually it's not just a feeling, the peculiar effect is the one used to showcase dreams or hallucinations in other VN. And you can't unmake a story telling rule. I guess i can get used to it, like learn to oversee it, but it defeat the original point right?
-A few choices are available now. They're your usual dom/sub trope. Sigh. Showcased as a gauge that u can't access by pressing a button or what not.
Annnd that's all. Half a year to introduce 2 technical feature and about 30 minute of gameplay. And the game still feel unaccomplished missing basic feature like a gallery, QOL feature like changing font, fontcolor, deactivate the wobbly effect, access stats, choose resolution.
If it was about introducing self made core mechanics, add a completely new path to what was done already, animate a shitton of scene, i would have understand.
Am not the kind that like to blame dev, they make it out of passion, but i think any creator have to be honest with himself and be aware of his abilities. You don't start all over again for a few issue. The feeling that give such a remake is that the creator is full of doubt. That he don't have a vision. And it leave the audience in a likewise state. How much time until the creator have another crisis of selfdoubt and his work to come to another hiatus? get abandonned?
If Torimiata ever read this, you should know i don't mean ill. Am just stating the obvious right? But it's all i can think of after playing the "preview" which by the way is the worst thing to do after such a hiatus to release something stated as "preview" dude bro pal every one is thinking there isn't anything else done, wherever the case or not