I want to start this off saying I don't usually post reviews, since honestly, this is a site with a wild variety of tastes. So usually the review is based on the content of the game. However I'd like to shine on some bad; but also good aspects of this game and it's progression.
This game caught my eye early on, it's a game inspired by 2 games I had played, Stranded and Bimbo house. When I started playing the game it was pretty much a concept at start and as time progressed so did the game. Needless to say it was quite bad. But it gained attention because of the frequent updates and transparent goals. Let's cover the bad parts first, who doesn't love to end with some good news
Consistency, while the Rel, the developer, certainly invests a huge amount of time in this project and therefore also covered a lot of other platforms there were a lot of old info or new info that wasn't yet on other sites. Other topic is that he released another game and even announced a third one. My suggestion to this is take it slow, finish one before starting another.
Alpha & Beta versions not playable after stopping a subscription. If I bought something, even if it's a subscription, taking away the version if they don't give you money anymore is in my opinion a steal. I paid for this current version I should get to keep it.
Resources, it's optimized now, for current alpha builds but for almost a year the game was around 13+GB. However that's old news, what isn't is that this game takes up 7GB of RAM on my system. May it be that certain 3D AAA titles take less RAM. I know, I know, it's a single developer but a 2D game taking this much RAM is a bit over the top.
Pfew, okay with all of that out of the way let's talk about some good news. All in all the developer has done a good job (You see 4 stars
). Couldn't have been easy. And I mean it, developing a game is hard as a programmer myself I can vouch for Rel if some bug or some feature take literal months to finish. Especially if there already is a lot of content.
Updates & schedule, this is a relaxed developer, taking his time to listen to feedback and criticism. Bug fixes for alpha are quite frequent and branch releases take about a month or 3. With his current goals to reach $14.000 I hope he is hiring a programmer.
Content, mainly because of his growing revenue, but actually investing in this game rather than keeping a larger chunk benefitted him a lot. Since now that he is a proper business he can lay those off to "business purchases". There are still some minor bugs in the game but aren't anywhere game breaking, especially not in free releases after 100's of people have already played it.
Continuing with the previous statement on bugs, yes if you a searching for them you will find them. An obvious one is wearing a corset and the top clothes not matching up. However it is mentioned, but the developer does have his priorities straight, although if he fixes it someday...
All in all this game is heading into the right direction but it can go anywhere from here. As mentioned above some things are lacking and can be improved for sure but seeing as he still is a single developer it can all get a bit much to keep on track.