Branching Paths and Endings


Dec 15, 2018
So, just a brief discussion on games with choices for who you end up with, harem or not.

Games usually follow one of two options. 1 You can bang every or most girls simultaneously and choose one at the end. 2 Similar to above, but decisions made earlier on in the story will define who you end up with.

I hate the second situation personally, though maybe not for the reason you think.

By putting the decision early, you force me to play through a lot of the game a second time to see their ending. I don't mind that, the issue is that I just played through most of her content already because you let me do so, now I'm replaying most of the game but hitting different buttons here and there, with the possibility of may e a few renders and a couple sex scenes if I'm lucky.

If you're going to block the ending based on earlier content, then why not lock some of their earlier content behind that choice as well?

Picture two girls. Haley and Lily. Haley won't fuck you unless you agree to date her, but Lily won't fuck you if you date Haley. This means that I can play through the game twice, one for each girl, but with more unique content on each path, rather than it being mostly the same.

Just my two cents, doesn't apply to every game, but I think the concept is worth discussing.