Unity - Breeding Farm [v0.7.1] [Team Bieno]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Breeding farm at this point is a mess of a game.

    Pros: it has a good concept and decent characters. General outline of the story isn't bad.

    Cons: gameplay loop is a mess.

    The direction the game has gove in development has mostly been add new creature which does not matter for the requests given and maybe add story scenes. The problem with this is that for the management portions of the game nothing changes after starting the game. For the storylines it barely connects to the main gameplay loop.

    Realistically speaking the game should ramp up in difficulty or give some form of automation. Ideally the story scenes would have been the catalyst for this development. Having stories unlocking different request types, having the debt be a real number with intrest calculating, having new features unlocked (such as speciality stores, investment options or workers) could change up the gameplay to keep the player interacting with the game.

    An intresting situation could have been having the farm you work on with Rika being a limiting factors on how many monsters you could maintain at a time. X-amount of mouths to feed that require either home grown food or buying from others.

    The barn is a decent idea especially as it is the current limiting factor for units, the logic and necessity for it decreases as more units are added. We are adding prey monsters into the same area as predators. If instead there were some general habitats with monsters in them able to either do some specific jobs (plant monsters taking care of growing plants, preditors hunter for new stock or food, maybe some of the large monsters [like minators] guarding the farm) or be used for breeding it would create trade offs helping the management side of the game or at minimum allow for more story opportunities which had been implied by the Elves and Dragon that really haven't paned out as more than launching points for sleeping with a single new character.

    On the visual novel part of the game progress is slow and new ideas are either contradictory or just dropped quickly maybe to be brought back up. A large part of this has been the shifting team and the general push back fans had to the illusion of a choice in a storyline which has since been replaced.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Played version 0.7.1

    Great art quality and a seeming commitment to have every sex animation use a unique pose is not enough to overcome the friction-full UI and tedious gameplay typical of the genre.

    1. A Breeding Menu from the main menu lets you select two characters and see the breeding animation. It’s unlocked from the beginning.
    2. Good art style and quality throughout
    3. Tons of unique animations
    4. The text reveal speed for dialogue can be altered in the settings. It can be set to effectively instant.
    5. The dialogue box can be hidden
    6. The dialogue can be progressed with the mouse wheel, which is quicker and easier to do that clicking
    7. The ‘explaining the farm layout’ tutorial has a dialogue option at the end to repeat it
    8. Able to access the monster shop from the farm
    9. When breeding in the Breeding Pen, you can disable showing the animations in order to play faster
    10. If you don’t have the full amount of energy needed to breed, you can still do so

    1. The Gallery shows the current page you’re looking at but doesn’t list the total # of pages
    2. The Gallery shows a left navigation arrow on page 1, but clicking it does nothing. It should take you to the last page. The last page should similarly be cyclical.
    3. Can’t resize the window by click dragging it
    4. The Resolution selector in the Options can be scrolled, but the scrolling is unusably slow
    5. The Skip mode dropdown in the Options menu shows the dropdown options far down the screen away from the actual dropdown
    6. The Breeding Menu lets you heart a monster/monster combination but heart-ing it doesn’t do anything? It unlocks a second animation for that pair.
    7. The breeding animations vary in quality. Sometimes the character poses make it more or less obvious that its base is paper cutout animation style
    8. The Wolfwoman in the Breeding Menu has the male gender symbol on her
    9. The Breeding Menu has spots above each monster’s icon to list their name, but they’re not listed. Once in a while I can get the Player (m) and Wolfwoman’s name to show up but not sure how
    10. When being presented with dialogue, clicking the Settings button will cause a click of the dialogue and it progresses
    11. After hiding the dialogue box, you just have to know to press Space to get it back up. There’s nothing on screen explaining that.
    12. Can’t look back at previous dialogue
    13. The plot starts with the character having amnesia. It’s an overused trope and unnecessary here.
    14. The notebook has tabs to display various screens. Clicking on anything but a tab causes the currently shown tab’s button to retract to the “this tab isn’t the one being presented” state
    15. 4th wall breaking developer inserting themselves into dialogue for a joke
    16. Tooltip popups can go off screen
    17. The intro all up until the actual monster breeding is quite long. 20-30 mins.
    18. Buying a monster causes a pop up notification at the top of the screen, but it’s largely covered and unreadable by the shop window
    19. The Breeding Pen window starts by showing two plank pages. You have to click one of them to show the list of monsters to breed. Should just have one shown by default.
    20. The Breeding Pen window is confusing. You have to first click a left/right side of the screen to begin putting a monster in that slot, then select a monster on the right.
    21. The game rarely lists the breed of a monster, you just have to know what art is used for what monster races
    22. The Monster Barn window has an unfilled star when inspecting a monster, suggesting it’s a button to favourite that monster. It’s not a button, it just shows whether the monster is already favourited. It should be a button.
    23. Typos/spelling mistakes
    24. I had an empty Breeding Pen window and selected my character. The game displayed a warning that Cece doesn’t like me enough yet.
    25. There’s a ‘waiting in line’ joke that is straight ripped from Futurama
    26. Navigating through areas of the map, especially the town, are a larger graph than necessary. It feels like there are areas you have to walk through that are unnecessary, so you spend time moving through hallways of the graph.
    27. The main game loop of buying a monster, breeding it to level it, and fulfilling a request with it asks you to remember many things at once. Which monster am I building to fulfill which request, which traits do I need, what stats do I need, what level do I need. Multiply that by 6 requests at once and it feels like you need to play with a piece of paper and pen.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Takes months to put out an update thats full of typos and using clearly AI art in a number of places is lazy and horrible, I cannot condone this, would have liked to see this actually go places but I suspect it will go the way of Breeding Season and just die off, take out the AI art and actually write something for goodness sake
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    After playing the latest version I have to say this game is a complete mess and a boring grindfest. The "animations" during the breeding are very generic and boring. Plus the fact the devs haven't even taken the time to make animations for quite a few of the different animals. Why bother with certain combinations of animals if they aren't even going to show at least a basic animation. I know it's a fantasy game but last time I checked a pregnancy doesn't happen during anal sex. The different sex scenes with Rika are extremely inconsistent. One scene you get to choose what positions you want to see and that's it. Why bother giving the player a choice for a so called repeatable event when it isn't. The game is full of bugs consisting of a big black box covering sex scenes that aren't repeatable to having to force quit the game because the dialogue box disappears if you click the hide button.

    The UI is a complete mess along with the "hint" system that is a bare minimum attempt for the player.

    Overall this game needs a major overhaul by the dev team to make it more playable and enjoyable for the player. I don't know how long it's been in development, but it seems like a lot of the storylines are just getting dragged out to make the game seem longer.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    X Death

    Okay, ive been holding my review for more than years since its first release, now [v0.7.1], nothing much really changed beside added more content and voice, beside that its still repetitive and buggy game.

    That aside, this game has nice art and you can fuck monsters, probably some human too, but that's it. I always felt this whole thing could be in renpy, game sometimes bugged on you, like loading save file but somehow some things didnt changed like in card game somehow i have 50 points, monster filter still activated, game didnt warn you that doing certain event will cost full day's work, some event cause you cant even go to pub or triggering other event, probably to prolong the game but since game didnt tell you, you end up wandering around hoping for some event like headless chicken.

    To summary :
    pros :
    +Good art
    +Monster girl
    +has voice in some sex scene

    cons :
    -still in development and has bugs
    -you'll spend most time wandering around.

    ignoring long development and the story, its a decent game, just unfinished.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    not a bad game, sorry the cheat codes don't work. for version 0.7.I remember starting to play it with version 0.5, it's a pity saving won't work. Does anyone know how to hack the game? Otherwise, you don't want to go through a new one.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    in my opinion it's not worth the try. The game mechanics are sort of there but the dialogs are boring, the badly made animations are not rewarding enough. The overall looks are quite good but it's way too unfinished and no real fun yet.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Looking for a new game to try, I was immediately attracted by the graphics, and I must say, they are great! Unfortunately, it’s the only positive point, and I really didn’t enjoyed the game (v. 0.6.1). I still give it two stars because I think it’s still salvageable, if the devs are ready to put an insane amount of work into this piece.

    First of all, it’s advertised as a breeding game, and this part, which seems at first glance to be pretty interesting (stats, levels, special skills…) is in fact extremely light and not well-implanted: only levels matter, just put two in a pen, repeat a dozen times, sell. Despite multiple breeding combinations being possible, only a very small amount of them are implemented (the ones with the MC); the other ones are “off screen”. The ones with the MC are also very boring: one animation with three facial expressions and that’s all. The models all look the same: cats have two different haircuts, dogs have two different hair color, and that’s all.

    The management part of the game is also weirdly pointless: money is easy to come by and pretty useless: no customization, no tools to buy, nothing. You can build a bigger pen, but what for? Since the advanced breeding system isn’t fully implanted (and money useless), you don’t really need to keep every offspring.

    Every day, you have energy to spend, mostly used for breeding, but also working on the farm (earning the landlady affection) or in the bar (earning small but steady income). After two hours playing, all that seems pretty useless, and you’re just running in town to try to unlock the story.

    The VN/story part of the game is oddly overdeveloped: you have a lot of dialogue lines with the landowner and some decent sex scenes with player input: you can change positions and a pleasure gauge suddenly appears during sex! At first, I was flabbergasted: if it was implemented for the breeding part of the game, alongside with different positions, you could have a very interesting breeding minigame! But let’s be honest: that would require a lot of work, and we all know that Patreon projects are funded on novelty, not quality.

    Another strip-blackjack minigame is available at the tavern. It’s fun and the rewards are very arousing, taking you down to memory lane with your cousin, that one time in Florida, when her mom got divorced and you ended up drinking Schnapps in the bathroom… But why the hell spend so much time coding and animating minor storylines when the main stuff (breeding) isn’t there?

    In conclusion, you have very decent graphics and once again, a project way too big for the devs to manage. It’s like watching an amateur rock-band trying to write an epic rock opera, when they can’t manage to play a cover of Smoke on the Water. Sad.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's be honest. It's a porn game. No one cares for the story, but on the off-chance you do, it is a pretty good story: super good animations and hot characters. And the fact that it's a monster-girl game means tons of cool animations and even better-looking characters. It's a 9/10 overall from me.

    THE ONLY AND MAJOR CON: It takes fucking forever for updates because, for some reason, the devs are working on two games at once instead of focusing on just one and finishing it. I mean, this is the game that nets them the most $$ so I have no idea why tf they are working on the other one, but hey, it's their game, so GL.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Not so good Breeding theme as i expected but story line is really good
    I hope to play again in 1-2 years, waiting for more content

  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Hello, I think the highlight of this game is the art but the game has fundamental issues:

    1. There are too many characters, this highlights a problem of proper planing and a lack of consideration about the trade offs that must be taken if they ever hope to finish this product, some consequences of this are:

    - There's already a mathematical problem (that was easy to spot) with the number of combinations that makes this project infeasible to finish for the amount of animations needed for the pit and yet they keep adding new characters, this bad decision has already bite them in the ass.

    - Most of the cast of characters either serve no purpose at all or their role could be easily replaced, such characters are: Katelyn, Poe, Eros, The witch, the elf guest, the elf chief, the dragon guest, the dragon chief and the plant girl.

    2. The game-play loop is poor, there's a lack of game systems that show the devs have been too complacent especially when we compare their systems with the game loop of: Meadow, Monster Black Market and even from their inspiration: Breading Season

    3. Lack of narrative direction, the main story of this game is nonexistent, it's just a bunch of unrelated stories that do not create a coherent whole (this is not really such a big deal because only a few porn games are worth reading).

    4. Lack of quality control, it's amazing the amount of bugs (some of them even game breaking like Dynamite Duo) of the V0.6 after being in development for 8 months with a delay of 3 weeks for testing and it's quite concerning that the addition of few content can create such a mess.

    This game has been in development for almost 4 years and it doesn't look like 5 people have been working on it, the only one who has been consistent is the artist but even their work goes to waste if the game does not work properly.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    A very well drawn and interesting management game, apparently inspired by Breeding Season but I can't comment on the similarities as I haven't played that game. The story is thankfully easy to follow, but with an over-abundance of lore distributed through certain NPCs that feel not only unecessary, but quite boring at times, as the world doesn't seem that nuanced compared to other adult games with a similar universe and setting, yet seems at times to insist on deepening its worldbuiling while it's something that most players won't even care about.

    The actual story is thankfully easy to follow and pretty good. It's more of a comedy with some serious moments thrown at times with some characters' backstories, and while those aren't especially great or nuanced, they at least manage to make you care a bit more about some of the characters.

    Which leads to another problem : This game has quite a decent amount of quests up to the second month in-game, but overall has very few actual content to dig our teeth into. I guess this is explained by the presentation of the game, which is fully drawn and quite appealing with high-quality scenes, although the animations themselves are more lackluster most of the time. The illustrations are probably the reason why there is so little actual content; there are few NPCs and places that you can explore, and this combined with the repetitive gameplay makes the game feel very shallow and lackluster overall.

    Speaking of the gameplay, I feel there was a huge missed opportunity with the breeding mechanic, as for what's actually here, it's well exploited but not explored enough. As your typical breeding game, you crossbreed monsters to increase their base stats and share special traits that makes breeding much easier down the line. But here, this is quite a long process to get started, especially at the beginning where breeding monsters feels very slow and grindy for little reward. The stats don't do anything outside of breeding; you don't use your monsters for combat or exploring like in a RPG, or to solve puzzles and whatnot. Only the breeding mechanic is implemented, which stops being fun once you run out of story quests to fullfill to distract you from the repetitiveness of the task.

    About the H content, this is your average catgirl/furry porn game. The characters designs are a bit too bland for my taste but the artstyle thankfully makes up for it most of the time. Nothing to fap to sadly, but it's something. Personnally, I was a bit dissapointed by the absence of visual pregnancy, given the emphasis on breeding monsters and humans. The monsters just pop into existence and voila. For the rest, it's pretty vanilla sex, nothing more nothing less.

    In conclusion, I'd say it's a game with a lot of potential. it has a strong artstyle, an insteresting story and characters (when it doesn't deviate from the main cast and starts delving into lore) and a functional breeding mechanic that could add a lot more to the game had the devs implemented another central mechanic to give a purpose to the monsters and their stats. I've given it 3 stars but it's more enjoyable than it looks like. I might bump this to 4 once they fix the last bugs and add more content, and if they add another mechanic in tandem with the breeding mechanic I'll be sold on the game.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The art style is good. The story is ok. The thing that really ruined it for me is some of the quests seem broken. For example this one quest called dynamite duo the game get stuck and the only thing I can do is open menu to save, load, settings or go to main menu.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great project about farming some human-animal hybrids and dating your housewoman. Cons are all related to early stage of development: lack of some breeding pairs, lack of traits diversity and weird colors of monsters.

    It needs tag for breeding.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I think that with time this game can be something great. I personally really like the art style, and animations are good, but so far updates aren't very frequent, and there's just not enough content at the moment. That being said, I wholeheartedly recommend giving it a shot and judging for yourself if it's worth supporting. Game development is understandably very time consuming, and here's hoping there can be a direct correlation with amount of support garnered and progress being made on it. There's hasn't been a solid Breeding Season spiritual successor yet, and this is the closest so far.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is alright for now. I do wish for more skin colors of the monster girl though, I want black catgirls. I do hope we get Katelyn one day and she becomes only ours. No monster breeding for her. The Hscene with Rika is bugged. You can't choose any positions yet and there is a graphic about the scene of the MC and Rika so you can't fully see the scene. Hopefully these gets fixed in future updates.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The breeding system demonstrates the importance of studs and superior genes which are both crucial for a realistic breeding engine. The narrative is incomplete and some animations are missing, but there is a lot of potential here. Definitely recommend it for a simulation subgenre which is unsaturated.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought it was another one of those boring breeding games but this one is actually quite well made, there's a good amount of content with 6 monsters girls (and 3 monster guys ;)). There's at least a good animation when you reach a certain level with the girls that you can toggle with the heart. One problem is the lack of animation for the monster guys with the main character but this is still okay.
    This game definitely has potential and I'm looking forward to it
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Ugly CG(it is badly stylised 3d renders),
    In static screenshots look more or less fine.
    But in game it sux.

    Totally weird(i'm here for monster breeding, not "point and click quest", and in result i just lost in town unable to understand where to go(nice experience!).

    Very long intro make you sic and bored.
    Plot in porn games exist for only one purpose - skipping.
    And if i cant skip even an intro - WTF?
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    As it sits right now, Breeding Farm is in a bit of a strange spot. Solid foundation, good art and animation, and probably the closest thing to a spiritual successor to Breeding Season out there. But it's hurt by being an incomplete game with sparse updates. Compared to BS this game also takes more of a VN approach which also gives some mixed results. If you liked Breeding Season this is definitely worth your time, but whether it deserves your money I can't say for sure.