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Ren'Py - Bound by Lust [v0.4.2] [LustSeekers]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Good renders, animations, nice sex scenes - though few - interesting story and power of valid choice in player's hands finally. Some bugs here and there and "wating for updates" message is seen a bit too often ...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game, I would say that the best of this genre in recent times. An interesting theme, good atmosphere and I would say that best of all, an excellent animation. I think it is one of the best animated games of all the games that use this engine.

    Really unique characters and with good models.
    A story to discover that is being told little by little.
    A perfect playability for these types of games.
    Sensuality in the scenes.
    Quite content to be an early delivery.
    It has no bugs so there are no interruptions while you play.

    Recommended for everyone and undoubtedly the best that has come out in a long time. I hope the author has good fortune and this project goes ahead as I expect a lot from him.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I wasn't impressed by this game, the content felt like a typical sandbox game tons of empty locations and not much to do and having only one option per day and per night just seems to make the grind feel worse because nothing changes day to day.

    The game couldn't draw in my interest for whatever reason and I never found the "sex" all the interesting. I am really getting sick of this progression approach to sex. This isn't how adults have sex, when they decide to have a sexual relationship they fucking have sex.

    Tired of the creeper main character so unoriginal, and you have fucking magic but of coarse it is useless so you have to act like a fucking creep. :rolleyes:

    The constant change of approaches to movement is annoying. The movement in the house is just stupid. i shouldn't have to make multiple clicks to get to a location one click should be enough. I should be able to open a map and see ALL locations not have to click on the map multiple times.

    I don't know how far I got content wise but I eventually got bored and quit. I am sure i missed out on somethings because of the shitty navigation system but i just got too bored to care.

    If you like the art style then the animations and renders will not disappoint. It has good animations even by 2020 standards. The renders are good but in 2020 90% of games have good renders this isn't 2010 anymore. So while that is good to have good renders in doesn't stand out anymore.

    The story is kind of crap because it is so forced and clunky and frankly boring that i just didn't care about the succubus.

    I also think this game tries to be all things to all people looking at the kink list, I think this is why the games seems to boring because it is rudderless just trying to insert x scene with y character to add z kink. The game seems to be without a plan. No game can be all things to all people and when you try it made your game less than what it could have been with a narrower focus.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A quirky, delightful game. A worthy intro to create the plot, followed by a use of familiar tropes throughout, from the magicial being who bestows gifts that depend, of course, on sex, typical school interactions, a lonely librarian, a mad scientist, experimenting with no doubt enhancing drugs, great characterization there as she contemplates the demise of her rival, strict school master with passions so hidden she doesn't even know she has them, teachers, the familiar "landlady/2 tenant", the lonely rich girl, the mean girls, all things encountered previously, but charmingly done, can't wait for this one to come out.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Variety, interesting character, a lot of genres, good animation and production well-designed locations, good engine and foot content:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:. It is clear that a lot of effort was spent
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really good, probably one of the best here. Sex scenes are all rly sxy and stylish in some way, the plot is good enough and the grind isn't big. Well, i am not that kind of person who likes female protoganist content, so it is kinda (-) for me, but its not big deal as to skip this rly good game just becouse of this (( if u don't like it ), if u like kind of staff i think u gon be interested in this scenes too). As i told before male prtgnist scenes are hot asf, so i'd like to see new updates soon! Wish developer good luck with this project!)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not bad. It's not great. It's okay. The renders are decent but similar enough to others they don't often stand out. The plot is passable but seemed like it could use more of a walkthrough, it's just not unique enough to replay after the first go. It's okay. Try it and you probably won't dislike it but on the other hand try it and it probably won't make a lot of people's top 5 or 10 lists.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The weakest point of this game is the graphics. If you just look at the promotional arts alone and stuff you'd never think that this game would amount to anything, but that would in fact be completely wrong. While not are girls are made equal (since they're not real), the cutest girls of this game is definitely THE cutest I've ever seen in all the games I've played that uses similar models. Serena and Anath are easily S-tier - Anath could even get an S+ due to how she can look both demonic and sexy at the same time, a true succubus - and even the lousiest ain't half bad either. More importantly the dev probably went through the trouble (can't confirm since I can't claim I've seen ALL the default models out there) to tweak it so that none of the girls look like their default model, and that effort alone is commendable.

    The fetishes are especially well done. Recently I've seen a bit too many "consensual" mind control games that completely missed the point of the fetish among other things, and I was glad to find one game that actually gets it. Comparing it to College Daze would be unfair - that masterpiece's not even the same genre - but the important thing here is that the dev GETS IT. Nuff said. The mind control progression is shockingly well done, actually fits the plot and isn't generic across all the girls like say, Glassix (although that game has its own advantages of course). Besides that there's even a random horror section that reminds me of Once in a Lifetime's random horror section, both of which I thoroughly enjoy, although I have to question the protagonist's sanity for sticking his dick into a literal ghost's mouth when she looks like she's totally going to chomp his dick off, but I digress.

    The plot itself is quite intriguing, and even the characters with few scenes are surprisingly well fleshed out. Take the infirmary professor for example, I was surprised that her musings were actually scientific when she examined the MC's hair and dick. She even took a sample of the hair afterward and was generally being very scientist about everything, which really impressed me. Another game like Mythic Manor did this poorly where no matter how you looked at it, the so-called "research" and "collecting samples" were really just excuses to fuck. That's not actually the case here, and I appreciate it.

    There are extremely few bugs, and there are no lags whatsoever, which is always a plus in a Ren'py game. The only one I remember is first, %MC Name or something like that showing up a couple of times, and when you name the female character for the first time Laila addressed her once by your male MC's name, and that's it.

    Speaking of the female character, I feel like I'm transported into a Japanese RPGM game where your goal is to throw the girl you're controlling into every erotic situation imaginable. Very nice for me. Also can't help but wonder if she's younger Karen or really just a new character. Would be fun if that's the case.

    All in all, once you get past the unimpressive packaging on the outside and actually play the game, you'll realize that it's seriously impressive in almost every way. Sandbox games usually suck balls, but here's there no grind so that isn't a problem whatsoever. Plus, being able to enter the girls' rooms and do whatever you want with them is always a plus for me, since that's my main kink. Hopefully more girls will get the same treatment. Serena for example, absolutely needs a scene like that. Never say never to fucking up your virtual karma even more than it already was amirite ha ha ha~
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is perhaps the best adult VNR I played by far. I do hope the content creator keep s putting out more content quicker. If you like women with big beats, look no further! This game is made for people who enjoy the ladies who are natuy and heavily endowed in all the right places. If your looking for something different check this game out, do t listen to the naysayers of these ladies about torpedo boobs, their is one or so but the best girls look fantastic and authentic. It's a video game, fantasy is where the adult genre shines. And this games shines bimboly above many.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The ladies are all attractive. Some need a boob reduction, but they're not to bad.
    Now for the bad news.
    Give the MC a backbone. It's like he's a whimp.
    There's a start with one character but no follow through. I recommend adding a to do list of some sorts to see what you're supposed to do. Blindly moving around is annoying.
    This VN has some potential, but things need to be addressed. Fix the grammar, and add a TO DO LIST and this might be a good game. I see lots of potential, but it's just not there yet. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.2...

    I actually wanted to give this VN/Game 4 or more stars, but it has quite a bit of issues it needs to work out...

    The visuals of the characters are average in quality for Japanese style characters, probably done with Honey Select... Some character models I recognize and some are slightly unique and better quality then others... The backdrops are a mix of ones I've seen before and some I have not... The navigation system is alright, although when the navigation involves the bottom of the window, it's far too close to the menu, which means if your not paying attention you might hit one of the lower menu items instead... There does seem to be a fetish focus on big breasts in this VN/Game, with some being almost torpedo like and/or bigger then the body frames should allow... It's a big turn off for me when body proportions are way out of wack... That happens rather disturbingly with several of the female characters, along side the gross overly muscular woman in the gym... Those types of visuals are not very believable, and I feel the artist/s are over playing the large breast fetish...

    The script is alright, although there seems to be a lot of misspelled words and just some grammar errors... It's readable, just needs some proofreading... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who is sent to live with some family friends, consisting of 3 women (his mothers friend and her two daughters), while he attends school (an over used theme these days)... There is a bit of a magical fantasy element, which you get from the brief introduction prior to the protagonist being introduced... But in essence, after the reader/player is introduced to many of the various female characters, he becomes bound to a succubus... She intended to kill him, but it is discovered that he has something special about him that the succubus needs to survive...

    From that point, the mechanics change to a navigation style stat grinder... Where the player/reader can sort of choose where to go and what to do... But it is currently limited to the home for certain times of the day, then to the classroom, and from there to a variety of locations and/or just the home... The characters in the home have stats that are built up over time, and I assume that the stats will gate some of their content... The characters outside the home are either gated behind money or just visiting the locations, sometimes more then once, with either no stats at all or hidden stats... The amount of content for each character is limited in the current content, with some of the home based content only being available during certain moments of the day...

    You'll know that you've reached the end of certain characters story lines for the current content, either because they just repeat the same thing, or you get a message to wait for future content... There was one event that seemed really out of place, and I'm guessing it was meant as a holiday based one-time event? Involving erotic content with a ghost, which I assume was for Halloween maybe, because it seemed to have no bearing on any of the rest of the content... Who knows...

    There are also several bugs I ran into... The biggest bug was the use of the Skip function... As a warning, if you use it at any time, it bugs out the rest of the play through so that visuals no longer show for the story content even though the text and choices still appear... This happened once you get into the navigation portion of the VN/Game... Only way to fix it is go back to an older save... If you save a game while the bug is happening, that save will continue to be bugged... You have to go back to an older save where the bug had not been triggered...

    Another bug I ran into, is once you get near the end of the current content, when going to Sleep, and not interacting with the demon, you are asked to name a female character... From there you get an event, I'm guessing was in the same time period as the beginning of the VN/Game? In any case, while it plays out, the name you selected is mentioned in the text in reference to the woman being rescued, but right before it was over, instead she was called the same name you selected for the protagonist... Not sure if that is intentional, or a mistaken String used in the coding... From that point on, any time you select Sleep, and not the female demon, the question is asked again, and the same clip plays all over again... Obviously something is messed up in the coding...

    Most of the characters that you actually get to interact with a little, do seem to have some developing personalities... Only a few of them felt rather stereotyped and a bit over played... You can tell that the bound succubus does influence some of the characters personalities/actions now and then, which is where the corruption element comes into play... So it's kind of a mix between a corruption story and a relationship building story...

    The premise of the story itself is somewhat unique and interesting, and I like some of the characters... You can tell the developer/s are trying to tell a meaningful story along side the erotic content... Although with some of the female characters story arcs, it is pretty much all about the erotic content... There are quite a few game play devices that are not unique at all, and are actually rather overused in this niche market, which I'll mention below...

    Overall, you kind of get a mixed bag with this VN/Game... While it does do a decent job at trying to tell a deeper main story, with some meaning to it... You also get many elements that are used far too often in these navigation style VN/Games (i.e. sleep molestation, the mean girl at home, the naive nerd girl at home, the mean manipulative girl in school, shower peeping, etc)... I really wanted to give this VN/Game a higher score, but the mix of bugs, overly sized body proportions on some characters, the use of highly unoriginal erotic content in the house, spelling errors, etc. just kept me from justifying it, based on current content...

    For the most part, outside of all the problems, I mostly enjoyed my play through... Even though not much content exists yet, post navigation game... Obviously this VN/Game is still in it's early development stages, and has lots of opportunity to fix all the problems and improve everything... If it can fix all it's issues and as long as the main story arc content continues it's current trajectory, without getting to wrapped up in the more over used stuff, then perhaps on a future visit I might score it higher... I see some potential that I hope the developer/s seize upon... Does that mean I will revisit this one? Perhaps, but it may be later on in it's development... I wish the developers the best of luck, and look forwarding to seeing where they take this one...
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have good looking animations.
    + Our story is quite enjoyable and interesting. I like story and plot a lot.
    + Not for first version of game but after seeing some scenes and make through second update content you can see renders got improvement and currently they look decent enough. Game still have some room for improvement but I need give DEV's thanks for his work, first versions renders was really looked cheap but he improved renders a lot until this point and thats pretty good point.

    Bad Points
    - General quality still needs improve. (Animations and renders)
    - Yuka's existence is big negative point for this game. And it will be more annoying in next updates.... Honestly it would be amazing to have option for skip this girl whole story and dont need to listen her creepy talks with her other self or have option skip her whole story.
    - Haley totaly feels like wasted potencial... I mean come on? She became that much huge? Yeah changing herself was good idea but it could be more less you know? Now she looks less attaractive even than before... While i realy like all dialogue about ''I'm your toy'' ''You are only one i want'' bla bla its still feels like pretty much wasted. And oh god... That blowjob animation was disaster...
    - With the latest update, we learned Karoline find out how different our DNA is and she told us this will change the world and can even fix some uncurable diseases, etc and that's just bad... This literally means other people are going to or want to use MC as a guinea pig to extract info from his DNA...

    For The End
    This is realy good game and has some realy good potencial. And things were going so bad after DEV started add female patroganist content with unavoidable ugly bastards... But after so much complain he just cut that thing from this game and things are good again. I hope he will improve game more and keep doing good job.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a game with and art tha doesnt´t like to much but it has so much work and a good histori behind that could improve a lot the game besides the art. if you like tha kinds of game tha look like this this is a gme tha sou have to support on patreon
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Cool spin on the ol' sprit gives MC power to corrupt all the women in his life. Well, not much corruption yet. I like the more linear approach, as sandboxes often feel too grindy and repetive. I hope this will focus on plot and nice character moments.

    The models range from decent to excellent, and I especially like the succubus, who apparently will grow bustier as the MC gains more power (again, would be way easier to pull of in linear plot focused game!) Maybe we could see a similar transformation of the MC? A bit of height, muscle and inches gained at crucial plot points?

    In any case, I like what I played and hope it will continue to get regular updates!