VN - Unity - Book of Lust [v0.1.21.1b] [KanashiiPanda]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    {Review on ver]

    I played a lot of VN games before. Some with overflowing UI which makes the game a lot difficult to navigate, Some with good story with no good cg or animation, Or some with no story at all.

    The game has simple UI and simple mechanics. Story is good and entertaining (but as far as the info from the website and the game itself, more will be added in the future), Cg and animation are really nice and sexy (some are still sketches but at least we know something is being worked on)

    Some comment said to focus on the sketches and finish them, but as for someone who is a programmer and a digital artist. Both takes time and for just 1 person to make decent animation (especially frame by frame which is what I think used in the animation part ) + art and then code the game (even if it's C# and C++ which is used for programming in unity). Then play test and debug, All I can say is props to the dev
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1631636

    Tons of hours of surprisingly immersive play, really fucking hot. Cool worldbuilding, feel-good vibe, and sexy as fuck. Also, the game is consistently given updates with lots of sex and game stuff. As a heads up all weird content you may have heard about is either very apparent or clearly avoidable.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I Love this game ❤
    Even being a male protagonist, the body change option makes this game wonderful xD
    i love female protagonist ^^
    The art of the game, and animations are 10/10
    The various options of the game make several hours of gameplay ^^
    I'm looking forward to the next updates
    And... i love succubus mom , incest and Feral content :3
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Very solid start.

    Content is currently a bit light. There's a lot of systems in place, but very few ways to take advantage just yet.

    The skill tree is surprisingly robust.
    However, other than a few late items (Body swapping), most of it isn't that necessary. By the time you grind (and bump) enough exp to unlock everything, you don't really need them any more.

    That said, they open the door to some very interesting game play if more content gets added.

    Very interested in seeing where this goes.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    What? A furry game with hetero sex you say? A mind control/possession mechanism that actually works? But that would infinitely multiply the work the of the dev... well luckily there aren't that many characters at the moment but it's a fun game. Every new character increases the possible spell and character interactions exponentially making BoL quite the ambitious project.

    With decent art and what looks like a deeper storyline waiting to happen, I expect great things. Though it might be years until we get there.
    Likes: GaRbS
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    Now I'll start off by saying I am not a furry fan, that said I'm open minded. The main point of attraction for me with this game, and it might attract you as well, is the possession mechanic. You are able to eventually swap bodies with anyone, or you will eventually.

    For example, your sisters boyfriend is called Mel and is the typical American high school quarterback type jock. Tall, built and comwhat cocky. So...why not possess him?

    Interestingly enough, when you possess another character the relationship stats change as you would expect. So your mother obviously starts out with more love for you but if you possess Mel you have to start off with 0 love from...'Your' mother. It's nice enough that scenes and dialogue change depending on who you are currently possessed.

    I think that's what makes the game stand out from others at the moment, now it's early days so some scens are text or a simple sketch, others are decently animated. My only hope is that he dev continues with the game and gets everything done because oddly enough I quite like it.

    The possession mechanic though leads to an interesting conundrum, some of you will notice the dreaded NTR tag (I don't mind it). But from what I see, it's you as the player that initiates that. So let's say you possess Mel again and you have him charm and seduce 'your' mother or your girlfriend. IS that really NTR when it's YOU controlling the guy?

    Story and graphic wise it's okay, not "I wanna put my dick through the screen' type great but neither is it akin to watching Ann Widdecombe speeches and having a cold shower. So....yeah.

    If your skeptical I advise downloading it and giving it a fair run before deciding, even if you are put off by certain tags.

    Me personally i think there is the potential for some great comedy moments, imagine if the dev codes in a way to return to your body without having to be in the vicinity. Possess mel, have him fuck a fat girl and in the middle of it go back to your own body. Lol! :)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    OMG this is one of the best games i have ever played. there is a ton of content and the art is awesome. There are scenes with no color, they are like rough drawings but you can tell who is doing who. Animation is good. I highly recommend it. Can't wait for more.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this is a solid game. The skill system is a great idea, you create a situation that has a large amount of possibilities. The art is on point, with each scene with one solid animation. The only reason I didnt give this game a 5/5 is because some of the scene's art is not complete, you can clearly make out what is happening but there is no color or the animations are a really rough sketches. I would say it's understandable to pause new development of the story or new skills to go back and complete the art. If the art in those scenes that are incomplete were complete that should be as good as new content in the game. It would be like a color blind person finally seeing color for the first time. I did notice a few bugs but they were that bad if you continuously save. I do want to mention there was a part you had to grind 40+ to progress which I think is just over kill, that should be minimized to a lower number like 10+ and you can only do it daily, so you had to be at least on day 41. Nonetheless, I cant wait for more.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good art, somewhat engaging mechanics. The game is in very early stage so if you decide to go for it, take that into consideration. In my opinion it holds promise.
    If you are into anthropomorphic girls, and can stomach some amount of NTR I would give it a try.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.0.50.1b]

    Art's good if unpolished, decent placeholder level as evidenced by several rough sketches present for some scenes.

    Writing is the same level. Plotting is understandable and hints at promising potential, but is a bit trite at the moment. Pacing is a bit wonky, particularly with the zero-to-sixty nature of the mom.

    Nothing squicked me. There is male-male content I didn't go for, but it's avoidable via the common sense maxim Don't Flirt With The Guy As A Guy If You Don't Want Guy+Guy. There's as much potential with the porn as there is with the plot: group stuff, milf stuff, harem stuff and Jerry Springer set-up-your-sister-to-find-her-boyfriend-banging-her-mom stuff.

    Lookin forward to where you go from here.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is fantastic and even has animated sex scenes. The dialogue is fine and the gameplay is sinple. I encountered no bugs when palying. So far the game is eqyal parts easy and lewd. My only problem is that its so short. I cant wait for new updates. Its my most anticipated game currently.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    So far this game is fun and shows some serious potential, but like most of the games around this site it will definitely take time before it's anything more than a unpolished gem. The game needs more story content but what's available so far and what I've seen on the artists websites tells me to expect great things from BoL. I suggest playing it now, and then waiting a few months between play times before trying again to see what's available in the future.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I am tempted to give this 5 stars for the visuals alone. But luckily I don't need to since the rest of the game is good too. First I will get the negatives out of the ways so I can end on the positives.

    Negatives: Honestly most of them aren't really problems with the game more just the fact that it isn't finished.

    1] Settings not saving, every time you boot up the game the settings seem to reset to default just after the unity screen.

    2] Early game/spell tedium. The only way to get experience is to engage in sexual actions, with the Succubus being the only one that can be fucked whenever you want the issue is that she also drains tons of your magic and stamina each time (80 at game start 40 with both upgrades out of a potential max of 130). Considering that all but 3 spells cost more than 30 mana to cast those three being spells that influence the succubus and also costs influence with her, means that you have to designate an entire day just to use the more interesting spells like Dominate Mind, Soul Link, Infatuation, both Aspect Spells and Dream Walker (without level 2). Also sleeping can only restore a maximum of 100 to each with both upgrades.

    3] A lot of the scenes and animations off the main part or towards the later parts of the game are unfinished.

    4] A severe lack of variety when it comes to sex scenes even more so if you don't have some of the later spells.

    5] Lack of characters as of 29/01/2019 there 5 characters that you can interact with on demand, one of which is whoever you are playing as, while another one is possessed by the Succubus and thus can't be truly interacted with even with the delve spell. Resulting in only having access to 3 of the 5 characters at once.

    6] The UI needs some work while it works fine currently, as more characters and locations are added a better/faster way to move around and find characters will be needed.

    7] Some spells not working on certain characters mainly Mel who seems to be immune to the spells Bend Will, Obedience, Affection and Infatuation.

    8] Lack of text log to read parts that you accidentally skip.

    9] Lack of indication of when you can do certain action/how character will react to certain actions.

    Positives: While the negatives out number the positives the positives matter a lot more than each individual negative.

    1] The artwork and animation is amazing and due to it all being done by the games creators is all consistent. The animations especially are amazing and honestly what I think is going to take up about 90% of the games development if they stay at this level.

    2] Tons of choices open up with high level spells from entering dreams, linking souls and being able to influence their actions (very limited at the moment), swapping bodies, having the succubus possess different people(2 choice currently mother or sister), non zombie mind control aka they will do whatever you ask but can still live their lives as normal etc.

    3] Tons of freedom on what you want to do and when.

    4] No sudden bad ends if you fuck up, currently you just lose some stats with that character.

    5] No arbitrary and or poorly made combat sequence or mini game, why they pop up so much I don't know.

    Honestly this game looks really good already and looks to have a lot more content on the way. Also if a line from the Succubus is to be believed then the spells in the current version of the game are only the first chapter of the spell book. Considering we are already capable of body swapping and dream walking I can only imagine what the next chapters might hold. Personally my bet is on gender swapping characters and transformation, we can already be a futanari naga in a dream we just need to be able to become that in reality. My only true gripe with he game is how tedious it can be to use magic, but I reckon as content is added the cost for spells will go down and we will get more magic and stamina to work with. I really hope this game makes it to completion and I look forward to future updates.

    PS because I can't find a place to put this, can we have more stuff to do with the Aspects, specifically the Aspect of Dominance I want to do stuff with my shadow wolf.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a surprising amount of content for an unfinished game, and you can tell that the dev is constantly working on it. I can't wait for the next stage of this game! I don't particularly care for furries, but this meets so many of my other kinks that I'm willing to overlook it.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable, only wish all the artwork was finished. The game play is easy for a point and click, there is a lot of great ideas in the game, and as a furry game, it's really well done. I would like to see more animation, maybe different poses. However, the game is still in development, so there is a lot of potential for improvement, growth, and extension of graphics and story. I cannot wait to see future updates.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Good story themes but lacking in updates and game play progression and mechanics (even though the art is actually pretty damn good). Game is easily cheated and once you do that you realize how short the story really is. Loses a star for that in my book and the late uploads makes it it a three star. If more time was put into this rather than other projects then it would definitely be more successful.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting idea with combinations of spells. Plus manual drawing. It of course will strongly slow down process in difference from 3D, but it is worth it. The idea of a plot of course is worn out but given very not bad.
    In my opinion an excellent game with the perspective future.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.0.14.1a...

    Originally Reviewed on 12/27/2017

    It's an interesting game, but doesn't have much story beyond the introduction... But it is very early into it's development, so who really knows what the author/s have planned for it... This is a Furry game, which is not something I'm really into... I actually visited the furry area in Second Life once, oh so many years ago, and it was an interesting experience, and as I said, not something I find appealing myself... But there are plenty of folks out there that love that stuff, especially the RP side of it... This game also falls, again, into the overly used Family Sex arena, just this time it's with furies...

    The visuals of this game are hand drawn 2D and although a bit cartoony, they actually are not that bad... Some scenes are not fully drawn out, so you'll see partial drawings or drawings that are not colored now and then... The backdrops are done in exactly the same way... It's refreshing to see artists being creative with unique art used in their game, rather then re-used or modified versions of others art resources...

    The script follows you're typical Corruption/Domination story with a Succubus and magic spells... It's pretty easy to read, and I didn't really find many flaws in the script... The male protagonist wolf furry, can influence/flirt/seduce other characters to eventually have sex and build up experience to learn additional spells given through the Book of Lust... His mother is possessed by a lusty succubus, and he can work towards being her cohort or eventually getting arid of her, or at least that is the premise you get from the introduction... For now the content is basically a stat grind leading to sex acts with those the protagonists influences, and there are some random encounters as well... There really isn't any story elements given beyond the introduction, which makes this pretty much a typical sex grind game... At least for now...

    Overall, it's not a bad game, just not my style with the furry theme... But all the game mechanics seem to work good, the UI looks fine, it's actually pretty simple to figure out, and overall I like the creative art style... Currently you can cheat in stats if you don't want to grind it all out, but I avoided doing that during my play through, just so I could experience if it was a bad grind or not... It's an average grind, as they don't go up 1 point at a time, but increase in larger numbers instead, so as not to take a terribly long amount of time to get the stats up... I will most likely not revisit this game, and not because it's bad, I'm just not into Furry...
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It is pretty solid - especially because it contains some fetishes you can't find easily in other half decent games. In terms of the art, the images aren't that bad. The story aspect is alright - not too in depth that I'm reading a book, but also not so much sex from the first second. I would definitely recommend downloading it if you are in need of some quick fapping as well. xD