Others - Completed - BoneTown: The Second Coming Edition [v2024-06-07] [D-Dub Software]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Bone Town is a real classic. The juvenile, polarizing humor might not age well, but it’s entertaining in a chuckle-worthy way. The 3D models are average and blocky, but the game’s biggest strength is its sandbox style. You can roam around, fight, and fuck, giving it a cool GTA-like vibe. As you get stronger, you win more fights and can have sex with the more sexy girls. A reskin with higher-poly models would be amazing, but this version is still a lot of fun. The scenarios are entertaining, and the game can keep you hooked for a long time. Definitely worth a try!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most amazing games ever. It's got pretty much everything. Incredible music. Lovely ambience. The sex is really great. The fights are easy. And all the drugs and weapons are super fun to explore and utilize in the game. And the jokes are hilarious. I wish there were more games like this.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Not worth your time.
    Let's go over gameplay. story/characters,theme and a bonus section.


    A certain online game with acronym of 3 letters, the key there is all about Crowd control abilities; in other words, not letting your enemies being able to do anything towards you.
    This is the combat of this game in a nutshell. Every attack will stun you. Winning easily here is all about using the power attack from a distance to knock down enemies, wait when they are half away up from their knockdown, and hit them again with the power attack. Rinse and repeat. You also have “gadgets”, The only good ones are the shroom which gives you God mode for few seconds(which trivializes the combat and makes it pointless), and the beer, which can knock down enemies instantly with God frames.
    Don't even try to play this game on anything but Easy, enemies regardless of the mode, will gang up on you, stun lock you to death, and are damage sponges.
    The only good thing l have seen from this “game” is that, in some missions, you leave out your weapon for some critical item, once you end the mission, your original weapon is returned. Wow, look at that, the only humane design choice in this mess.
    Your power ups("Gadgets") are numerous, you will forget what they do, but don't worry, you will only use the ones, that are actually useful. Or, rather, break the game.
    If you were playing on the harder modes, you would only spam them just to stay alive.

    The game is horribly optimized; I may have a weak PC, but this can easily surpass it. Some areas are terribly optimized: The gym, downtown. How can this be possible despite lowest settings and a game that isn't that demanding?

    A journey of beating up men, boning women, making balls bigger and throwing out the government for interning your actions and boning . Frankly, l stopped the game at the downtown. You meet up with all kinds of ethnicities, even native people, which make hilarious sounds. The game also has religious figures. They are all stereotypical, so don't expect quality here.
    The voice actors are a mixed bag; some really show their emotions and authenticity, others are just bored. Their voice lines are also limited which makes them repeat the same thing; shows how small the game is. Most of their lines(men purely) are hilarious when they insult you or women.

    I can't fathom the direction of the developers on this game. It tries to insult, make fun of, everything in the world. It is racist to everyone, but in the end, it isn't racist if you're racist to everyone.
    It really reminds me of Ghost Stories Dub; if it didn't have class, quality and taste.
    Almost every joke, reference,pun, is tasteless.
    I am pretty sure something like the Ghost Stories dub can happen again, however, it requires something, apparently something out of this world, apparently. Because I haven't seen it for a long, long time. Including sex theme as well? That's even tougher. The narrative is just too extreme of " The Opposite scale of being serious". l would add Bonetown(or the developer) on its own scale/tier of being either a serious game or a joke(not taken seriously)
    You may think, we shouldn't take it seriously, but I feel it has no direction,no development, it doesn't feel alive, in other words.
    The graphics or the art style, is fitting enough for the world it tries to present. However, l expected a bit more detail for the genitals, especially the anus. Still, the lack of optimization made me hate this game even more

    Bonus section
    Well, with everything mentioned above, how is the sex part eh? You can pretty much guess the implications of it. It is mostly a scene viewer, grinding out money to unlock new positions and grinding the story to unlock the ability to have intimacy with hotter girls. Sadly though, all of this "free" sex freedom is only for random NPCs. The story NPCs, only happen(have sex with them) after you complete a mission, and they NEVER return . This makes it even more lifeless. You can't date, and you can't get in contract with unique NPCs, it is all about boning the next random woman,futa, man, or lesbian.
    This game also includes lesbians,futas and gays as DLC. Interesting, but also pointless, as mentioned above.
    So in the end, you don't feel rewarded, it is all fake. Combat isn't helping, dialogue is questionable.
    Combat(which is the main gameplay) forces my score to 6(because it is a hentai game), the abysmal optimization makes it 4, the lack of tasteful dialogue or theme forces it to 3, and the lack of connectivity or intimacy or even eroticism forces the score to be minimum of 1.
    All I felt, was being forced. And the bugged cutscenes(NPC disappearing) also drag it down.
    Always be mindful of what you are you playing, sometimes, it is just better to not play it at all.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I remember seeing this game advertised around 2010, then again in 2020. The graphics always looked really poor. I'm glad I never purchased it. I played it for about 30 minutes before I just couldn't take it anymore. I have to say that not only are the graphics bad, but the models, the user controls, the graphical user interface, and the gameplay are all bad, too. The only decent thing about the game is the sound and voice acting. You might occasionally get a chuckle from the humor, but it's more cheesy than funny.

    Overall, I suppose this game would make a good time-waster, but it's not very good entertainment.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    This game is a product of its time, that time being in 2008, before we got better games.
    If you don't have the nostalgia of playing this game in the past, I can't recommend playing it now. The controls are frustrating, the gameplay isn't fantastic, and the porn is mediocre.
    Every character in this game embodies a racial or physical stereotype. It's crude, but can be funny if not taken too seriously. This game shouldn't be taken seriously, but if I can't keep my dick up when playing it, I'd rather just go play something better.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i keep hearing players saying its an ( old game - out dated - boomer game ) and some nonsense like that .. well its not .. you cannot say a game from 2008 is "OLD" not even games from 2003 .. simply because 2008 was almost the time of PS4 its a very high tech era .. its not like this game was made in the stone age or something .. so what are you talking about lol ?? just because you born yesterday doesn't mean the hi-tech was born with you .. ( in general )

    even the graphics and models in this game has a lot in common and similarity with new games that we play today .. yet no one complains about it .. and that proves my point .. so ..

    calling the game is outdated just because its
    7/10 hi-tech .. instead of 9/10 ( as what we have today ) .. is pretty much being a spoiled childish & ungrateful .. but any way .. lets talk about the real big problems with this game :

    they need to fix the freaking controls its horrible .. i keep losing only because of the controls instead of the difficulty

    and they need to make the map navigation more accurate because im still easily lost in where to go next ,, like hundreds of times .. i keep fallowing the marks in the map .. yet even with that its not really helping .. i still get stuck in dead ends.

    and that's all i can say .. other than that .. its a master piece & highly recommended :)
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Bonetown is an old game (2008), but it had several updates. The graphics are decent with the highest settings. A bunch of textures and shadows are low resolution. The western cartoony-style gives it a distinct look so it has aged quite well.

    The NPCs are generally attractive and cute in a cartoony way. There's a lot of different sex animations (a few require to be unlocked). This game has the most diversity in terms of NPC ethnicities, body-types (thin, normal, chubby, fat). mature, old, fashion and sub-cultures that I've ever seen in an adult 3D game. The music and voice-acting are nice additions to set the mood.

    The play-area is multiple open maps with different themes that you can freely explore. It's confusing to find a route to the next map and objectives though.

    Negative: the gameplay is mostly action-exploration. The story is shallow, but the dialogues and rewards of the main quests (blue stars) are worthwhile. Unfortunately, there is no gallery or multiple saves per character to replay those rewards. However, there's some fun activities and there are cheats to skip those parts of the game. The map is too small, and it doesn't show which buildings are accessible. The controls are a little weird, but I got used to it after a couple of hours. There's only a male playable character, I'd prefer more options. The female NPCs all have small labia minora (innies). The game runs smooth, but it crashes sometimes (save often).

    Overal: 4/5.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was released 14 years ago and it was pretty low-tech back then.

    As long as you can get past the dated models it's actually a pretty spectacular game.

    I play this game every few days just for the Combat. It is pretty simple but you can easily get knocked out if you don't time your hits right. So the battles are pretty challenging, especially with groups of enemies.

    It's a 3D open-world game filled with men you can battle and women you can have sex with.

    You start at a low level and can only have sex with very fat women, increasing your level until you can get increasingly skinny women.

    Your "Charisma" is labeled your "Ball size" and it goes up each time you level up. But you can also increase it by stealing the identity of men you defeat. Each type of man has a different range of charisma, from -2 to 10. The "Rich" guys (that's their name for the Black men) go up to 9. Asking a girl for sex who is above your Charisma will result in her refusing with an insult. You can TAB through sex positions once you start and you unlock positions through Quests and buying them from Hookers throughout the level. Getting Oral increases your Health. Vaginal restores any Charisma you lost in Battle. Anal does both.

    Your combat skill is handled the same way as Charisma. The baseline is determined by the identity you stole and then your level is added to that.

    When I play I go straight to Downtown and battle Rich guys until I find one with 9 Charisma and 8 Combat. The Rockers in Downtown top out at 8 Charisma and 9 Combat. You can also grab the bodies of Bosses you defeat and some of them go up to 10.

    You collect items on the ground (and dropped as loot) and each has an ability tied to it. For instance "Crack" will increase your running speed.

    Each item also has a Combat ability tied to it. You have to access those abilities by defeating bosses. 1 in each zone. The abilities ranges from straight damage to stuns and AOE blasts.

    Battles can be won with the abilities completely with no melee. I prefer using the abilities to herd the enemies into groups for melee strikes.

    Your combat damage is also determined by what melee weapon you have. The best weapon in the game is dropped when you have sex with Satan's wife but each weapoin also has a different "reach" so you cvan get weapons that have lower combat but will strike enemies further away, before they get in range to hit you.

    Your level goes up by finishing Quests. The storyline is silly and the writing is sophomoric. They play very heavily with stereotypes. There are Jews, Native Americans, People from India, etc. and each is pretty insultingly written with voice acting that is equally stereotypical.

    But the Quests are designed well and some are quite long. They take you through each zone well.

    Along with Quests the game has several "Challenges" in each zone. Some are Combat Challenges and others are Sex challenges. They give Cash rewards and each keeps a High Score. My favorite is in Downtown, where you have to defeat 25 enemies in 4 minutes. The reward is $1000. I got so addicted to that challenge I ended up with over $200,000 and a top score of 120 enemies in 4 minutes.

    This game is on Steam and the developer is quite active. They release regular updates and have given a pretty clear timeline of updates.

    As of this writing they just released an update a few days ago. It was a game-stability update so no visual improvements but hopefully the game runs better. For how often I play this, crashes are pretty rare for me (i5, GTX980, 16GB).

    This game is my favorite lewd game and actually inspired me to become a GameDev working on a Lewd project.

    If this review comes off as a Love Letter to this game: It is. I absolutely love this game and play it nearly every day.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Most of the games for adults is incomplete,or have lack of gameplay,or bad graphics.this game is a golden standart to me because it have all what i am expected from the really adult game.Also it have a big load of humor
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    It's hard to get excited about this game. Although I like the lewdness of the game, none of the females are fapworthy because they are just very low polymer 3D characters (or maybe they aren't low poly but are just ugly and more cartoony looking), a lot of which look disgusting because they are not only fat but ugly as well. And the game is intentionally silly. Everything is about STDs and everyone exemplifies the worst stereotypes. And they continuously make fun of biblical characters like Jesus and Moses throughout the game. But the game has its strengths in that it is an open 3D environment with WASD controls and there is always something to do. Your goal is to defeat all of the pipe bosses so you can jump higher, defeat all of the powermove bosses so you have new powermoves, get your ball size up, keep your life and and balls in good condition, hold on to a decent weapon, and explore the various maps while completing missions. There is a hidden cheat console so that you can get your ball size and weapon to over 60 and have over 10 million dollars which is really nice. In fact, each map has a cheat area where if you run over some floating icons you can get a bunch of free drugs and other stuff. Some of the pick up lines are somewhat witty and funny. I like how the game is procedurally generated, so there are always fresh new and different NPC characters that are doing something like walking around or fighting or having sex with each other. There are a lot of different voices and personalities in the game. I feel that the game only deserves 3 stars, but I will give it a generous 4 stars because it is good for what it is. One thing that I wish is that the M key would open up the Map instead of having to press Esc and then click on the Map button. One more thing that I forgot to mention is that you can collect items on each level to unlock a secret weapon. I haven't done that yet. This is basically a game with a little lewdness. Not at all a fap game. Not really to be taken seriously. It's decent. I wish that it was more exciting, but it was worth downloading and giving it a try.

    UPDATE: I gave this game a generous four stars because there was almost no 3D games with WASD movement. But honestly, this game isn't worth playing. The adult content is more for laughs than for stimulation. I almost finished the game, but I couldn't bring myself to complete the last few missions. Uninstalling now.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This review has been edited to reflect an updated experience.

    This game is not very good. It is old, so I am willing to look past the visual age and a compatibility mode change removed any crashes.
    It is appreciable that so much effort went into a crass, amusing game with no sense of 'correctness', but actually playing it is an absolute chore. The game has improved character count and spawning rate touted in its features but using them will make some missions artificially more difficult.
    "Combat" is an ABSOLUTE joke. It's frustrating and far too simple to justify how often it is the objective. Enemies with far too much health simply swarm you and attempt to stun-lock you, and on any difficulty above 'easy', you *will* outnumbered, knocked over, cornered or surrounded, and stun-locked to death.

    Edit: Original review preserved for posterity. Having acquired a more recent version of the patched release, a good few problems are made far less overbearing. Enemies were made simpler and incidental NPCs less prevalent even on the higher spawn rate settings, making combat less of a chore. Performance has improved as well, though I still run in Win8 Compatibility to prevent crashes.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Utter rubbish!!
    Who ever design a game where you are FORCED to cheat?
    The game is near impossible to complete. If it weren't for the totally imbalanced fights which gets you stun locked to death you have to jump on ledges and miss one you fall down and start from the beginning and where's that? ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD!!
    The NPC power attacks doesn't work as yours do and do insane damage, even though you add the fight buff to max it is as nothing changed.
    It takes hours to complete even a single mission because there aren't enough save points. And when you are nearing the end, what happens then?
    The possibility to find powerful weapons are also completely useless as it is knocked out of your hands and drops down a ledge or into the deep ocean where you can't reach it!

    Did I mention the performance?
    It runs as good as a petrol engine filled with diesel.
    The FPS is horrendous even on a powerful machine.
    It lags for no apparent reason at ALL!

    I tried really hard to like this game, I've played it over the weekend but it has been a total waste of time!
    I honestly don't think this is possible to finish without cheats and whoever say it is possible must be lying.

    The only thing this game has which is worthwhile are the animations, although the character models look like shit the animations and sex positions are hot.
    However all but two of the chapter animations were cleared by a known bug which the dev has ignored.

    On one hand I'm happy that I found this game here on F95Zone because I was near buying this a few months ago.
    But then again, it could have been marvellous!

    I'll download the full save and enjoy the unlocked animations and the rest of this year I will try to forget I ever tried this!

    To the developer: Congratulations of wasting my weekend, well done!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It's bonetown. Did have some crashing issues which (I think) stopped after I left the control and resolution settings on default. After getting past the first mission or around there, I've been able to change resolutions with no crashes
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, Fun, Fun. No bugs encountered yet but not far along. Prior version was great. Raunchy plus!!! Sex is more funny than arousing. If you have a sense of humor to which raunchy is appealing you will enjoy this.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    A buggy fucking mess.

    It would be alright.

    I can look pass the random crashes.

    But when the game fucking resets your progress and you can't re-unlock already unlocked poses(even the Chapter poses are locked. On Chapter 10) then this game is piece of shit.

    Thanks for the hours wasted.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3788297

    Starting on a beach, you get your dick blown off. You then start playing the real deal! You walk and find the first sexy pixel girl waiting for you! You decide to fuck her anally. DOESN'T WORK, you get pissed off start a fucking brawl with 10 people until you realize you can go to a hooker and get your dick blown off a second time for 50bucks. Funny a.f really enjoyed it, also PS1 graphs <3
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is entertaining as frick. I wish they make games like this more often

    Controls are good
    Simple but engaging combat
    Animated scenes
    Lots of poses
    Open world with lots of freedom
    Different weapons
    Fully voiced
    Can give you a plenty amount of time killing time

    With this graphics, it will less likely to turn you on
    Combat is so simple and repetitive
    The sex animaions isn't that good

    5 stars for a great game like this