Ren'Py - Abandoned - Book of Corruption [v0.55 Public] [YLA]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I was told this was a bad game, so I had to check it out myself. I see a lot of similarities to another game (ric/ria/sa) but this one seems more light than that one. both are grindy but this one is a bit less so. has similar HS graphics, time seems to flow better here. plenty of targets if you like the corruption theme. I am nowhere near done as this is a long game, also it has a oone time use cheat, but be careful of corrupting too fast you might miss things...
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    In Early Development but it does have a diverse enough bodyshapes in the cast of characters, And The Hard Work and desire to innovate(Not Just Copy Mr.C) of the Dev it reflects in the game´s updates, I have been supporting since the beginning, Keep up the good work YLA (y)
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1808184

    This game has several bugs (up to and including being booted back to Main Menu out of blue), typos (LOTS of them), the writing is super weak (and I'm not even speaking about the non-existing lore, the writing overall requires suspension of disbelief for every single line).
    The renders have bland background (posing is probably fine), it is not clear how the book work (it seems to have passive effects, yet needs mana to activate... uh?), not all girls seems to show on the phone (or it is just not really designed for loading older savegames?). Game seems to have no audio.
    Pacing is weird, most stuff happen "because" and even the excuse "because the book" seems to fall short most of time. Oh, and it can be a bit grindy. I won't even mention how time flow sometimes makes no sense (some actions use time and some doesn't, and this rule changes for different characters and stages). Action buttons vanish as you progress, probably intended but breaks the player expectations, therefore falls under bug category.

    This game definitely has its charms, of course. The characters aren't totally bland and it caters decently to the fetish; You can see a progression on the girls ─ they change clothes as they get more corrupted, for example. It also avoid almost all pitfalls which could make you want to throw it out the window: It uses Ren'Py (so auto-save even when booted to main menu, quick save, no painfully slow transition, and most of the GUI sorted out by default), and even has some cool things and utilities like being waked up by a girl (no lewds, though?) or a button to quickly return to bedroom.

    I honestly have no idea what the dev is focusing on ─ it's not the story, it's not the graphics, it's not the dialogues or character building, not music, not gameplay. I can't cite a single "strong point" or "you should play this game because of X". The best parts seems to be just average.

    Granted the game is still in an early stage of development and it probably deserves an average rating, is it not bad (just abuses from suspension of disbelief and has bugs and typos without any particularly redeeming trait), but... as most of issues were present on the demo, "it'll improve later" doesn't seems to apply, therefore, I'll rate it as "Poor".

    TL;DR You have no reason to play this one. If you're interested on the genre and already played everything else, this one is fine ─ it probably won't get on your nerves. That's all.

    Will keep watching it, though.
    Version 0.45
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    There are a bunch of issues with this game, all of which crop up very early, but are completely fixable.

    From stilted, unnatural dialog to a complete dearth of punctuation and Capitalization, it's just completely irking to try and sit through. Some of the models look good, while others, possibly just because of rendering issues, kind of ruin the experience.

    Bad early renders are relatively easy to ignore, if the rest of the game appears to be invested in properly.

    If you want to take a swing at the concept Mr C. is working with in Corruption, as seems very obvious here, put the care into your craft that is demanded of a challenger.

    This review would have been a lot shorter if not for the rules of F95.

    Basically, my point is, do proper Capitalization and punctuation -- it's a real bummer to try and work through a picture book with terrible grammar.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    for 0.30
    One of those where you get an introduction and you are on your own navigating rooms and interacting with the girls through menus and perform actions to increase some hidden stat and unlock scenes.

    There is one night assault scene and thegirl has her pijamas and all the sudden is naked legs spread, i would say that a couple of renders there are absolutely necessary cause the guy needs to grab her pants and remove them, and then spread her legs, those are 3 actions, and you only see the result.
    Im not an expert in night assaults...(lol) but a "friend" of mine told me that there are a lot of things involved in that action, and this one doesnt cover the basics.

    As for the gameplay. I couldnt use the work option bcause of an error. The corruption thing works like this: You use the corrupt magic 2 or 3 times and you level up the coruption level, then you go talk to you roommate, you ask for a handjob and there is not even a discusion about it, she just says yes. No talking, no dicussing the procedure, no much sex talk, more like and exchange. The scene is 3 renders. 1 grabs dick, 2 moves hands and guy cums, 3 she is showered in cum.

    This definetly needs work but i dont expect it to improve really, its a feeling i have. The writing i wouldnt expect much from it, but the spelling needs serious and special atention.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is looking good

    Love the corruption

    love the randers

    But dev should hire someone for the english grammar

    Had some bugs most of them you could ignore wich i understand because game is still a Work in progess

    looking forward to more updates
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the project: D
    It is a bit simple but I am sure that with time, experience and more updates it will be very good. I hope you can improve and that more people know about your project and support you
    I will look forward to the next update

    Those milfs are hot ;)
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewed version 0.0.5
    Game is still in an early phase of development, so it was pretty rough.
    The intro is too barebones. Needs a lot more effort put into the writing, only excusable if the developer isn't a native English speaker. I would recommend the developer look into "corruption" (the game that this is most like) and copy the good elements from it while also trying to differentiate this game from it. I'm giving it a good recommendation cause it needs more eyes on it.