Ren'Py - Braveheart Academy 2 [v0.3] [Chrys]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just an honest to god, straightforward, good old meet & f**k harem.

    Braveheart 1 was pretty damn decent for such a small concept, but Brave 2 looks like it pushes it to the limit.
    It looks good, 5min of easy grind.
    The characters are varied in both visual appearance and personality, and they look pretty damn great, and while there's not enough content to tell how hard it's gonna slap, it looks like it's very much going to.

    Can't wait formore.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good game with loving characters, good animations and a good sandbox system. Story ain't that deep, but for a porn game it is totally fine. At the moment, a few of the mechanics are implemented but serve no use (the smalltalk / flirt / H-Request) but I'll guess the dev will make use of this later. Im very excited for future updates
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun, light hearted, romance with something for everyone.

    The game offers a diverse cast of characters to romance that all feel well written. There’s girls that are shy, bubbly, cold, there’s even two that have dicks if that is an option you’d like to pursue (I did). They have a lot of personality.

    I am usually adverse to sandbox. However even with that being the case, I found the sandbox to be very easily manageable. The girls are easy to find, and when they have an event available, a red exclamation point appears on their icon. When a main event is ready, it appears right on your screen easy to be clicked. When there is a timed event, you get a pop up message that tells you it’s coming that day and at what time. In order to get money, which can buy you extra sex scenes among other extras, you go to work at a convenience store. It’s a straightforward mini game and the payout is good I feel.

    Story and Events:
    They are well written. They are usually light hearted and have a good amount of humor without going too far. It still feels grounded. There is alone time for the girls, but they also are starting to mix together a bit. The main story will keep you invested.

    Sexiness and Visuals:
    The H scenes are great! The renders are very well done as well.

    It’s a fun game that I think most would be able to enjoy. There’s something in there for everyone, and the mechanics are very easy to navigate.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I liked the first game. Second part, several month after first release? cool, what do we have here?
    A lot of nice girls for sure, but you get like 1 event for each girl in a spin of a month and that's it for now.Couple of pictures in the gallery but basically almost nothing but talking and talking and talking.
    And...thats it???
    I thought that after 1 part dev's will know for sure how to make good first release with good amount of content for people to be interested right here and there. But rn it looks very... amateurish?
    Tbf i'm surprised that same dev can make something so weak.
    Right now there are a bunch of hot girls, whatever-nobody-cares-anyway story and grand amount of 2-3 choices.
    See you in a year maybe, for now it's hardly a game, better to skip until v0.5 maybe?
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start to a new game last one was a blast already but hes got the hang of it now
    Renders are great and girls look amazing in the portaits as well I have high hopes for this game but i hope he will expand on some kinks a bit more
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game keep all the strong points of Braveheart Academy 1, including a likable protagonist ( who is mature and confident enough but not outright a jerkass ), a likeable cast of girl with real personalities. Most of the contents are really wholesome. Giving time and support I believe it can become a great game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    For now theres little content here yet its good characters interesting and tease good too i dont know what gonna happen in future but if things gonna go like this i can say this is solid 5 out to 5 star for me.

    İ love Ero scenes they good and theres no rush.Characters have a personalities unlike many other games oh you have big dick so let me suck it.Story is good too and really well done for now.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Max Muscle

    Pretty good new game. The girls are very cute and beautiful, some cute moments, each girls have gorgeous profile art, the game has potential and I'm looking forward for more. The Meet N Yeet AI has cute voice :D.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I have not played the first game but if you are wondering, its not required. Anyway the girls are all great so far with fun personalities, the dialogue is funny, and the the girls visually are stunning. There are animations (standard honey select style, its strong suit) and the sounds are rather simple. The AI VR portion looks promising, looking forward to seeing how it develops.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    im looking forward since i enjoyed the first one. I cant wait for the trans and trap content. all the girls so far have been pretty sexy as well as the MnY girl. really enjoyed that she was hairy down stairs and the light veins you could see in certain areas.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the first Braveheart Academy and I liked it a lot, its multiple individual endings and its harem ending are perfect. Now 1 year of waiting since the announcement of braveheart 2, so much waiting and it was totally worth it. The quality certainly improved compared to braveheart 1, the characters have a good design without mentioning the large number of characters out there.
    I liked this first version and I look forward to v0.2. It has a lot of potential and I hope chrys makes the most of it.