[R>Artist 3D] [R>Programmer] [R>Writer] [S>Programmer] C/C++/C#/Python Programmer wanting to make nice and fun 3D Game [Unreal ideally?]


Feb 22, 2018
Hey there,

It's been a while i'm wanting to work on a *nice* 3D games. Those are, unfortunately, very rare.
I have multiple "big picture" ideas, but it's not something I can tackle on my own (let's say my artistic skills are .. not great?), and what I have in mind *will* need some 3D artist skills.

- Project : Ideally, something around Unreal Engine (because I quite like it).
Multiple in mind, the idea is to start with something low scope, to train our hands, and grow slowly.
- Something like a hotel++ management at first (with some twists)
- Something like insexcity but in 3D and from a man perspective (with some twists maybe)

- Looking for:
Well, first, people who share the same want to see something like that happening.
Mostly 3D artist (because my blender skills are barely none)
Writer maybe
Programmer if it's really needed

The idea is not to rush anything, but like being a pet project, something we can have fun building, and see people enjoying it.

It's fully a fun on-the-side project for me.

If you share the will to make it work, MP me in this forum, and we'll see about it.

I don't expect much answers as it's quite vague and quite a lot to ask, but who knows. Maybe another one weird one like me has skills to spare and want to fill this gap, we need more fun 3d games !

Take care all,

Flem .-


May 12, 2018
i use unreal blueprint, and do 3d ,2d.

i think the first you should make is the game design. as many fail on the basic thing like what game system is needed.
management game got a lot type of system is needed as all management game is different from each other, like character custom system is need for some .

and i can't find a game call insexcity, i only find insexsity.


Feb 22, 2018
Yeah, insexsity is the one sorry I mispelled it. Or more recentely Unaware of the city, the principle is nice but yeah.
This is more a 'bigger project'.


May 12, 2018
i do wonder what is your plan in starting the project? far too many project die before it even start.


Feb 22, 2018
Well, first would be to discuss with interested parties about the general vision. Then from all that make a GDD, and start from that.
My goal is to try and make something fun and kinda "new/different".
Maybe it'll work, maybe it wont. But at least we tried.
But this is too much to make alone, at least for me. I don't have the artistic skills and learning them well .. :D


May 12, 2018
if that so then do let me join but i my self think too many people will be bad.

my goal is simple, i only want a good/detail plan , i my self think i can make a game my self alone in unreal.
for a porn game i find it hard to make new / different , so if you do have a good ideal i will be happy to join.


Feb 22, 2018
Oh sure, a first project must be something "simple". Not overdo the scope or anything. The worst thing to do for a first game is to want to do 'too much' yeah.
I mean I could probably do a game myself alone in unreal, but i'm lacking of of that 3D modeling stuff to make something "okay"/consistent :D
I'll MP something, need some time to write my thoughts :)