Ren'Py - Bright Past [v0.99.4] [Kosmos Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game with a clever plot. User-friendly interface helps to enjoy the gameplay. Support for the Russian language is a big plus. It is interesting to read the text and follow the story. The theme of rock music is revealed gradually, giving charm and charm to the game. I have been following the game since the first version was released.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I am enjoying this game so much!!

    PROS :
    • The characters, especially girls are bomb!! Barbara is the best of all for me. I love how you could modified the MC with tattoo, i wish we could 'modified' her a bit more in the future.
    • The scenes are hot especially the lesbo scenes
    • It does not take long for the MC to turn into the dark side
    • The pace of the story is also great, liking the character development.
    • I don't mind the grinding, because you have a lot to do in the game so you could focus on other event that not grindy while preparing for event that req some stats
    I don't have any real complaints about the game so far, i enjoyed this game to the bone and definitely could not wait for more

    If you could handle several tasks at the same time this game will test your organizing and planning skill :KEK:
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The renders look great, the game is full of characters and cool events that MIGHT happen

    The problem is it feels like you have to be a complete masochist to enjoy this gameplay, and none of the things you want to happen will actually happen. I don't understand why anyone likes to spend hours and hours navigating a UI for such little reward.

    And when you finally think you're going to get a reward, the developers think it is "fun" to encounter a last minute additional requirement.

    Case in point: there's a place you can go swimming. Great, "I need a swimsuit." Makes sense. In this universe, bathing suits cost several days pay. So you get up in the morning, being careful to make the 8am breakfast so you don't have to spend all your money eating. Then you go outside, smoke, go to work, wait until 11am, go to the back, change clothes, go back to the front, click, "work," 4 times, go outside, smoke, go inside, eat ice cream, click, "work," one or two more times. Click outside, click smoke, click neighborhood, click home, make sure you are in the kitchen around for 21:40 or you'll miss dinner. Eat, then click around the house to look at things you can't do. Then go to bed. Rinse & repeat for like a week. Click outside, click bus stop, click subway, click map, click downtown, click mall, click clothing, click the girl, oh wait that was a mistake, you can't do anything with this girl, go back click the basket, and click on a bathing suit. FINALLY! you think, looking forward to to the next day.

    Next day, get up, smoke, eat breakfast, go outside, go to street, next street, swimming area. Click swim or sunbathe. "I need a beach towel." Congratulations, you get to do it all over again. WHY does anyone think that sequence would be fun for anyone on the planet?

    It's not
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Positive Points:
    +The story with the goal of being a singer and living different situation around the city.
    +Lots of different character with their own personality and story .
    +3d model is pretty good.
    +Sandbox with lot of different places.
    +Sidequest that give you more content.

    Neutral Points:
    *The vision of lesbian relationship is totally cliché, full of dildo and strap-on, everything is about penetration for the dev.
    *Some strange reaction of the MC due to natural courage system. She's okay to get fucked on a gloryhole but touching herself in the park at night is too much for her, try again later when you have suck an unknow truck driver for no reason.

    Negative Points:
    -The grind is quite important, hard to get money and everything is quite expensive.
    -No or poor animation for the sex scene
    -Unbalanced character developement, some are near the end (Barbara or Ruby), some have low developement (Sister or the bus guy that help the MC)
    -Natural Courage mechanic forced you to have sex experience or sex relationship with specific character destroying your choice or other game mechanic like sexual orientation (if you re not bi-sexual you progression is quite impossible. Version 82.1 give you more choice without getting stuck but not enough)
    -Anarchic developement (see in conclusion).
    -No real men character for straight relationship.
    -The integration and reaction with the rape scene is a complete disaster. (Scene can be avoid since ver82.1)
    -The hud that change every two update and is a total mess. with error in the hint.

    I play bright past since a moment (1.5year) I had a really good time on it but I'm really afraid of the developement direction. I think there is no plan for the story and the dev are unhappy with the work already done. Since 1 year they do a lot of correction in the story or mechanics already finished. Each new update you can lost hours of grind, revive past scene that has been modified, crash in your save or in the case of the last update : no old save compatibility. Also can have unlogical change in the story, for exemple Valerie is at the begining in a straight relationship with her boyfrind, telling Ruby she has no interest for lesbian experience but instead of a progressiv "corruption" in a new update she suddenly become lesbian, broke up with her boyfriend and had a relationship with her female dance teacher from nowhere.
    For all this reason I put only 3/5 stars and do not recommand to play the game till dev isn't finished or more stable.

    Test done on version 0.82.1
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I would say top 5 games with female protagonist. Beautiful story with many characters and lots of sex and andventures. Now has even an easier guide to what scenes and how to get them. I do hope dev doesnt get bored or quits in half way, there is so much to explore and do, so much more potential to be the best game playing as female.

    Bad stuff is the money, and getting them, so much farming at start it gets boring, also really dont know what to start doing first cos there is lots of stuff and quests to do and explore.

    5/5 Game, hope dev continues to deliver us new updates with loads of fun and sexy stuff
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, a bit of a grind at the beginning to get going but once you get mid game everything seems to be easier and content the is great, can't wait to see the different endings once the game gets that far (y)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.81.1 version
    played using russian lang
    -good cg
    -good code
    -great ui
    -ig hints presents
    -story present
    -russian lang readable (but some slang present)
    -too many side chars ig- hard to guess, how many of them ll got expansion in future development
    -code is ok, but much more optimal write that code using objects/clases/functions etc. othervise, mby 10-20-30 updates later game ll bugged, cuz code ll be overcomplicated
    -some hints show not all details
    -whole code on russioan lang- for me is ok, i can read it(but not so fast), but 99.9% players cnt read this code...
    -grinding present ig, not so much, but some things like car (20000$) unable to get w/o cheating...

    one of best games in sandbox/lifesim genre.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2910840

    Bright Past is one of my favorite games on here.

    It`s always nice to be able to play a female MC as opposed to all these male horndog types. Player can also decide how corrupt the MC will be and whether she is lesbian, bi or hetero - which is a great selection of options. I tend to play Alex as bi after my own sexuality.

    Alex needs money to progress the story and for things such as food and cigs. She has various ways to earn it including waitress, whore, casino dealer etc.

    The part I really love is Alex can learn vocals, make new songs and joins a band where she can get better at being lead singer until they get gigs.

    It is sandbox but has plenty of content to find and the artwork is beautiful. Alex herself is a very hot MC, will you take care of her or corrupt her into an alcoholic slut? the choice is up to you..

    Great game and very talented devs.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.80.1

    This game made me think twice about whether I really want to play with a female MC, the reason for this is that this game is quite boring to be played. Most games with a female protagonist other than games for lesbian content are to make the protagonist become a slut or have a pleasant sexual content for a male audience. So, think how boring it is to have to do the same routine over and over again. Honestly, it should be called ''Girl's Life Sim'', because the biggest part of this game is to be managing the resources of the MC.

    Very boring, very tiring and very annoying. At first you may think the things you do are cool, but after a while you realize that you are in a repetitive cycle. You will always have to do the same thing, so it ends up being very tiring.
    Anyway, the gameplay is not very satisfactory, because you will lose a lot of your time for little sexual content. I say this because there are few actions in the interaction with the NPC's, there are too many characters for too little content and not much to enjoy about it. The game is open world, and there are places that you go to once and then there’s nothing to do, but that is not very important either. The main focus is how this game works, in a way of interacting with correspondence to the game, which seems to be a long way to go before it is complete. In fact, the game needs to have a focus as well as focus on the story, because at the moment you have no interest in the story.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    I could say that the girls' renderings are good, but, you realize that they are practically all the same. What makes it change is the face, breasts and skin color. But you realize that when you see that all the girls have the same pussy shape, but other than that, it's ok. The sex scenes are reasonable and there are no animations. There is not much sexual content in the game, there is a slightly low amount.

    Why I did gave 1 star?
    I thought this was a porn game and not a female life simulator game. The fact that you have to do several things ends up being quite boring in that you wonder why you are playing this. This game could have the potential to be a good game, but it seems that they preferred to put a boring life simulator that the developer thought that nobody looks for porn games to have fun. It's not just making beautiful renders and a sexy body for the girls that will make it a good game, look at this boring gameplay, just the story and its plot is very uninteresting to follow, and you still have to keep grinding and wasting a lot of time in devoting yourself to the MC's resources. Anyway, the game for me is very poorly organized, there are many things to grind and several characters to interact with few actions.
    Unfortunately this game is far to be good.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    - First of all: as another reviewer says in a previos comment, this game is going to make you suffer. YOU ARE GOING TO SPEND LITERALLY HOURS OF GRINDING IN ORDER OF GETTING AN EVENT THAT ALWAYS IS GOING TO BE TOO SHORT AND DISSAPOINTING. You are advised. Now, the review.
    - 3D face models: are great most of them. All the girls and women are breathtakingly beautiful. And that's the reason you are going to start playing the game. Well... it's a trap. The rest of the game is not on a par.
    - 3D body models: the dev uses the old trick of using only one 3D model for all characters, changing only the size of breast and bottom and the color of the skin. Also, some bodies are more ripped than others... that's all. There is no real variety in age, weights and shapes. Some of them aren't even shapely made, with way too huge melons in skinny racks.
    - Story: It's OK. A young girl wants to be a rock star. There are two basic paths: the "pure" one and the "corrupted" one.
    So, you can play as a regular girl with regular jobs, (bartender for example) that studies music, dance and rhetoric, doesn't mess with wrong people and doesn't gets into big troubles and finally enters in a band and play a concert. The problem is... who wants to play like that? With that path, the game is just grind, grind and more grind without events...
    ... or, you can play the "corruption" path: you whore yourself giving head to the truck drivers in a motorway or in a gloryhole, become a webcam porn model and have sex with all people (men and women) around you. That way you get the events and scenes that, as I already said, are always too short and dissapointing.
    - Gameplay: the game is about management of resources (time, stamina, hungry, mood etc). There are several sceneries (pretty well done) and you make several activities there (work, train, study, shopping, eat...) all of them cost you time and other resources, or gives you resources, like money if you work. If you don't cheat with the editor of saves or something, the amount of grind in order of getting money or points of different stats is terrible. Also, you have to remember that you have to go to X place at X hour of X day in order of getting an event, and when you arrive, you discover that your stats are too low for that even, and then you have to grind again and again until you get the points you need... Also, there is no walkthrough and the description of the tasks in the game are too short and confusing, so a lot of times you just wander around the places waiting that something interesting happens.
    The story is lineal, even if the appearance of the game is "sandbox". You can choose if you do something, like whoring yourself or having sex with someone, but can't choose the way you do it. If you don't do it, you just don't see the event and, if that event gives you some kind of stats or money, you have to grind even more in order of getting it.
    - Updates: frequents, but disappointing short. This game has been in development for more that two years, and still seems to be in a early stage of development. A lot of open quests, but all of them waiting for future updates.

  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is intriguing - there is some translation error and typo, nothing game braking
    The girls characters are gorgeous and interesting.
    Something I don't like is inevitable sex scene or rape scene :sick: it grossed me out, I though it would be avoidable.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Beautiful art and interesting characters, but if you don't buy an umbrella early in the game you die of starvation, because rain is instant death I guess. The city is impossible to navigate and there's huge resource costs to barely advance the story. The cigarette addiction is utterly retarded, it's disruptive to gameplay and illogical... MC wants to be a singer, remember? There's so much grinding for resources I lost interest in the story.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Many moons ago, I saw a late night program discussing the relevance of russian poetry versus those of other languages.
    One of the attendees attested the russian language the unique quality to put into words the hardships and melancholy of life itself.

    This is the attitude that must have a huge influence on russian game developers, especially those of adult games.
    They just love to make their players suffer.

    In this, Bright Past is your typical russian game, it makes you suffer.
    The amount of grinding it expects you to engage in is truly soul crushing.
    All to, at long, long last, be rewarded by short moments of story, moments that pass all too quickly, facing the player with yet another round on the grinding treadmill.

    The early parts of the game are especially harsh, before your courage surpasses 10. Then, the game plays most of it's cards in a very short amount of time, and you are left with a ton of stalled quests "in development" and even more grinding to progress the few remaining ones.

    Most of these things could be greatly improved by (s)pacing things out better. You'll very quickly run into quests that state you cannot progress them (wait for next version), which is quite disheartening and gives off a worse impression than the game deserves. It has a fair amount of content, but it's spaced out too thinly (like butter on too big a slice of bread, as a famous hobbit reportedly said), but as of now, I'm not sure it's worth the time investment.
    Reading the changelog for the next version, the developer seems to take baby steps, adding single scenes to a quest chain at a time, which means you should wait many versions before giving Bright Past a go.

    It's a bit of a shame, really, as the renders are quite good for the most part and the game has some interesting features and some questlines that show promise, it's just that, right now, there are no highlights and you are left with a bland taste in your mouth.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful game, with lots of things to do.
    MC is beautiful, renders have great quality, characters are charismatic and with unique personalities.
    I love how many characters interact with MC, and all. I also love the whole naive girl being throw into a world that can break her or make her stronger.
    This game has one of the most beautiful Milf in any female protag game, and the fact that she's lesbian and starts to like MC is amazing. And ofc, corrupt her, but not in a terrible way like many other games.
    Honestly, it's a game that if one day gets finished, can be easily a masterpiece if handled well.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good work, nice scenes.
    This is the first game here where I tried the cheat mod and prefered to play it as is. Even if it is a grind, it is a well thought and carefully constructed grind ^^

    I love the games with female protagonists and lesbian options, I would like to be able to do a full run without male interaction... but for now it seems that a bit is needed if you want high courage scores.

    Thanks a lot for this game, I hope to see a lot of updates in the future!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For me, it's a great game.
    The scenario is quite the same as "Bright future" but with no real porn stars.
    Some improvements are needed :
    - More customized clothes, according to the different situations.
    - It's impossible to avoid the two rape events, since you need them to progress in the game
    - A detailed walkthrough is mandatory (The last one is outdated), and it is tricky, even with the walkthrough to have access to all game's opportunities until about 05/04.
    After, it's a sandbox, but here also a guide is needed.

    The progressive corruption is perfect and with a compete different scenario we can find in most of the games like this one (Coming of age, Lolita gone wild, Glamour, Valentina's story and so...)

    Pictures are top
    Sounds are quite limited.

    So, some improvements are needed, but I consider this game as at least one of the best in the category of gradual voluntary corruption.
  17. 2.00 star(s)



    If someone likes sandbox style, this might be a nice game.
    But the hint section is broken, so you have to run around everywhere at any time, sometimes it's even important if it's raining or not.

    Making money. Giving blowjobs, working in a cafe and a casino.
    With good stats, you will earn about 600$ a night in the casino. A Strapon, you will need to buy this to progress, will cost 700$ (if I remember correctly).
    A car will cost you 20000$.

    If you are into this ... try it and you will like it.
    But without a proper hint system, a mod or an walktrough .... good luck.

    Renders are ok, no animations.

    Female MC is constantly swinging between bi, lesbian, straight.
    (No idea if you can stay on one path, as the hint system guides you to every path)

    *Update 0.80.1

    The dev promise, that with the new update some of my points are being adressed.
    Sadly I will not be able to see this improvements, because old saves don't work.

    Version 0.8, this game is nearly 3 years old - and the dev decides to change the code so you have to start a new game?

    Perhaps I will try this again whenever it's finished, but for now it's a no, bvut no thank you.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite a hot game. I don't like rape stuff, so the rating is one star short. It would be cool, if there would be an option to avoid that scene(s). Apart from that, I like the game very much. The graphics are good, and I like that the main character has a target in her life.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game but it can be a bit redundant with the constant grinding and courage points can be hard to come by since it is challenging to progress the main story. The best part IMO is the freedom to do whatever you want and how much there is to do. Some of the translations are pretty bad too but it's not so bad it makes it unplayable.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game,

    I played approximately 40 hours before giving in to the cheat mod.

    The renders are absolutely gorgeous, I knew that the game lacked good walk through but I made very little progress while passive playing and so I started notepad documentation to track characters to actually start enjoying the game.

    1. Great story, Georgeous MC , NPCs.
    2. Great renders, great effort on small details.
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    1. You will struggle without a good walk through.
    2. Repeated actions are tedious, "grinding", compensated by great renders and story progress but still too much effort.

    Overall, Enjoyed the game but this game does need improvement a lot, I would of rated it 4 stars but night scenes were awesome, hence the 5 stars, start with a good walk through perhaps.

    My previous game: Chloe
    My future game: NTR Knight
