Ren'Py Brothel King [v0.3] [Goldo]

4.60 star(s) 48 Votes


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
What's hurting her? Violent customers? Ban thugs/sailors and don't let too many horny mofos show up, i.e. don't advertise as much. The amount of violent customers scales with their total number.

You could also try sending her on quests. Don't know if that works while you're still in the 'only one girl' stage.
no its security events. she'll be active for three days then boom out five. ive up goons again and again still its like there's no check just auto fail. I dont even get a warning about security threats like i did in previous patches.

because she still needs training she doesnt qualify for most quests


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
didnt know what part to search for and my tries didnt work.
This is why I try to quote errors when I answer these questions. Usually, the last line tells you what the issue is.

no solution
The solution is simple, works for 80%+ of problems and is mentioned in the first hit in the first search I linked (and by coincidence is also a post by myself :sneaky:): update your game. Your current version is so old right now that you need to redownload a new 'base' version and the latest update.

no its security events.
Security events are a once-per-night affair, if that. Violent customers might look like they are security events, but technically they are not. They are generated by customers, not low security.

If your girl is being injured in tavern brawls or raped by monsters, that's a security event. If a customer beats her up or rapes her, that's different.

because she still needs training she doesnt qualify for most quests
Then train her? Sill covers her upkeep, you can remove all your brothel staff and just train her until she starts making money. Might be a little boring, but since you're apparently not a badass pimp, you gotta roll with the blows.

The Halo

Jan 19, 2018
This is why I try to quote errors when I answer these questions. Usu

ally, the last line tells you what the issue is.

The solution is simple, works for 80%+ of problems and is mentioned in the first hit in the first search I linked (and by coincidence is also a post by myself :sneaky:): update your game. Your current version is so old right now that you need to redownload a new 'base' version and the latest update.
i did the apply patch thing and it didnt work. was using the download on this site from 6 days ago. just never did the apply patch step because i have never seen somebody do that instead of shiping the thing already patched or as a seperate download

The issue shouldn't be present any more, except if you've already slept with Lady Homura. Console 'plaza.action = False' to make it go away then.

This is a hook for some chapter 3 stuff, and isn't supposed to be active yet. Unfortunately, it probably was for some iteration of 0.2 back in November.
this was the missing part


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
i did the apply patch thing and it didnt work.

this was the missing part
That, too, yeah.

But what you also need to do is redownload the game and the update from goldo00's sig. Your 'base' game version is too old, too. So you'll keep running into more issues if you don't.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
Security events are a once-per-night affair, if that. Violent customers might look like they are security events, but technically they are not. They are generated by customers, not low security.

If your girl is being injured in tavern brawls or raped by monsters, that's a security event. If a customer beats her up or rapes her, that's different.
yeah i know how it works. played for a long time now. even has an icon that says security event. also you cant change your customers in the beginning anyways. i finally got lucky in an event and bought a second girl.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
By 'icon', you mean the shield?

Two girls are actually worse, because now you have guaranteed expenses, both of them working raise threat even more and... You weren't hoarding gold, were you? Because that is the surefire ticket to excessive security events.

You can leave some AP and do some patrolling yourself. That's the one thing Warriors are good at, actually.

I do think Goldo ought to put in some warning for when the threat level is starting to overflow. Then again, there's his general obfuscation philosophy.


New Member
Sep 9, 2019
How much money amount are virgin bouns and naked bouns exactly ?

Does the code set an intitial bouns amount for them ? (e.g. you will get more 20 gold while working as any job/sex act with naked or virgin)

Or it's just a modification of basic income ? (e.g. you will get x 1.05 total income with naked or virgin )

Are they also effictive in all kind of jobs? or just some jobs , or even not effictive everytime , it just works randomly , or something else ?

And so does the perk "exhibition" and "the virgin whore" effect "all income" of +15% and 100% , or just effect "the range of modified basic income" +15% and 100%?

That will make me decide if i should cultivate a virgin slave or click the exhibitionist perk , thanks !

Just finish my first trying to chapter 2 (vanilla) , and now I am starting to plan open a new game with "brothel King" difficulty , plan to use the experience all my got to operating a good cost down brothel.
(focusing on just one or 2 attributes to decrease the upkeep , send the most expensive girl to farm for resting and half the upkeep at that day , make girls works and rest at the same day as possible to save the advertising and guard expense, etc...... )

any other sugesstion for this lilttle lamb walking into the hell?
much appreciated !


Aug 9, 2020
I suggested something similar myself and I do think it could be interesting. However, Jman rightly pointed out that this is essentially solving one niche feature's shortcomings with another (by definition even more niche) feature. This approach to designing a game is a bit risky in the long term, especially while so many other more prominent parts of the game could still be developed further.
I'm not saying what I proposed needs to exist (the scenario isn't even the way I prefer to play), they're just examples of what goldo can do to reduce save scumming (something he indicated he wants to try and do) without resorting to mechanics that stifle gameplay and instead can possibly enhance it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
By 'icon', you mean the shield?

Two girls are actually worse, because now you have guaranteed expenses, both of them working raise threat even more and... You weren't hoarding gold, were you? Because that is the surefire ticket to excessive security events.

You can leave some AP and do some patrolling yourself. That's the one thing Warriors are good at, actually.

I do think Goldo ought to put in some warning for when the threat level is starting to overflow. Then again, there's his general obfuscation philosophy.
it used to have a warning allowing you to adjust your security if able. I dont know why it isnt working.

and two girls may have expenses, but no money drags you into debt if you patrol easily. two girls are unlikely to be hurt at the same time.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
How much money amount are virgin bouns and naked bouns exactly ?
If you mean 'Virgin Whore', +100% that stacks additively with 'Focus' and multiplicatively with other things. Naked bonus is +5% for regular nudity and an extra +15% for Exhibitionists, applied to jobs but not whoring. Note that the 5% and 15% stack multiplicatively.

I wouldn't really worry myself with the exact calculations, because they are complex and there are other factors at play that most likely will make whatever theory-crafting you do inaccurate. IMO, the best you can do is watch how it works out in practice via girl stat logs (how much they earn and for which activities).

Are they also effictive in all kind of jobs? or just some jobs , or even not effictive everytime , it just works randomly , or something else ?
'Virgin Whore' seems to work for anything, except for the reputation part that doesn't kick in if you don't actually earn any.

There are very few random perks/traits.

And so does the perk "exhibition" and "the virgin whore" effect "all income" of +15% and 100% , or just effect "the range of modified basic income" +15% and 100%?
Depends on what you mean by 'all income' and 'basic income'. Mostly, traits/perks affect income that's not derived from traits/perks themselves.

That will make me decide if i should cultivate a virgin slave or click the exhibitionist perk , thanks !
Virgins are better off as whores, IMO, while Exhibitionists are exclusively jobgirls. Virgins are also a mild pain to keep so, and you need the whole perk tree to get to the good stuff. OTOH, virgins are rare enough that if you get one, might as well try it out.

send the most expensive girl to farm for resting and half the upkeep at that day
And who said playing evil wasn't beneficial? :p

any other sugesstion for this lilttle lamb walking into the hell?
You will hate the Taxgirl and endgame security. Play the stock resource market and buy diamonds. :D

it used to have a warning allowing you to adjust your security if able. I dont know why it isnt working.
It did? I see it working as normal, which means ignoring built-up threat and only marking whether threat is increasing fast or not (coloured security ratings). I once spent quite a few hours rewriting this for my own purposes, and I see no evidence that Goldo's done anything with that since 0.15b at least. Maybe I'm overlooking something.

Edit: Or do you mean Sill's warnings? These require security to be quite bad before they kick in.

no money drags you into debt
What exactly are you paying for that overshadows a girl's upkeep so easily? Not denying it might happen, just curious.

I'm not saying what I proposed needs to exist (the scenario isn't even the way I prefer to play), they're just examples of what goldo can do...
If you don't think Goldo should implement these, why mention them? If you do, the previous points about it being too much in terms of dev time still apply.

Personally, I'm in favour of not having such high-stakes magic at all, and giving the girls an invisible 'trauma meter'. That will make save-scumming near-impossible (you won't know when to savescum until it's too late), but will still allow the player to back out if he sees his girl crumbling. Maybe with some penalties that linger for a while.

Goldo might want something more dramatic, of course.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
if your doing random events to earn money (say your girl is hurt) you can run into failed missions. if you fall into debt you ofc get the banker to loan you 250. But if you cant pay it back thats game over. So not worth the risk.

Yeah I meant Sill's warnings. I ended up with a GO and opend a previous save and despite maxed out goons still got a hurt girl right as I hit level 2. of course the shop keeper also doesnt sell any weapons and when she does its out of reach.

While possible, opening of the game needs some rebalancing. I'm ok with GO screens, but success is a bit too reliant on luck of the draw. as you progress and unlock the three girls that sell you weapons and specific items then difficult just falls off a cliff.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
But if you cant pay it back thats game over.
Can't you just do nothing? If you only have one girl who's in bed and recovering, what are you spending money on?

Yeah I meant Sill's warnings.
These actually have been changed so that if you have max goons, no warning is triggered. Mostly because at that point you really can't do much more about it.

I ended up with a GO and opend a previous save and despite maxed out goons still got a hurt girl right as I hit level 2.
GO? What hurt her, an event or a girl-beater?

Goons admittedly scale kinda poorly after chapter 1 during actual security events. Reserving some AP and being strong or a Warrior are pretty good there.

of course the shop keeper also doesnt sell any weapons and when she does its out of reach.
Ramias? Spend money to get more stock? Admittedly, I've never had to experience this myself because Bonanza-Ramias is positively drowning in hardware. :sneaky:

While possible, opening of the game needs some rebalancing. I'm ok with GO screens, but success is a bit too reliant on luck of the draw. as you progress and unlock the three girls that sell you weapons and specific items then difficult just falls off a cliff.
GO screens? Luck (RNG) in security? Opening? Merchants selling you lots of weapons without excessive re-stocking? I'm afraid you're losing me here.


New Member
Jun 3, 2019
My experience is that I'm doomed to get multiple monster attacks in the first month and I just accept that. But I've never had a problem with thugs - though I suspect that's because I rarely put anyone on whoring until I hit chapter 2.


Feb 8, 2019
Trying this out in Android using Joiplay, Good so far but I just have qualms about how short the UI is. I'll try and figure something out on my own but some help would be nice.

For example: The back button is small to touch and I mistakenly press something else instead.


Oct 15, 2018
of course the shop keeper also doesnt sell any weapons and when she does its out of reach.

While possible, opening of the game needs some rebalancing. I'm ok with GO screens, but success is a bit too reliant on luck of the draw. as you progress and unlock the three girls that sell you weapons and specific items then difficult just falls off a cliff.
Goons admittedly scale kinda poorly after chapter 1 during actual security events. Reserving some AP and being strong or a Warrior are pretty good there.

Ramias? Spend money to get more stock? Admittedly, I've never had to experience this myself because Bonanza-Ramias is positively drowning in hardware. :sneaky:

GO screens? Luck (RNG) in security? Opening? Merchants selling you lots of weapons without excessive re-stocking? I'm afraid you're losing me here.
Wanted to further explain that "Reserving some AP" means leaving one AP unspent when you end day, so MC is available (to use mostly strength) to defend girls & brothel.
Maybe this needs some in-game mention, in the skippable intro?

Goldo00, maybe in chapter1, you could add an appropriate-cost/level MC & Girl random weapon to the Shop weekly like you do the flower. Don't actually need to limit to Ch1, to make it simpler.
Jman's remedies are only for Ch2 & later.

Edit: Also makes sense that if Shop has an affordable food or item that heals, to buy just one to have on hand, and use if girl gets hurt without relying that Shop will have one when the hurt happens.

As Jman says, stockpiling money attracts security events. In chapter1, I try investing in useful things from Shop, & equipping them, to limit risk while saving *some* of income to get 2nd girl, on the way to adding another job room for that girl. All before seriously trying for that chapter 1 gold goal.

Balancing often takes back burner, but if you have specific suggestions, please give them.
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Oct 15, 2018
Just finish my first trying to chapter 2 (vanilla) , and now I am starting to plan open a new game with "brothel King" difficulty , plan to use the experience all my got to operating a good cost down brothel.
(focusing on just one or 2 attributes to decrease the upkeep , send the most expensive girl to farm for resting and half the upkeep at that day , make girls works and rest at the same day as possible to save the advertising and guard expense, etc...... )
I usually add a second girl that can benefit from the existing ch1 job room, but has primary skills in another job which becomes my next investment for job room, before trying for ch1 gold goal.

I schedule my girls to cover the normal jobs I have rooms for daily. Closing the brothel reduces Rep gains & can actually reduce it. Keep advertising somewhat high, as it increases each customer's budget.

Make your girls love you (there are district caps) and you can use slider to reduce upkeep without lowering mood.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Trying this out in Android using Joiplay...

For example: The back button is small to touch and I mistakenly press something else instead.
I assume the right-click equivalent is even worse?


Feb 8, 2019
I assume the right-click equivalent is even worse?
Yeah, it's bad to play it in Android but!

I figured it out, it's just that my dumbness that got to me and I made the game work out just fine and now currently at Chapter 2.

Rexdot The Seeker

New Member
Jan 23, 2022
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "/storage/emulated/0/Download/Brothel King/Brothel_King-pc/game/script.rpy", line 126, in script
init -2 python:
File "/storage/emulated/0/Download/Brothel King/Brothel_King-pc/game/script.rpy", line 133, in <module>
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "/storage/emulated/0/Download/Brothel King/Brothel_King-pc/game/script.rpy", line 126, in script
init -2 python:
File "renpy/", line 914, in execute
File "renpy/", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode
File "/storage/emulated/0/Download/Brothel King/Brothel_King-pc/game/script.rpy", line 133, in <module>
File "renpy/", line 731, in do_mutation
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list


I barely need help


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
Can't you just do nothing? If you only have one girl who's in bed and recovering, what are you spending money on?

These actually have been changed so that if you have max goons, no warning is triggered. Mostly because at that point you really can't do much more about it.

GO? What hurt her, an event or a girl-beater?

Goons admittedly scale kinda poorly after chapter 1 during actual security events. Reserving some AP and being strong or a Warrior are pretty good there.

Ramias? Spend money to get more stock? Admittedly, I've never had to experience this myself because Bonanza-Ramias is positively drowning in hardware. :sneaky:

GO screens? Luck (RNG) in security? Opening? Merchants selling you lots of weapons without excessive re-stocking? I'm afraid you're losing me here.
You really need to relearn how the start of the game works. You can't do most of the things you suggest until you finish the first chapter. By the time you can purchase the stock upgrades you can get the three girls to sell dedicated supplies quickly and its already a non issue.

If you spend anything, its on flowers early game because its hard to aquire good named girls without them. You see a flower in a color you dont have, you buy it. Yeah takes longer to get out of chapter one, but its worth it when you start chapter two with whores that are both named and would damn near die for you in loyalty.

GO = Game Over screens.

I went for a complete start over and really getting through the first chapter legitimately is a milestone. Everything else is just gravy after that. But once you have the second girl it's pretty much set.

Now if I knew a damn thing about modding I would bring back selling off the girls you seduce. I mean it only makes sense if you want to be the kind of pimp that seduces women into a life of prostitution and slavery to be able to sell them off when you're done with them.
4.60 star(s) 48 Votes