Bubbles and Sister 0.5
A promising game with 2D art and some light sandboxing.
A someone young man inherts a Spa from his dad, and meets his old family. Known F95'ers know how the story continues. You meet your mom, a younger clingy sister, and the older tsundere sister. Additionally there are other female love interests.
As for the game mechanics, or better the sandbox, it is very minimal. You can travel betwen different areas, have three day times (morning, day, night/evening). Events are marked with a symbol, so you won't miss them. Should a player even be lost, use the ingame-guide to continue the quest/progress.
As for the 2D art, I'm a lover of 2D arts, and prefer them more than 3D CGI. It's all about taste. I like the sillyness of the art, and still it captures the sexiness of the MC's love interests. Some lewd scenes are animated, some are just static pictures.
As for now with 0.5, the content is okay, and I had my fun for that time. I don't know about the update schedule, since I discovered it today.
Keep it up, Bubbles and Sisters!