Lacks convenience to be any fun for now. Can't even play it and go back to check missed content (LOOSE TO H).
Lacking pause menu- there's no in-game option to load or return to main menu, just resume and quit.
Inventory mess, clothing items, key items that don't stack, tiny inventory and no way to store or organize them or take only some items form containers, ending up having to delete some.
Not much point in clothing- usually they take 1 hit and disappear, even those that don't make much sense? Why do they target skirt and sneakers when the rest is already exposed? Some scenes get triggered at full clothing anyway. And consumable shoes are ridiculous, what is more ridiculous is the default walking speed.
Inconsistent doors - some with a blue exclamation point are currently locked, some open, some are 1-way, some prevent monster movement, some do.
Gun aiming is terrible- can't aim down well (makes crawling bugs damn near impossible) and it moves the aiming area when activating aim mode, limited ammo for not much damage.
Bugs - Equipping underwear deletes the one equipped.
Getting stuck in the lower, many doors, including locked ones, area- even if I see something that looks like a blue glowing keycard, I can't pick it up + area door doesn't let out +saved.
Monster behavior inconsistent- some doors are safe, some not, sometimes reset to their patrol area, sometimes end up walking at a door.
Unknown mechanics:
Slow walking- shift makes you move slower, why? No sound of footsteps, but no idea if sound get attention. Massively slow so moving monsters would still catch you easier. Boots that make you walk faster are consumed by walking.
Light- is there a non-visual reason to have it off?
No escape- enemies target at various distances and track forever.
Why not make it more of a stealth game by peeking around corners or crouching behind objects?
Not fun at its current state. It looks like its barely held together game wise.
2 stars is harsh, but it is a good reflection of my opinion:
"I recommend not playing it "