Seeking Can anyone recommend me a game with romance options for foxgirls

Jul 20, 2019
No its not very specific and of course im asking this for a friend, what games do you know of where a foxgirl is a romance option or actually part of the characters you interact with as long as its longer than one or two sex scenes with an actual character id be interested in it.

i dont have a good example on hand but maybe something like the SEQUEL games? even vns are fine or renpy games

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Monster Girl Dreams
One of the most fleshed-out characters is a kitsune. She appears in a later area and actually romancing her requires quite a bit of effort.

Female Offerings are Spirited Away (not on this site)
Like pretty much all games made by Bakery it's a loli rape game. Its plot is like a jigsaw, where you go through game cycles to gather knowledge and understanding of events/characters in order to reach the ending. Don't let the "loli rape" bit fool you; while the game is dark at times there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel. The MC's companion is a fox girl but she's, like almost everyone else, a loli so it might not be your cup of tea.
It's a very good game in any case.

Meteor Pendulum Heart
One of the routes focuses on a fox girl (kinda loli).

Forest Guardian
Lesbian romance.

Wild Romance: Mofu Mofu Edition
It's harem-only, which I hate, so I haven't played it. Can't tell you if it's good but it does have a fox girl in it.

Magical Marriage Lunatics
Generic but it fits.

My Creampie Heaven
This is actually a compilation of three VNs, one of which involves married life with a fox girl.