VN - Unity - Book of Lust [v0.1.21.1b] [KanashiiPanda]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Putting this review fully based off of facts

    The art is AMAZING, the gameplay is long and entertaining and the characters are perfect.

    I have some personal opinions but they really don't matter when this game is a pretty awesome game with good updates, great art, and some actually good scenes that branch out.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Well This game was pretty fun to play the scenarios are interactive the desings are good and some animations Nice too But we have the same problem like all other type of Mind control and Succubus contract and dat issss..... GRINDING HELL :D YAAY I LOVE GRINDING FOR 2 FUCKIN HOURS YAAAAY for fuck sake why H game always do this shit, Now the game isn´t bad its far from bad but still its pretty meh the story its kinda boring and the dialgues too.But still it has someting that doesn´t make it Bad its weird if you ask me still Meh game Meh wank, You can try it but for me i don't recommned ill just watch the scenes i didn´t unlock on some website and go jerk off but thats it 5/10 (Sorry for my bad english). Still it isn´t finished so it can improve on something i hated so ill wait)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I found "Book of Lust" a couple years ago and have been following its updates ever since. The game has a cool storyline with rich lore that pulls you into the adventure. Each character is unique, with their own backstory and personality, making the interactions really interesting.
    The animation is awesome. The characters move smoothly and expressively. The attention to detail is great, and it kept me really excited and happy throughout the game.
    What I loved the most is the amount of space for interactions. There are so many ways to interact with the characters, which makes the game feel fresh and exciting even though the main plot stays the same. This is a great mix of story and scenes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot to love with many character interactions.
    The amount of combinations with body swapping + possession + impreg content is impressive. On top of that hand-drawn animated scenes? Just a delight, and it touches on a lot of flavors that I enjoy.

    The same quirks that make BoL great, are what unfortunately will leave it in a perpetual development cycle. There are 15 characters in the stat sheet at the time of writing, so that would be 210 scenes from each perspective for just body swapping (ignoring variants).

    The multiplicative scene problem the dev is creating is similar to the impossible hamster. With each added character the amount of variants grows out of control.

    My advice for KanashiiPanda is to separate out the kinetic novel chapter part of the game with the sandbox part.. Have new characters as part of the linear chapter side story but LEAVE THEM OUT OF THE SPELL BOOK.

    Right now the new player experience is: After leaving the Hart household and using the spell book to be met with black screen after black screen with placeholder text because the scenes will never be finished. It's impossible to expect the dev to hand draw all the variants.

    Game needs serious fat trimming, focus on the Hart household with at most 4 characters total for example Cassandra, Jake, Mel, Olivia with full scene variants using the spell book, because to me the bright spot of the game is the use of the spell book to achieve wonderful scene variants, which keeps me coming back from time to time.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    For a vn style game, it actually has a lot of interactions. and i hate VNs for how boring they usually are. this one is definetly better though it's got a bunch of WIP content. The grind for exp is a little bit tedious, but it could get adjusted or there will be more opportunities with new content. As for the art style - it is simple yet it's not bad. i hope i will be able to bump it up to 5 whenever it releases
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok first thing first this game should not be considered a VN. It is a sandbox and it should be clearly tagged as it. Even though I had inferred it been a sandbox by reading some of the reviews and the guide, it was worse than what I expected.

    If you like sandboxes give this game a real opportunity. The game looks amazing and I enjoyed the few scenes that I managed to achieve before giving up due to its sandbox nature. This game has all the traits that people love about sandboxes and I personally dislike. You need to grind stats; you have to wait for the perfect moment in time to reveal some scenes; you have “freedom” which for me translates in being lost and not knowing exactly how or where to continue. I rather read a straight story line with some side stories than having to look around and complete side quest to be able to advance other quests or the main story.

    Anyhow, congrats dev If you make this game into an actual VN in the future I would love to play it and I am sure I would thoroughly enjoy it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm totally into the game's concept, it's really nice how you can switch bodies with almost anything. I really hope it gets the spotlight it deserves! One of my favorite games. Can't wait till the next update
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this game! A good amount of content so far and a good range of interactions. Love the possible combinations available from the possession/body swap abilities and hope to see it expanded further.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Not into furry but this checks the prego fetish box so here we are.

    Now lets get started on the loop its simple the usual have sex with xyz and keep doing it go to sleep get some exp as you do things and level up your spell book. Get characters to max influence/ love have sex sex sex. It does have a small story to get the ball rolling but ya know this be a sex game that is still in dev since the dinosaurs went extinct. There is still a crazy amount of unfinished art that i remember seeing not finished from many moons ago probably years?

    All in all its ok better the most of the porn games but no where an top of the food chain. If you got time to kill play it if your impatient it has a cheat menu and you can just skip through content to see the scenes quicker.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Just to give my own take on the game thus far. Its incomplete, so I may come back and revise my review from time to time.


    - For a VN, this game is surprisingly complex. There is a coherent reason why you have a spell tree, why spells are necessary at all, and youre not just moving from one sex scene to another
    - There are animated H scenes, so its not just a pic waving about as you hump
    - Story is fine, fairly well told. Not great or anything, but I knew what was going on and what my character is supposed to be doing, with some allowances made.
    - The dialogue doesnt cheese me off, which is always a plus. Usually VN dialogue not only pours 2nd hand embarrassment onto me, Im usually very quick on the skip buttons. This one though, while dialogue is completely skippable, Ive rarely used it.


    - Music is bad. In fact, there's either a bug thats turning off the music from time to time, or the dev is keenly aware of the subpar music being used in this game.
    - The game's complexity is all tied to sex, so it shouldnt be surprising that youre doing it, ALOT. There's such a thing called moderation, but this game clearly ran through it with a spike. There's only so much sex a man can take before concluding that something is wrong in the air.
    - There's no VA for the H scenes, which is always a disadvantage no matter how well made it is.
    - Artwork is perhaps only charitably described as decent.

    Alright, here's a short summary of the story, without spoilers. You play as Jake, a normal wolf of college going age. One day you accidentally released a succubus from a sealed book which you got as a birthday present, and that demon possessed your mother. You then proceed to have sex with your mom (following me so far?). The demon explains that she'll only release your mom if you can figure out how from the book and to do that, you'll need to essentially be fucking a lot of women. Ok, that's the plot. At least youre not some crazy japanese hero fucking what clearly is an eight year old.

    Gameplay is fine up to a point. There's not really much else to say other than fuck ladies to get exp, which will allow you to get spells so you can fuck even more ladies. At some point you'll be able to swap bodies so you can fuck all of them again and sometimes even their male partners.

    With regards to the artwork, well...its kinda mixed because the bodies are drawn up to par, I cannot easily spot mistakes on proportions etc. and yet the head and faces are so below average you cant help but feel that the artist is deliberately drawing it shite just to fit into what can be generously described as a 'style'.

    So in conclusion. All in all the story is fine, the dialogue doesnt grate, and the game is not just a linear spacebar adventure. Unfortunately, Im not a fan of the artwork and presently thats the only real problem I have with the game. Feels like eating nutritional pills rather than a hearty meal for dinner.

    I can only recommend it because at the end, theres really not alot of furry niche VN in the market, with competant stories and artwork. You can have pig princess which is sublime in artwork yet shallow as fuck, or you can have this, a well paced, complex gameplay VN experience, but with artwork that flatters to deceive.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Book of Lust, a visual a furry novel with lots potential, the game promises an enthralling experience from the very beginning. The art style and atmospheric soundtrack further enhance the allure.

    Regrettably, this enchanting journey is tarnished by the overwhelming sense of incompleteness that pervades the game. Key elements, critical scenes, and character arcs are conspicuously absent, leaving players feeling unfulfilled and yearning for more. The lack of polished content dampens the impact of the narrative, leaving Book of Lust a fragmented tale.

    One glaring issue is the absence of visual cues or guides to help players navigate their way through the game. Without a clear indication of what to do next, players can easily become disoriented and miss out on crucial content. The lack of a coherent flow disrupts the immersion, leading to a sense of frustration and confusion.

    Moreover, missed opportunities to explore the world further. The potential for deep interactions and meaningful choices goes untapped, leaving players with a lingering feeling of missed opportunities and untold stories.

    For this vn to reach its full potential, a dedicated effort to finish the game and implement visual guides is essential. Only then can players fully immerse themselves.

    Despite its current limitations, Book of Lust manages to tease players with what could have been a remarkable journey into a realm of temptation and passion. With the necessary improvements, this visual novel has the potential to captivate and satiate players' desires for an unforgettable and complete experience.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    i think BoL might be the most above-average h-game i've ever played. its strengths are good but not remarkable, and while i enjoyed the game as a whole, it could use a layer of polish.

    the art style is the most glaring example of the whole "polish" complaint. it reminds me of old newgrounds flashes: simplistic, mostly unshaded, and cartoony. this style works great for the (many) animated scenes, but it can come off as flat elsewhere. now, frame-by-frame animation is, to put it lightly, a massive pain in the ass, so i understand why the art be like that, though i can't help but feel like it could use a little love in places.

    on the flip side of that, the actual love part of the game is its biggest strength. i'm glad for that, because sex magic is a great selling point: it helps bypass the traditional VN relationship stats grind, and most of the supporting cast has at least one bonus scene that you can only access via mind control, possession, or other, more subtle tricks.

    a brief aside: while the spell system is a great concept, it means the amount of scenes an artist needs to draw scales out of control very quickly for each character. body swapping, mind control, possession, suggestion, magical impregnation, etc. all would require their own scenes for each spell beyond vanilla sex. with hand-drawn art, this is problematic. with frame-by-frame hand-animated art, this is next to impossible for a solo developer to achieve within their lifetime. if it killed Breeding Season, it could kill BoL.

    as far as the aforementioned supporting cast, most of them feel like they could use some fleshing out, but the few who play their parts in the game's questlines are great. their emotional beats work, their backstories and lore are well-conceived, and they're generally likeable. it's promising writing all told: Kanashii, if you're reading this, read more books and write more stuff! you're one of those talented writers who grasps the foundations of good writing; all you really need to become an excellent writer at this point is practice, patience, and time. and also a proofreader. everyone needs a proofreader.
  13. 3.00 star(s)



    I have been following this game for years now and it really isn't going anywhere.
    The game has very good looking art, and some of it is even animated. It is your typical succubus contract story where you mindfuck then normal fuck your mom, sister, and then a bunch of other girls.

    As a twist you have a bunch of different spells you can cast, also furry. You have the standard mind altering ones, but also more exotic ones such as sharing sensation.

    The pregnancy content is very very disappointing. You cast a spell to create create a magical familiar then "impregnate" a woman with it. after super rapid pregnancy she gives birth. the familiar then fucks one of the women in the game all night to harvest sexual XP. then it happily "merges" with you. basically killing it to give you XP. and it calls you father too which is very disconcerning. It feels like offscreen vore of potentionally your monster child. Also NTR because your son just fucked your waifu.

    What really trips this game up though is the possession spell.
    At the start of the game you are basically made into a demonic copy of yourself possessing yourself. There is still the original self in the body, and if you body hop then it will reassert itself. But you are a new entity with the memories and personality of the original that can possess any NPC, male or female, in the game.

    Math fun-time O'clock!
    X = number of love interests in the game
    If the MC never engages in threesomes and never watches NTR then the number of possible pairings in the game is simply X. If X is 2 you need to make sex scenes for 2 pairings, if X is 20 then you need 20 pairings. If you want a dozen scenes per love interest that means you need to animate 12X scenes. For 20 waifus that is 240 scenes that need to be animated.

    Now add the possession spell. The formula for this is... (X+1)*X. The +1 comes from the fact that the MC is also a waifu. And that A fucking B != B fucking A.

    So if you have 20 waifus that is 420 possible pairings for vanilla 1 on 1 sex. a dozen scenes each and you are looking at 5040 scenes needing to be animated.

    But wait, there is more! You can use a spell to change who the succubus possesses, and you can order the succubus to switch between full possession and subconscious possession. These all alter the sex scenes. Meaning you need to triple the figure from before. so instead of 5040 you need 15120 scenes!
    Then throw in some extra scenes for familiars, 3somes, NTR, and so on.

    This gets worse with every waifu added to the game. The possession spell changes the number of scenes needed per LI from linear growth to quadratic growth, and the succubus triples that. The author simply set an impossible goal to himself and this game will always feel very threadbare, because he does not focus his effort on completing the route of a single MC. Instead all possible MCs are getting attention.

    Now, he isn't exactly spreading it around equally. There is still a decent-ish amount of content for the original male MC. But all those other possible routes are a mere distraction. And you really must have a guide to find what content is available.
    However there is no such a guide, you have to try all possible combinations manually. And they all require grinding before you can try anything, and then once you grinded you usually get a WIP scene instead of an actual content scene.

    I have zero interest in playing as a female MC and I am not into self cuckoldry so I will not be changing who the male MC is via possession spell. I am also not gay so I will avoid the male love interests, and have no interest in NTR...
    This is a pretty standard mindset in my opinion. and cuts down the vast majority of combinations, meaning a lot of updates contain nothing of interest to me. But even if I was into all content this game puts out it would forever be a huge morass of WIP scenes because it is literally impossible for the author to ever make a meaningful dent in this game's backlog of scenes.

    It might be worthwhile to waste a couple of hours on the starting MC though. Which is why I am still giving it a 3/5 instead of something lower. But don't expect this to ever be anything more than a ton of WIP signs.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Me: Wow - This game completely caught me off guard. I was 100% sure this game was, while maybe good, definitely NOT for me. I'm a straight guy with relatively """normal""" tastes. The tags furry, gay, and NTR make it pretty obvious that I won't enjoy this, right? WRONG lol.

    You: You say that, but I've seen games try to do this "pleasing all players" bullshit before. It always results in a game that either forces you to watch shit you don't like, or be starved for content because dev hasn't focused on your interests

    Me: Truuue, excluding this game. Well, maybe the latter applied to earlier versions of this game, but it doesn't apply to it now. This game has a lot content (can't 100% verify the non-straight content but it seems like there's a bunch), and I think you can easily avoid every kink in the game?.. Yeah even straight stuff; you level up by having sex but I think you can just go straight for a male character if you want... So yeah, this one is different. That said, you can't go straight to lesbian content as that requires a body swap ability (requires leveling up) - but this game has a VERY WELL IMPLEMENTED CHEAT SYSTEM - WELL DONE DEVELOPER, HOLY SHIT, IMAGINE ADDING TOOLS THAT LET PLAYERS SAVE THEMSELVES FROM A BAD EXPERIENCE...

    You: Okay, but what about the furry shit - Those games are usually super cringy....

    Me: Alllso true, but not this one! I mean, it's got a hint of it but really it's fine. Actually the characters and dialog are so good that they swayed my sexual interests from incest characters (an easy default for me) to others.

    You: Okay fine, just tell me about it then

    Me: Right, well I don't want to spoil anything because there actually some decent plot points built in the game today, but the premise is this: You've found a tome owned by one of the 7 demons representing the 7 deadly sins: Gluttony... Jk: Lust, obviously. These tomes grant their keeper special powers and you put yours to good use... but you might not be the only keeper of a tome!

    Regardless, you grow your powers by fucking (literally sex gives you xp and nothing else does), but you're just a rando and no one is gonna just fuck you at your whim... yet. As you grow you get some pretty strong and interesting powers that heavily impact the plot and your interactions with characters. There's a whole skill tree with abilities ranging from "make this person like me more" to "make this person obey my every command" to "literally swap bodies with this person", and many more.

    As far as the game's offering goes: Animated scenes galore, lots of attractive models, and a pretty good story and dialog. The sandbox game play ACTUALLY WORKS. It's not a crazy big sandbox (probably for the best), but yeah you can go and do what you want as you please. There are some story elements woven in that do require "A then B then C" style steps to complete, but you're under no obligation to pursue if you don't want to...

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    So yeah... It's a pretty strong title.

    You: Hmm, okay... But if that's all true, why are you only giving it 4 stars?

    Me: Well, honestly it could be a 5 star experience today (v0.0.91.1c) if the dev was a little less ambitious. As the game stands there is definitely enough content to have a satisfying play, but there's a lot that isn't done yet too. Including place holder digital pencil drawings/animations in some spots, or some sex scenes that just trigger a "YOU HAD THE SEX" dialog... This is sort of blue bally; All characters have good content and most have many scenes, but you'll run into like trying to mind control the sister, for example; Her scene for that doesn't exist... Kind of a bummer. Now, she has great content elsewhere (to reiterate, she has tons of complete and satisfying animated sex scenes), but... yeah. Same applies to the story, it's good but we're probably only 1/6 of the way done (hint hint regarding the 7 deadly sins topic...).

    So yeah, I recommend it, I can see it being a 5 star game eventually; but if dev abandoned it today I'd feel fine calling it 4 stars (which hopefully speaks volumes about current status).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the idea of the game in terms of gameplay, and I hope it gets the attention it deserves! The ability to swap bodies with pretty much everything and have different interactions with characters is amazing!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It's, uh, more of a toy than a game, and it's pretty clear the dev's going for the "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle" approach to development.
    There's a little plot, which is slowly starting to develop, but the game really doesn't mind much if you ignore it (outside of, uh, what's her face, Caroline? Whatever her name was, she's got a semi-hidden time limit to her little story).
    The game's far better as a dumb sandbox anyway, you can hypnotize basically whoever you want, possess a good chunk of characters, sleep with almost everyone, magically impregnate most of the girls, etc.
    The characters are all furry, but they don't overdo their "furry-ness" too much, outside of the main character's GF being into a petplay sort of thing, since she's a deer and you're a, uh, wolf, I think.

    Anyway, for the most part, the game is fun to fool around with for a while, at least until you've seen the handful of things that align with your kinks anyway.
    I'm mostly here for the impregnation scenes, and there's a decent chunk of those.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Book of Lust is a clearly unfinished game, one that has the groundwork for something truly incredible. I have currently spent a few hours in this game and I'm very impressed despite the current lack of content.

    Plot is thin, VERY thin. The prologue exists in one scene where a succubus takes over your mom (incest is prominent btw), she spanks you on the ass and tells you to go get 'em tiger (or wolf), and you go get 'em. There's nothing else. You can figure out everyone's relations during your course through the game, but the game doesn't force you to go through a boatload of introductions, which I, for one, greatly approve of. It's just you, your book, and and bunch of really great hand-drawn animations.

    It is very sandbox in nature. The game gives you a list of different abilities and its up to you to fuck your way into getting them so you can fuck harder. Speaking of, all but one or two people are affected by your spells, so when you get something called "dreamwalk", you better believe you can some mileage out of it. Better yet, continuing from this example, dreamwalk reacts differently depending on the person you use it on. Everyone has a different dream to enter and make your bitch.

    IN THEORY, and this is the one problem with the game right now. The game's got a lot of promise and groundwork, but there's nothing built on it yet. When I mind-controlled my gfs mom expecting to rock her world, I rocked her world off screen. When I soul-linked my Sis's BF expecting to see what I could do between the two, all I got were base explanations about what he did. When I entered my gf's dreams, I was surprised, but still happy, to come into a storyboard set of cgs along with the scene.

    Aside from that there's a few technical issues as well. Traveling is clunky and annoying, hotkeys are a mess and make no sense (N to skip? Why?), and every time the day was over the app would just freeze and threaten to crash for a few seconds. It'd be nice if that stuff was ironed out before release.

    All in all though, Book of Lust is a very small delight right now, but it has the makings of something FANTASTIC later on. Even if you don't want to dive into it now, definitely keep a sharp eye on it. You'll want to jump in eventually.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Im not a furry BUT this game is good.
    the concept is the classic university/family mind control/corruption and its implemented very well.
    gameplay is fun and interactive.
    characters look ok.
    scenes are all over the place going from smooth animation to badly drawn ones, but im assuming it will change in the future.

    my main concern is that it will take a long time to get the completed tag.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I feel the saying 'bitten off more than you can chew' can sum up how the game will be.
    Good concept, but there is way too many options to be implemented.
    If it actually finishes I will gladly take back my comment and pledge the Patreon without hesitation.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Game suffers from being far too over ambitious. The result is it presents a lot of options and 'content', but there really isn't much to see.

    You can fuck people, mind control fuck people, dream fuck people, put a succubus in their body and fuck them, put yourself in their body and fuck them, put yourself in their body and a succubus in your moms and mind control fuck your mom
    See, that's a lot of fucking.
    Its too much fucking.
    Its far, far too much fucking, too many scenarios, too many people fucking people to draw in any reasonable amount of time.
    The result of this? Most sex scenes just say, essentially, ''you banged, +stats''. There's no indication in-game on who has any real content beyond a black screen and ''you banged'' so you just have to try them all... but you tire nearly instantly with any action and you have to grind their stats up. Tediously skipping days and grinding them just to be met with ''you bang''.
    The game needs a marker or something to show who actually has more than ''you bang''.
    And getting back to your bed to rest is tedious. The fast way is to hit 'travel', click as many arrows as it takes to get home, click back, then sleep. The fastest way is slower than the default way in most similar games. There's no town map or location indicator on the top of the screeen or anything like that.

    Now when you do actually get to do a sex, and its not you bang, what can you expect? Mostly uninished art. Sometimes finished art that drastically shifts artstyle mid-scene when it switches from animated to not. Which I find very jarring.
    But are these scenes GOOD? I would say no, not really. They're very short. More or less just 'put dick in hole, done'. I don't expect like tits or coc level of describing sex, but what we have here just feels like the absolute bare minimum. Its borderlining on just saying ''they banged'', but with some pretty art.

    The art is pretty, by the way. Very little variety in body types. But pretty.

    The writing, however, is... not pretty. MC is understandably against fucking his possesed mom, then more or less gets told, 'get over it lol'. And so he does. So effectively he won't bat an eye as he replaces his mothers conciousness with a succubus, his sisters with his own, and uses his sisters body to fuck his mother. Its like they just forgot to write 90% of the game. Everyone is like this. They're either fine with anything you do or nothing. On or off. Binary. Like machines.
    And because of this, once they are 'on', once you've seen all their scenes, there's nothing to see anymore. You can't explicitly grope or kiss them or anything like that. You can click 'flirt' and hope that's what he does, because the game won't tell you. The only thing you can explicitly choose to do is put dick in hole. Which, as we covered, is pretty dry.

    Unlocking spells comes down to doing a sex, so ironically, the best way to progress in this game is to completely ignore what content is there, find a ''they banged'' character, and bang them. Then you just skip past the ''they banged'' message for your stat ups, not an entire scene.
    I feel like there's a serious problem when the best way to progress in your game, outside of cheating, is to actively avoid finished content in favor of a black screen.

    Right now the game is 'okay'. I played it, 'I banged', I maxed the family. Then I cheated to see who has content and found 90% of the game is barren. I was unimpressed with the sex scenes I saw, but the art was nice.

    I'm not someone who says ''oh, game could be good, 5 stars''. If the game gets better later, I'll come back and give it more. But right now, its just.. okay. I can't really give it more than that when its so unfinished.