This is bad game design 101, which is sad because this is my JAM.
QTEs are fine, but hard bound to arrow keys in a mouse driven game is just horrid, yes, lets change controls in a porn game constantly, PICK ONE.
Its ok, start the game, forced tutorial, with a forced failure? Maybe I janked the settings in the wrong way to make the crap QTEs and forced posture change less shit, but I have no idea WTF that is. Instant failure, or have I completely misread this game? I get it you are trying to teach me how to play the game, but just tell me it fucking failed, forced failure just makes me question if I merely am incompetent. I will say, the fact that I have no idea if that was failure by design or if I was supposed to have ANY chance of success just kills me, is that the tone for the WHOLE GAME, or was that a tutorial. Fuck if I know, but after restarting to see if it is possible once drains any interest I have, I don't care, I'm sober and over it.
And this is where I quit and uninstall. This hurts because I think this back of the box description is WHAT I WANT, but the design is so painful instead of horny I am pissed off and confused. Perhaps this gets better? The new player experience is confusion and pain, I don't think anyone should have to suffer through this to find a rainbow at the end.