How much money amount are virgin bouns and naked bouns exactly ?
If you mean 'Virgin Whore', +100% that stacks additively with 'Focus' and multiplicatively with other things. Naked bonus is +5% for regular nudity and an extra +15% for Exhibitionists, applied to jobs but not whoring. Note that the 5% and 15% stack
I wouldn't really worry myself with the exact calculations, because they are complex and there are other factors at play that most likely will make whatever theory-crafting you do inaccurate. IMO, the best you can do is watch how it works out in practice via girl stat logs (how much they earn and for which activities).
Are they also effictive in all kind of jobs? or just some jobs , or even not effictive everytime , it just works randomly , or something else ?
'Virgin Whore' seems to work for anything, except for the reputation part that doesn't kick in if you don't actually earn any.
There are very few random perks/traits.
And so does the perk "exhibition" and "the virgin whore" effect "all income" of +15% and 100% , or just effect "the range of modified basic income" +15% and 100%?
Depends on what you mean by 'all income' and 'basic income'. Mostly, traits/perks affect income that's not derived from traits/perks themselves.
That will make me decide if i should cultivate a virgin slave or click the exhibitionist perk , thanks !
Virgins are better off as whores, IMO, while Exhibitionists are exclusively jobgirls. Virgins are also a mild pain to keep so, and you need the whole perk tree to get to the good stuff. OTOH, virgins are rare enough that if you get one, might as well try it out.
send the most expensive girl to farm for resting and half the upkeep at that day
And who said playing evil wasn't beneficial?
any other sugesstion for this lilttle lamb walking into the hell?
You will
hate the Taxgirl and endgame security. Play the
stock resource market and buy diamonds.
it used to have a warning allowing you to adjust your security if able. I dont know why it isnt working.
It did? I see it working as normal, which means ignoring built-up threat and only marking whether threat is increasing fast or not (coloured security ratings). I once spent quite a few hours rewriting this for my own purposes, and I see no evidence that Goldo's done anything with that since 0.15b at least. Maybe I'm overlooking something.
Edit: Or do you mean Sill's warnings? These require security to be quite bad before they kick in.
no money drags you into debt
What exactly are you paying for that overshadows a girl's upkeep so easily? Not denying it might happen, just curious.
I'm not saying what I proposed needs to exist (the scenario isn't even the way I prefer to play), they're just examples of what goldo can do...
If you don't think Goldo should implement these, why mention them? If you do, the previous points about it being too much in terms of dev time still apply.
Personally, I'm in favour of
not having such high-stakes magic at all, and giving the girls an invisible 'trauma meter'. That will make save-scumming near-impossible (you won't know
when to savescum until it's too late), but will still allow the player to back out if he sees his girl crumbling. Maybe with some penalties that linger for a while.
Goldo might want something more dramatic, of course.