Unity - Bound in Desire [v0.27 Beta] [Kerni]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked this game so much, I haven't played this type of game and it surprised me a lot. The sci-fi essence gives it many points.
    I hope the creator continue doing updates / more games like this.
    Amazing job creating this game, can't wait for next update!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    That's a great story. This is an underrated game.
    Even though it's a 3D game. But the mission connects all the scenes.
    MC thought is gradually corrupted. The psychological description is also very detailed. Look forward to the day when MC voluntarily submit to AI.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    bernd rosemeyer

    To make clear:
    I tried both of Kernis Previous Games and i loved them.
    Bound in Desire is a new high. It seems that Kerni used his former experiences to improve mechanics and the gameflow.

    Besides that: i really like the setting and the character customization Options - Thank you for that!

    Even when it seems a little bit "hollow" for now, i´m really looking forward to everything after 0.27

    5/5 stars if you are into immersive bdsm games , with slow corruption. (can be even slower ;)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is great, its enjoyable and despite being an open world it does not use that as an excuse to lengthen the game unnecessarily. The only problem is the optimization, it never crahsed but moving the camera lags the game
    ridiculously. Not that much bugs tho (only the mouth staying open and Nori disapearing in my case, the debug fixes both)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice game if you like to play a fem protagonist and like to slide slowly down the bondage/bdsm /bondage/lesbian/bondage path. (The title says it all....the game has lots of bondage in it. ) Wonderful little stories and quests - and it still is in early state.

    You need a lot of memory - the game runs with 16GB RAM, though 32GB are recomended. And since there is no graphics optimization yet you might want at least a GTX 1060 or a Radeon RX460 or something like that to avoid judder. No problem on a 5 year old cheap lower middle class gaming pc here, though.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.20

    Overview: Bondage Babes in Bondageland

    Story: You are a mid level administrator lady sent by your galactic corporation to take over duties on a distant planet when you discover that the planet's AI has suffered some sort of major malfunction and all of the androids and other systems have become terminally perverted and obsessed with bondage.

    Your character seems less put out by this than you would expect. She goes for a cup of coffee and is stopped by some droid that demands she strip off her clothes and step into some bondage device so she can be molested and the answer is "Sure, I guess". It's not like she's trapped on the planet, her spaceship is right there. She's just a complete doormat that doesn't seem to be overly put out by being violated by robots. Eventually you "rescue" another woman who is somehow even more submissive than the MC.

    The story doesn't go too far yet in this fairly early beta, but it's not completely bare bones and there are even some side quests. The map already has some landmarks that are just waiting for their story elements to populate. There is even a fast travel system already in place, although the pathing on it is a bit suspect in places.

    Gameplay: This is seriously impressive for an early beta porno game. The gameplay is smooth and looks good. Some clipping errors happen here and there but it's way better than most unity games with dress up systems. It never crashed on me even though I'm running the unsupported Linux version. There is even an in-game crafting system complete with materials you can collect and objects you can craft and place. It isn't complete yet, but the potential is obvious.

    My only complaint is the camera is a bit of a drag. Moving it around takes way too much mouse movement. A full screen slide moves the viewport like 90 degrees. Also, you can't invert the Y axis.

    Sex: I hope you like girls all tied up, because pretty much everything you do ends up with you strapped to some elaborate bondage device getting sexually abused. There are some nicely inventive bondage systems and quite a number of them already working in this early version of the game. Thus far it's all fairly light as far as BDSM goes. You get drugged a bit, but there's no "punishment" yet. It's pretty much always getting fingered or having plugs inserted and stuff like that. There are hints this may change as the MC becomes more depraved over time.

    Conclusion: I really hope the dev keeps working on this. I'm extremely excited to see the final product. It's the kind of game that deserves better than this site. I hope it shows up on Steam once it is complete. Very easy 5 star game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Although this game is in very new development, it has great potential. It does require a high end PC with good graphics memory for the best experience. For this point in development it is fantastic.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    the problem with this game and overall with this author is that the character, as another reviewer mentioned, are always all too soft/willing, sure there are some minor differences between them but overall all of them feel the same way about what's going on.

    It makes them boring and forgetable, really wish he/she would at least try and mix things up sometimes.
    Likes: k2ren
  9. 5.00 star(s)



    If you force yourself to look at the version number, you may notice that it is 0.16. So it`s really early access. But the game already looks consistent, playable, and promising. There are a couple of "see-through textures" glitches but no bugs (at least I didn't face them). This is not surprising, it`s the third game in a row and we already can see the author's "style".

    - Stable
    - Good performance
    - Story
    - Depends on your favorites in fetishes, but here you can find a lot of bondage, which I count as a plus
    - Easy quest navigation
    - "showracemenu", if you know what I mean ;-)

    - Not so much content for now
    - Too "good", "soft" and "willingly" characters

    So I'm looking forward to more...
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.16 version
    normaly i avoid to rate fresh released games(its looks like a "mewborn schooting"), but in that case feedback after release very important
    - good graphics
    - perfomance. on "hispeed" pc and "near_potato"(i5) games runs great - no 100% cpu/gpu usage
    - hints. i mean- when android say you "goto hilltop"- u can relax, that "direction" can cause fear and panic in other games, but in that game- u just click on that task and u ll got mark on map... how many 3d games can offer to u that(not so many)?
    - it just works (c). first release and game just works w/o bugs, crashes...
    - its first release, so not so many gameplay here
    - i heared some deutsche phrases from androids... plzzzzz make deutsche localisation :p
    CONS(feedback part):
    - terrible memory mamagement- game takes from 15-16 gb memory to 19-20 gb. keep in mind- whole game need near 11 gb disk space. thats mean- if u have onlt 16 gb ram- u ll get painfull expirience. wtf is that?
    - animation problems. sometime animation start with delay, sometimes animation just stop playing and then after 3-4 sec starting again
    - bikini drom spa and "test suit" not listed in wardobe
    - spa card respawning. confising...
    - loading speed(i mean game starting)... looks like here no asynchronous assets loading/initialisation. yeah, f that optimisation, better w8 1-3 minutes for nothing
    - hairs... 2 of 3 looks... "not okay"

    4 stars here not cuz game have some "lethal" flaws, its just reminder for me and dev. when 1-2 "cons" ll be resolved (memory/animation prefered) i ll rate authomaticaly to 5.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Like the ability to skip the scene. Cool concept. Finally just bdsm and devices with a small not to elaborated story to keep you entertained, not other useless things that ruin the mood. Keep up the good work
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable. The protagonist is sexy, lovely, and to my pleasure not bimbo-like as characters sometimes were in "Abandoned, a tale about forgotten lives" and "Milky Ways". Also, the story telling is more entertaining here in my opinion. There is once again - as in Abandoned a feeling that things might go wrong for the protagonist if one is not careful. I like that. Games are more fun if something is at stake. Looking forward to the coming updates.
    I would like to mention some minor drawbacks, which, however, has not influenced my rating:
    1: Animations are sometimes slightly off, meaning objects in pussies and so are not always well aligned. I understand this is not a simple problem to solve, but still, it is a little annoying.
    2. The texts are sometimes confusing, maybe due to the Engrish? If Kerni reads this, have you tried using AI Chatbot to translate your texts from your own language (German, i believe)? You can then maybe ask it to frase the words to fit the style of a certain person in a certain mood. If you ask the chat robot to do two or more versions, you will know if she got the meaning right.Spelling and grammar will be inspecable, no more Engrish :)
    3. The slightly moaning breathing that is consistently in the sound scape is a misunderstanding. We do not hear our own breathing unless the pulse is up. I don't like it and didn't in the two former games either.
    4. the point of view of the camera is often frustratingly limited. I almost always wish for more freedom in zooming, moving and tilting the camera view. Not only during events, also during conversations or traveling, a larger freedom for the camera would be great.
    5. Is it possible to use motion tracking of multiple females to vary how the different characters walk and move?
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.16

    This is much too early to rate but the system requires it. If you played any of Kerni's other two games, this is pretty much in the same vein.

    There's a lot of effort and love going into these games and they're generally great games.
    Like his other stuff, this game is also a story driven 3D game with minor gameplay. Seems like this one is also involving some failstate/punishment bondage stuff and not just story involved contraptions. It's good that he reuses many of his older assets early on, as especially Milky Ways was a bit of a slow starter.

    The writing in this one is still a bit bad and contains a lot of his german syntax and idioms (although the other games showed that with time this gets ironed out and will flow much smoother in English later).

    Content wise there is enough to get a good idea but that's it. Again it's mostly focused on the restraining and pleasuring aspects of bondage, and very little involves pain if any at all. Arguably there is torture in the sense of edging and restraints, though.
    It's basically more of the same with some new ideas.

    Lastly, the weakest parts are his sound design, overly long looping heavy breathing and one orgasm noise can become a bit annoying at times, but it's not something that will significantly impact your enjoyment.

    Visually the animations are good but are handmade and thus can be a bit clunky, although not without charm. You get exactly what you see in this world and everything is done in engine which is mostly open to explore.

    If you already like Kerni's stuff this is gonna be a great addition to look forward to, if you're new and interested I suggest you try "Milky Ways" or "Abandoned: A Tale of Forgotten Lives" first as they are completed already.