RPGM - Abandoned - Brain Damaged [v0.8] [ChickenFlavor]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is by far one of the stupidest, most absurd and most idiotic games I have played, and I would do it again, give it a try, even if you won't fap, I guarantee you will laugh (and fap too definitely)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [version 0.5]

    I really enjoyed playing it because it has all I seek in an adult themed game.
    Good graphics, very good scenes (some of them are animated with a couple of frames each), funny dialogues and an intriguing story.

    The only thing i would change is a better balancing in combat zones, there are way to many encounters during the outside quests that don't make the game any better, actually it tends to become a little boring after the 10th fight in a row.

    The game currently has a good amount of contents, it lasts a couple hours of gameplay if you read everything (which I recommend to, some dialogues are hilarious).

    Graphics: 8,5/10
    Story: 7,5/10
    Scenes: 9/10
    Contents over text ratio: 9,5/10
    Gameplay: 6/10
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Just tried out the game until getting to the droid. While I know it's a porn game. I believe the writing and intro need's flushed out a little. It goes from 0 to a 100 in a flash. A little build up wouldn't hurt instead of a newly woken coma patient waking up and having sex with his doctor. Then his dad telling him to fight a giant man-killing rat within what I assume is an hour or two.

    I have to say though the models were decently done. With honey select models I know it can be quite easy to make them plain or deformed.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Well then.

    I've been playing and playtesting this game, and I got drawn in for a couple of reasons.

    As another reviewer said, I like the art, and while the girls are a little unearthly, a little otherworldly- the heterochromatia of one of the girls adds to this- they're also all present with distinct personalities. Mostly. There are one or two characters who need filling out and rounding off, but then this is still at version 0.3!

    Obviously, I'm not able to review the game as a whole, but I'm impressed with what I have seen so far, including the Developer's slow branching out into animation. It's not perfect, and very little in this life is, but it is a work in progress and a certain amount of tolerance for that is needed.

    Not all the girls really appeal to me. However, that's fine- the game manages to be engaging, and entertaining, and while I'm not QUITE sure where the story is going, the plot is definitely developing. And plot in a porn game is always welcome, rather than just being led through a sequence of erotic encounters. Here you have to WORK for them, by finding the right items for various characters.

    (In all honesty, this is something that could be addressed, maybe by having some system where the protagonist actually has their attention caught by something? There's almost no indication as to where you should look for some items, other than plot essential ones.)

    I'm happy to be playing it, as I feel it has a lot of potential, and that it will develop into a very,, very entertaining game. I'm also happy to say that my particular kinks are somewhat explored in this, which was what piqued my interest to start with.

    It's worth trying, definitely, and I think it's worth sticking with.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    for 0.2 it has a good amount of Content.

    i like the art of the Girls. hot&cute, but some do look too similar imo.

    game is over the top and not to be taken too serious! at first i was kinda turned off by some Things (like the backstory of the maid), but the game is really not serious and should be seen a just mindless "fun".

    Story has LOADS of potential. we will see where the dev will go. i hope he iwll just go full on world harem style. finding other male is kinda strange imo. why would i care if other mens sperm work. let's first Focus about my sperm and my dick (atleast i would think that way if i was the mc). also writing isn't the best. and pacing is also all over the place, but not necessarily bad!

    so there are sex Scenes. But i do think they are really weak. some sex Scenes are very short. have bad angles/only 1 view of a Position... or the whole sex Scene is only 1 Position/render. again, i like the Girls and the art, but the sex Scenes are weak.

    and also the gameplay is weak and sometimes annoying. IMO the Girls and the Story carry the game, so imo the dev should Focus on that. the gameplay with the choices are really annoying since you have no idea how someone will react to what you say... e.g. there is one Situation where you undress your lil sis, and if you start by undressing her top first, she for some reason will get mad and you fail the Scene. you have to start by undressing her pants first. this typ of gameplay literally adds nothing to the game. there is no way for the Player to know what choice is the right one. just annoying.
    also the fighting is atm nothign Special. it's only there as a time killer. also not the biggest fan of the puzzles. but maybe some People like it.

    game has pro and cons. but i will say that the game is already fapable and that makes it better than 80% of the games on this site.