Hello, this great save/load system with a delete function is very nice, but the "forced" popup box as one is "saving the game" is irritating. Can anyone of you who is a master on coding disable the "save box" that ask for description of the savegame so the system will work as the "vanilla" save-game system i.e. one-click on a savebox and it's saved with no questions asked.
# RUN - New Save/Load game system with delete key
screen load():
tag menu
use slots(_('Load'), _('Select a slot from above to {b}load{/b} a previous game.'))
screen save():
tag menu
use slots(_('Save in'), _('Select a slot from above to {b}save{/b} the current game.'))
screen slots(title, tip):
use common_menu():
style_prefix 'slots'
textbutton _('Back') action Return()
style_prefix 'pages'
textbutton _('Previous{#page}') action FilePagePrevious()
if config.has_autosave or config.has_quicksave:
style_prefix 'pages_group'
if config.has_autosave:
textbutton _("A{#auto_page}") action FilePage("auto")
if config.has_quicksave:
textbutton _("Q{#quick_page}") action FilePage("quick")
style_prefix 'pages_group'
$ lower = max(1, int(FilePageName(0, 0)) - 2)
for page in xrange(lower, lower + 5):
textbutton str(page).zfill(2) action FilePage(page)
textbutton _('Next{#page}') action FilePageNext()
grid 3 2:
style_prefix 'slot'
for slot in xrange(1, 7):
$ action = FileAction(slot)
$ name = '{}-{}. {}'.format(FileCurrentPage(), slot, FileTime(
slot, format=_("{#file_time}%B %d, %H:%M"),
empty=_('{i}empty slot{/i}')))
$ shot = FileScreenshot(slot)
text name
null height 5
has button:
action If(isinstance(action, FileSave),
Show('slots_note', None, slot), action)
alt '{} {}'.format(title, name)
background shot
if isinstance(shot, im.ImageBase):
hover_background HoverImage(shot)
tooltip FileSaveName(slot)
if FileLoadable(slot):
action FileDelete(slot)
alt _('Delete {}').format(name)
hover 'delete_btn_over'
idle 'delete_btn_idle'
tooltip FileSaveName(slot)
key 'save_delete' action FileDelete(slot)
text tip
label GetTooltip() or ''
screen slots_note(slot):
modal True
# Grr, it always ask this when saving the game :(
default note = 'Enter description'
style_prefix 'slot_prompt'
has vbox
label _('Enter a note to help recognise this save:')
style_prefix 'text_input'
allow ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
'0123456789 -_!()@:;?<>,.#/')
length 32
value ScreenVariableInputValue('note')
action (SetField(store, 'save_name', note.strip()),
FileSave(slot, confirm=False),
SetField(store, 'save_name', ''),
keysym 'input_enter'
selected False
sensitive note.strip()
if FileLoadable(slot):
style_suffix 'warn_button'
text _('Overwrite') style_suffix 'warn_button_text'
text _('OK') style_suffix 'button_text'
textbutton _('Cancel'):
action Hide('slots_note')
keysym 'game_menu'
style pages_button is menu_button:
xsize 150
style pages_button_text is menu_button_text
style pages_group_button is menu_button:
xsize 60
style pages_group_button_text is menu_button_text
style pages_group_hbox is menu_hbox:
align (.5, .5)
spacing 10
style pages_hbox is menu_hbox:
spacing 30
xalign .5
style slot_button:
xysize (config.thumbnail_width, config.thumbnail_height)
style slot_frame:
background 'menu_frame'
padding (4, 4, 4, 4)
style slot_grid:
align (.5, .5)
spacing 30
style slot_image_button:
align (1., 0.)
offset (-2, 2)
style slot_prompt_button is menu_button:
xysize (150, 50)
style slot_prompt_button_text is menu_button_text:
size 14
style slot_prompt_frame is menu_frame:
align (.5, .5)
background 'menu_frame_opaque'
fit_first True
padding (25, 35, 25, 25)
xmaximum 650
style slot_prompt_hbox:
spacing 50
xalign .5
style slot_prompt_label:
xalign .5
style slot_prompt_vbox:
spacing 20
style slot_prompt_warn_button take slot_prompt_button
style slot_prompt_warn_button_text take slot_prompt_button_text
style slots_button is menu_button
style slots_button_text is menu_button_text
style slots_fixed:
fit_first True
xalign .5
style slots_label:
xalign .5
yoffset 25
style slots_label_text:
bold True
style slots_text:
color '8b94aa'
style slots_vbox:
align (.5, .5)
spacing 30
# END - New Save/Load game system with delete key