Hello, I am the developer of this game and I would like to thank everyone for checking it out.
This is the first Patreon build of the game and is still receiving patches almost daily. Like with my previous two games, I
HIGHLY suggest waiting for next month's public release, which will be a lot more stable, has fewer placeholder and fixes the current bugs.
Why not check out
Orange Trainer or
Paprika Trainer while you wait for Camp Mourning Wood to get updated? =)
To clear up some confusion about the version naming. Meaning we are currently on patch 4 of the pre-alpha stage.
*Placeholder art
If you have played the game, you will have noticed a few very out of place models. These are simply placeholders and will be replaced in an upcoming patch.
Because we're so early on in development, your feedback is appreciated. If you leave your suggestions, I may put them into a future version of the game.