Unity - Completed - Camp Pinewood 2 [R20] [VaultMan]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Not my type of art. I played till the first real scene and I was dissapointed. It was too childish. Maybe there are people that like this artstyle but I am not one of those. The story I don't know did not play it far enough to be able to review it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing story enjoyed the ending minor glitches in the game wish certain scenes were added in and i also wish you could see the photos long term you cant save during dialog and you also cant roll back so you kinda have to pay attention and you have to wait till dialog is over to save sadly
  3. 4.00 star(s)




    (No major spoilers below)

    There isn't too much of an actual coherent story to begin with, majorly its kind of a bunch of side stories with some overlapping "main" story around it, but for the most portion of the game you will be just tending to a bunch of separate things mostly not relating to each other, for a casual experience it's great but if you want a deep experience with the characters you see in the game, this isn't the game for you. The story points in the specific side missions for the different girls you see aren't done horribly, but they seem to lack any real depth to them.

    The writing in the game isn't too great, it's very evident the creator doesn't speak native English, which is fine, but it shows very clearly in the body of work, there's a lot of sentences that look that they are coming straight out of google translate, or seem weirdly worded, like they didn't know the right word to put in what place. The way the story is moved forward (which i talked about in the section above more) makes the game feel more like an animation gallery, rather than a big story, you don't have too many moments where you can lose yourself in the writing and feel immersed in the story, which is fine if that's the kind of game you're into. It's easy to just kind of autopilot while watching a video or a movie.

    There's not too much UI, but the ones that are in use are well made, it's clear that a big bulk of the attention making the game was put into how the game itself works, alongside the interfaces you're faced with, they are one of the better spots in the game and were easy to use, and good looking.

    Graphics are also one of the main stars of the game, they're simple sure, but they are effective, they're consistent and they're good because of that, the animations are solid, from the ones that I have seen, they are smooth, and in the gameplay loop itself everything seems to run well, nothing that moves seems super out of place, and in scenes its fluid and seems like its crafted well.
    The gameplay loop of the game is quite good, the experience itself gets rather repetitive but at no point does it feel overwhelmingly boring, the gameplay is very smooth, transitioning from area to area is very fluid and seems logical, bigger issues with it is that the character doesn't move too fast, so a sprint option would be very nice to have (if I've just not missed it) What you do in the game itself seems logical to the writing, being asked to do something and you actually have to go into the area, and do an action, then return, instead of the game taking your hand and moving you around for it, the exploration isn't too bad, it takes a little bit to figure out where everything that's not mentioned on the map is, but it's not a bad experience, since exploring to see the areas is at least somewhat enjoyable.

    Last thoughts:
    I would say its a solidly average game, maybe 3.5 would do it more justice than 4. although the issues I highlighted in the game do genuinely make the experience worse, and I hope that the creator does something about them, such as hiring/asking a native English speaker to help fix the dialogue, and maybe create more depth to the characters. But for a casual game to just run through its not a bad experience.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It was pretty good to me. Art is good, Sex scenes are good enougj. I'm not an amazing critic so don't expect Fashion advice. The most annoying part for me is, because I am so stupid, that you can easily get lost and don't know how to continue the story.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It has a lot of potential but it feels very flat at the moment. The quests are just fetch quests, the sex scenes are short and boring, so the pay off for the quests isn't really worth it.

    I really wanted to like it, the name made me think of the camp sherwood comic but it's just not worth playing currently.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game clearly lacks beautiful animations, variety of levels, detail in the story and depth of immersion. In my opinion, the game loses in many respects to similar games in this genre. Hopefully it will be remade and made more in depth, but for now the game looks like something unfinished to me.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    A game with enough fame to be known to those outside of the usual H game circles but upon playing it reveals its shallowness. And I do mean shallow, like a pool in the sahara desert.

    So where do we begin? You play as 'John', a man with missing memories whose job is to be counselor in a camp that's just met a natural disaster. Your job is to assist the master of the camp, Frankie, of foster's home fame, in a world where people bare their breasts on a plate. Its like living in a world where every girl waits with baited breath on your asking to show you their genitals. Not even two minutes past meeting acquaintances and she'll show you her jug collection merely because you ask her to.

    Gameplay consist mostly of inane fetch questing that makes no sense, even on a gameplay perspective. Locked boxes are thrown around the area without any reason, and you open them with lockpicks that are also thrown around the area without any reason. Hell, the game even features an NPC whose sole mission in life is to provide you with things you happen to need and nothing else. Even kids games dont insult intelligence at the level of what this game is doing.

    But of course, we're not here to give out awards for gameplay. So how does the 'H' stand in this purported H game? The answer is pretty bad. Terrible in fact, and no, its not the artstyle that's ruining the experience. Let me attempt to illustrate;

    You're presented with the scene of your lady in questionable positions. Left click for the humping to happen. Once heart is full, you can either cum or leave. All this happens within the space of 5 seconds then everything goes back to normal like nothing happened. No dragging, not even switching positions or speed, and all that with animations at a level lower than what flash games accomplished 20 years ago. Its such a surreal experience. Like the sex is happening in another dimension.

    How about a game where we're arsed about actually progressing with a girl, and then getting rewarded with one session with multiple positions, interactions, with a hold button. That's tons better than 5 disconnected sex sessions thats about as impactful as a mosquito's penis in a whale's vagina.

    Artwork and sound are passable, gravity falls style. Solid without being pretentious, and at least its consistent. Not much to talk about here.

    I can't help but feel that this game is waste of potential, because you can see the moving parts its just that it offers so little at present time. This game is simply not much of a 'game', more like a tech demo. I finished it in 1 hour. In other words, I cant recommend the game at its present state, because its like paying for a spoonful of dinner in a steak house.

    Might get better, but as indicated by long time fans, seems like the dev has trouble committing to projects. Wont be long before Frankie moves on to camp pinewood 3 I guess. But if the devs wants to be taken seriously, I would recommend not burning their brand and commit. Better a buggy mess than an empty plate.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The art style is cool. It has the potential to be a great game, but it turns out that it's really boring. There is not much to do, just walking from place to place and searching for random items. And most of all, the scenes are extremely short and contain like 1-second animation looped about 5 times. Absolutely the worst part was a guest 'meet the girls in the morning... Jesus fucking christ... there were so much not interesting dialogues that I wanted to skip it and to do so I needed to constantly click, and even when I used a fucking auto clicker it took 10 FUCKING MINUTES to skip. Not recommended
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Wayfarer Kane

    The idea seemed pretty interesting and the art was reasonably cute, but the game just didn’t deliver. Little or not characterization, very wooden dialogue, uninspired smut scenes. Can’t recommend this one, unfortunately.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Calling this game poor, is not fair, the gameplay, the overworl is very nice, a 2-D scroller, without any bug i could find and everything seems to work fine, if we talk about the programming and structure of the game.

    The real problem comes in the way of art and character deph. You have to do barely nothing for the girls to show you their boobs, butt, or anything sex related. The MC is uninteresting and the story could be better or least wacky, in fact the story doesn't make sense even if you have played the first game, that you shouldn't. The story don't work either for introducing a bunch of popular pop character that could make any sense.

    I hate to say this, but the art didn't work at all. Is unappeling, Maybe is way to much symplistic for me, but i didn't feel anything from it. Just changing the art, but with the same gameplay could make this game worth playing a second time.

    Also, the "sex scene music" is always the same and is very bad.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for 1.1

    Sadly this game just isn't that good.

    The art is largely bad to mediocre.
    The story is alright, but nothing special.
    The characters aren't very interesting.

    And finally the gameplay is just boring. All you do is walk around looking for stuff. Maybe alright if the reward was good, but it's just not.

    Overall I wouldn't play it. 2/5
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Boring and unoriginal. The character designs are good, but there's not much of a game. You can walk a little bit here and there, but most of the time just teleport between locations to see if that's where the objective is, and click through a bunch of weak dialog. The story is mostly a contrived excuse for intrigue and mystery; a failed attempt to hide the underlying banality, lack of originality or really anything of substance.

    The sexual content is weak. Poorly animated (if at all), lacking dynamism and hardly worth the keystrokes and left clicks that it costs. I feel betrayed by the hiking scene where I had to click through what felt like a novel to the point that I had to switch clicking hands. The story is not interesting enough to warrant the amount of text that it's presented with, the dialog lacks character, and the rewards are half-assed at best.

    The protagonist is weak, puny and uninteresting. Performance is OK. Grammar is mostly good. There seems to be a lot of content, but most of it is paragraphs of text that lacks any sort of depth, character, interest or reason to keep reading at all. It may seem like I'm emphasizing the story, dialog and presentation a lot in this, but that's mostly what this game is trying to be, and it fails.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    MC's Hammer

    After Vaultman wrecked the code of the first game and eventually came back to somewhat fix it and produce more content, the quality of artwork dipped significantly. I was personally promised on patreon that it would improve. It never did.

    I was excited by the quality of art in this game. Not just a return to form, but an improved product. It does look nicer.. until once again you reach the lewd scenes and the quality takes a massive dive.

    It's not bad, it's just short click-to -play loops of underwhelming quality. Incomparable to the rest of the artwork in the game.

    I'm not angry, and this is why I'm not giving it an unfair 1-2 stars. The game has positive qualities. I just found my expectations were once again crushed. Maybe it's a lesson for me, but I just feel like Vaultman is capable of doing better.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    1 of my 5 favorite games...
    CP1 was more cartoon, but it was poor coded, have many sexy girls nad problems. This thing is more comfortable to play, and i really like the new types of sex scenes!
    That's the all reavie
    P.S. Sorry for my english <3 Sir Dewwit
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    After the train wreck of the first game I was curious to see if Camp Pinewood 2 would be any better. And I have to say that especially in terms of gameplay this is a huge improvement. It's still lacking in quite some other areas though.

    In contrast to the first game, ** 2 is no longer a point & click game. Instead it plays like a 2D game where you actively walk around the camp and are able to interact with characters and objects. The idea is to complete various tasks for the girls in order to progress the story (and get some naughty rewards).

    The story is still a little strange but at least this setup gives the game a lot more structure than the first **. Also in terms of bugs the game has definitely improved. That said, there is not a lot of content yet and the game still feels a bit 'empty'.

    Thus far the improvements. Unfortunately the game also has some flaws that were already there in the first **.

    Something that I didn't like about both games is the complete lack of build-up in your relationships. You don't have to develop a girl's love, trust or corruption. They just instantly like you. And they show their tits or have sex with you for no apparent reason. Sometimes you have to perform a task first, but that feels more like an excuse to add some extra gameplay.

    Also the lewd scenes are kinda boring. They're animated, that's a plus, but they all just consist of a single animation without any additional dialogue or foreplay. You just watch a 2-second loop until your love meter is full, you cum, and that's it.

    So in conclusion: is this game worth playing if you're looking for an improved Camp Pinewood with better gameplay? Yes, definitely. But the story and the sexy stuff still have the depth of an average Newgrounds game. So unless you're interested in the specific characters the game gets boring very quickly.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright, even though that the game is pretty good looking, I think there are some serious cons. First of all, Camp Pinewood has the same art style, same place etc. I love Vault Man's art style but spending time to at least clearing ** from bugs would be better as a start. After those, improving art style is also important if you ask me, it looks like the same from the previous title.

    Overall, if you like ** and want to play more, you should. But waiting for further updates would be better for you.

    If you didn't like ** or wanted something radically different; you know the answer.
    Likes: naoc