Tool Daz Breasts Jiggle Script for G3F/G8F/G9


May 1, 2018
F95 Exclusive:

Warning: The examples are very explicit. I'm old and didn't think to give her a bikini or something ...
Also, I just realised this works for G3F as well, so, there's that.

Edit (06/06/2023) : Updated for G9.

So with the confinement and all, I've had alot of free time, so I've been cleaning up some of my scripts, along with making them more user-friendly, and this one turned out pretty well.
And since I decided to jump in and start posting/participating, I'll attach it here in case someone finds it usefull.

It's a script that let's you customize the breasts' movement of the Genesis 8 Female figure using her bones, so no morphs are needed. It's nothing fancy, but the results can be pretty nice, like below:
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For these animations, I just posed the figure on frame 0, and used the script, so only the breasts move, but the script lets you select what direction to move them ( up-down, side to side, or both, clockwise, counter-clockwise ), how fast, how far, and most important, you can pick whatever lenght of animation, and it will loop the jiggling. And don't worry, it comes with default settings to get you started, but it's very simple once you get it.

Here is what it looks like:


Now for a breakdown of the options:

--Scene Length: This is where you enter the number of frames you want a full loop to be.
--Offset: It starts the jiggle at the specified frame, but it doesn't finish the loop, unless you play with other settings, so I set it at 0 by default.

--Amplitude: How far the breasts move, 1 is the default value, but you can set it to 0 to stop the movement in that direction, or at 2 to double it, or any decimal number, 0.5, 1.75, etc.
--Speed: How many jiggle cycles in the loop, 2 means they will move side to side twice, so it's basicaly another loop setting if you want fast movement, but less frames to render, or slower movement but more frames/subtle movements. Decimal numbers work, but they break the loop, so use integers, and increase the Scene Lenght if you are going for a slower movement.
--Move closer/Up-Down: A fine tunning option, some character have their breasts a little too close or too far appart, you can set this to offset them for the entire animation.

--Opposite Directions: In what direction will the breasts jiggle. By default I set the side to side to opposite, and left the up-down unticked, this gives the kind of movement I posted in the exemple above. But, you can make them move almost independently, for exemple for a massage scene like in the exemple below:
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--Reverse: It reverses the up-down motion, basicaly switching the rotation if the breasts are set to move side to side (opposite ticked) and up-down (opposite unticked).

--Done: Applies the keyframes to the bones.
--Clean it: Applies the default values to the bones and thus removing the jiggling, but it does not remove the keyframes. That can be done by clicking Exit, and hitting the Undo button.
--Defaults: Applies the default values back, not realy usefull as I disabled saving values, but you can reactivate it. Find out how in the rambling below if you want to.
--Exit: Closes the script.

So there you have it, it's rather simple, a usefull trick is to try and keep the speed the same, but you can experiment with different values, it gives fun results, as long as you use integers.
Also the amplitudes are basicaly the most flexible settings, along with the move closer/up, but keep in mind that you may have to unlock the perctoral bones' Side-Side and Up-Down parameters if you use too high values, just like poses, or the breasts will appear to stop moving, then suddenly reverse course.

At this point that's all there is to say for this script, let me know if you find an error.
Now I'll ramble a bit about how I use it and some things I disabled/never finished.

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Edit (08/24/2021): Added text file to the archive.
Edit (06/06/2023): Should work with G9 now.
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May 1, 2018
So I've been toying around with the "massage" thing because it has been bothering me, as hands are missing, so with some IK-Chains, Nulls and a small add-on script, I managed to get these results:
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It's still very crude, these are test results, so the hands are not perfectly aligned, not using the best hand poses, etc, because I was more interested in the movement. But the idea is to setup the first and last frame (possibly a middle frame like in the example further down, or more as long as you know what you are doing), and let the script do the looping.
Also for these examples, I did not add any keyframes manually, I just put the same pose for G8F and G8M with his hands on her breasts as first and last frames, and as expression for G8F at the first and last frames, and one at frame 15 (got tired of her staring at me, judging me, after a couple of hours...). Nothing fancy realy.

Now the thing I was mostly worried about when it comes to IK-Chains is how reliable they can be in scripts, so far they "seem" to hold up, but need more testing. I've had One hand slowly drift away more and more from one of the breasts while running the animation in a loop in Daz for no reason, or one hand suddenly jerk every-other frame. All of these are easily fixable, by changing the value that messed up, then hitting Undo, it's very annoying thou.

Another way of doing this is by simply not using the IK-Chains in the script, and let the user add them manualy, that way I wouldn't be responsible for that part at least :p Still I'll try to get it in there.

The tests I did worked for two figures, even when the target figure moves (not too far from the reach of the second figure thou), like in the examples below:
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Just like the first examples it was just a matter of adding first/last frames' poses, and a middle pose for G8F at frame 15 in this case, where she is bent forward a little bit. And the hands seem to follow. Again, I did not try to perfectly match the hands, etc, just the movement.

And finally a couple examples of G8F on her own while bending forward:
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The last one (on the right) is an interesting example as it summarizes some of the problems so far; the hands can/will clip or move away without added keyframes where necessary, and the left hand "jerks" once, I didn't fix it just to show what I meant.
But all in all, it is holding as a start for an animation I guess, it gets that fluid movement in for the limbs, but that still leaves the fingers (with the hand grasp/fist, etc pose controls, it should not be too hard to give them more life).

The script is not revolutionary, it uses the same technics available to make IK-Chains, Nulls, parenting etc, then it copies the coordinates of the breast bones to the Nulls from the timeline (after using the breast jiggle script for exemple), and that moves the hands. The last part is easy, the first part is what's messy to have work reliably, because of a lack of documentation for the IK-Chains class mostly (DzIKNode), so if you know something about that class, let me know. In any case, I'll try some more and see if it goes somewhere.
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May 1, 2018
Don't be scared people, I'm just an amateur, if you have questions, suggestions, feel free to post/ask for this or the glutes script.

I'm still trying to automate the process for the IK chains, but it seems to require making a plugin, and I'm not willing to go that far atm, I want my stuff to be user controlled and fully open, and not forced into some compiled dll plugin. I'll keep digging, but atm i'm at a dead end.


Game Developer
Oct 9, 2017
Okay, first of all, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the creator of this plugin. You, sir, have done a remarkable job. Personally, for me, one of the hardest parts of making animation was the breast movements. It was kinda annoying and very time-consuming. So I'm really glad that this feature works!

I experimented with this plugin on several of my old animations and I really like the result. Of course, you need to work a bit with the settings to create decent movements, but it is so much easier than doing it manually or through any other plugin.

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By the way, a small observation, if your animation consists of two movements with different frame rates, you will have to do some work with keyframes. As soon as I do more complex animations, I will try to give you an example of my work.

PS: I'm still exploring the possibilities of this plugin and it was my very first attempt to use it.


May 1, 2018
Nice results so far! :D That is exactly what I use the script for myself, it saves some time hehe.

And yeah I believe i see what you mean (I think?), for those not so symetrical movements where the breasts accelerate in one direction, then slow down in the other; say for exemple 11 keyframes going down, and 20 going up, but still in a cycle, hmmm.

There is a way to achieve that with this script, but it requires playing with the settings, something like the example below where they move down faster than they go up with just the script (slow and fast to see the effect):
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The settings for this one are as follow:
amplitude fixed at 1, no side-to-side movement and no move up-down offset.
from frame 0 to 11 (used offset = 0 and scene lenght = 11) I set the speed to 0.5, since it's half the cycle movement for this example.
from frame 11 to 31 (used offset = 11 and scene lenght = 31) I set the speed to 0.67 and clicked Reverse.

Now let me explain why the speed is not 0.5. The way I set the script right now is very basic, it doesn't counter for the "missing" frames when using scene offset, so to counter that, simply accelerate the movement just enought, so it finishes before the missing frames.

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This work-around is mostly due to my lazyness, but yeah, it can be done with some speed adjustments and offsets.

Anyway, I hope this is what you meant, if not, let me know!


May 1, 2018
Ah well, you know, hehe, to me it wasn't, but just in case :)
I posted it only on the F95zone forums on purpose, because as I kind-of said, I wanted to give something back to it, and so maybe some people come from other places looking for the script, but don't know what kind of forum this is ;)


Jan 18, 2020
This is glorious. Thanks a lot for sharing this neat script and some usage with it. Nice discussion/comments from MrJet which is awesome!
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May 1, 2018
Thank you, and if you have any questions let me know, I'll try to answer them.


I made one for the glutes as well in case you didn't know, it is different since it uses morphs, but the effect is even better (check the examples (explicit)). The name of the thread is "Glutes Jiggle Script for G3f/G8F"


Jul 19, 2020
Hey Madmanator99, Thanks for these scripts! I actually have those original "Breast/Glute Physics for G2F-G8F" scripts. I also was able to grab a copy of Daz 4.10 from my time machine backups so I'm actively using them. But I'm so glad I ran into this thread, to find someone who knows how to pick up where that person (masatok0606_1efebee4e7) left off.
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May 1, 2018
I tried my best, he did alot, but unfortunatly he stoped, so I tried. This is the best I could come up with, hopefully it's usefull.
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Jul 19, 2020
I tried my best, he did alot, but unfortunatly he stoped, so I tried. This is the best I could come up with, hopefully it's usefull.
Definitely! I wish I understood the process like you!

I wanted ask you, is it possible to make these scripts for V4.2? Like, could the concept be applied to V4 as well?


May 1, 2018
Hmm unfortunatly I joined the world of daz when genesis 3 came out, so I didn't use the earlier figures that much, if at all :/

I would say a hopefull maybe? But really I have no idea how bone animations are done with V4.2.
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Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
It's a script that let's you customize the breasts' movement of the Genesis 8 Female figure using her bones, so no morphs are needed. It's nothing fancy, but the results can be pretty nice, like below:
I realize this is not a new thread, but I just wanted to chime in my thanks for doing this work and sharing it to the community at no charge. Still have to compare the results of it to 3DU's Spring Dynamics, but my initial test (of the boobjig specifically) looked excellent!


Game Developer
Sep 13, 2017
What a nice little gem to find! Wish I had this years ago. Very easy to use. A little tricky to get the movements right on a non-loop. I do wish there was a way to start playing the timeline while having the script open. Other than that, amazing work! Thanks for sharing! :D
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