Can yo reccomend another sites like Patreon but w/o their overbearing restrictions?


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2017
Can yo recommend another sites like Patreon but w/o their overbearing restrictions, especially the incest theme? I was looking at Subscribestar but found it is banned from Paypal.


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Nov 16, 2017
You're going to be hard pressed to find sites like those. without restrictions of one form or another... You may be better off creating your own website and partnering with various pay systems... I think that sites like Patreon have spoiled too many people in how simple their system is to use and setup... You may end up having to do a little extra work to go with a more traditional system... Just a suggestion...



Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Can yo recommend another sites like Patreon but w/o their overbearing restrictions, especially the incest theme? I was looking at Subscribestar but found it is banned from Paypal.
Paypal is the reason Patreon banned all that content, the same restrictions will apply to any other platform using that form of payment.
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Nov 24, 2017
Paypal is the reason Patreon banned all that content, the same restrictions will apply to any other platform using that form of payment.
No, Paypal refused to serve the adult sites many years ago for a single reason - the high level of chargebacks. Any adult sites, not just certain content. Patreon is not considered "adult" unlike Subsribestar, so Patreon is still working with Paypal no matter it still has thousands of adult accounts.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
No, Paypal refused to serve the adult sites many years ago for a single reason - the high level of chargebacks. Any adult sites, not just certain content. Patreon is not considered "adult" unlike Subsribestar, so Patreon is still working with Paypal no matter it still has thousands of adult accounts.
Go look up the incest controversy, Payapl put the breaks on it or they would pull from Patreon.
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Active Member
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Nov 24, 2017
Go look up the incest controversy, Payapl put the breaks on it or they would pull from Patreon.
Patreon says it allows lolita and incest like in game of thrones, and explicitly states no real pr0n in any kind; at the sam time for several decades already there is an US Surpreme Court decision stating drawn characters of any kind including minors are not considered against the law providing they don't depict real persons (for example granny Killary - ugh!).


I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
Patreon says it allows lolita and incest like in game of thrones, and explicitly states no real pr0n in any kind; at the sam time for several decades already there is an US Surpreme Court decision stating drawn characters of any kind including minors are not considered against the law providing they don't depict real persons (for example granny Killary - ugh!).
It's not about the law, Patreon is a private company and has the right to choose what they host or not on their site.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
No, Paypal refused to serve the adult sites many years ago for a single reason - the high level of chargebacks. Any adult sites, not just certain content. Patreon is not considered "adult" unlike Subsribestar, so Patreon is still working with Paypal no matter it still has thousands of adult accounts.
You are wrong. Patreon has confirmed several times that it was pressure from their payment processors, which led to the change in their guidelines about adult content.

Direct quote from Patreon themselves
We have been ramping up the proactive review of content on Patreon due to requirements from our payment partners
Quote is found in this article:

An article from the first Paypal backlash from 2014 shows the extent of PP's power over Patreon, and shows exactly what they think about adult content on the site. A small clip of the article explains that PP gave them a 24 hour deadline, which resulted in a ton of pressure and resulting issues:

In short: Patreon and Paypal are like a married couple: Patreon is the husband and Paypal is the wife. At first glance, it might seem like the husband is the one in charge, and he might even think so himself. However, we all know the wife is the one with all the power.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2017
I am starting to agree with written above; still this is not actually my original question:)

PS. Any opinion about Subsribestar?

PS2. Looking at their fee policy, for the 1 US$ patrons the fees are up to 40%

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
I am starting to agree with written above; still this is not actually my original question:)

PS. Any opinion about Subsribestar?
Well, actual viable alternatives to patreon is something that is still lacking quite a bit.

I know some developers (like Mr.Dots from Dating my Daughter) used for a while. I recall they did alright'ish on there, but I don't know if they are still a viable choice, and I seem to recall that they aren't really "supposed" to be used for adult content either.

Another option that was talked about for a while was Sponsorion, who were aiming to be a direct competitor to Patreon, and seemed to making some good progress towards launching their site. Nothing has been heard from them for months however, and their site, which they launched for testing earlier in the year, has seemingly gone down. What is going on with them is anyone's guess.

As for Subscribestar, well, I know a lot of people are using it, and seemingly haven't had any issues with it. They originally had paypal as a payment processor, like Patreon, and paypal decided to pull the plug on them, late last year. Subscribestar didn't bend to the pressure which Patreon gave in to, and instead opted for other payment partners, who are willing to accept adult content, in order to keep their adult content creators on board. Their TOS is also a lot less strict when it comes to adult content. As far as I know (and I could be completely wrong) the only thing they say is "don't post child pr0n of any kind and don't post real porn images/videos"

The big hurdle Subsribestar is facing, is the fact that they are the new and less known player on the market. They have less consumer friendly payment options than Patreon, due to the lack of Paypal, and their fees might be slightly higher than Patreon, but I have heard conflicting accounts on whether or not this is true.
Also, because of their unwillingness to censor free speech, Subscribestar is being accused by many of a being a horrible, racist, sexist, alt-right site, and they make it seem like it is run by Nazi's in KKK outfits.

I would say Subscribestar is a legit site, but it is much less known than Patreon, and combined with the bad reputation and less friendly payment options, many people will be vary of making the shift to the site. I hope they make it though, cause Patreon needs the competition.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Isn't easier to just do the landlady-patch or let the player choose his relationship with the character and have a warning about not being an incest game? Patreon is shit but Subscribestar doesn't seems better yet. I hope some day and adult site like Pornhub or YouPorn wich are always trying to do new things will throw his hat to the ring as a platform to fund adult content


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2017
Isn't easier to just do the landlady-patch or let the player choose his relationship with the character and have a warning about not being an incest game? Patreon is shit but Subscribestar doesn't seems better yet. I hope some day and adult site like Pornhub or YouPorn wich are always trying to do new things will throw his hat to the ring as a platform to fund adult content
Basically yes; but my problem is I am making a comix:)


Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2017
Patreon says it allows lolita and incest like in game of thrones, and explicitly states no real pr0n in any kind; at the sam time for several decades already there is an US Surpreme Court decision stating drawn characters of any kind including minors are not considered against the law providing they don't depict real persons (for example granny Killary - ugh!).
There is a difference between a story like Game of Thrones that has characters that are in an incestuous relationship, but that is not the focus of the story and it isn't prevalent... And having a VN/Game where incestual sex happens a lot and/or is the focus of the story elements and a multitude of events...

An example of something they might allow, is perhaps a Biography told by someone who was the victim of incest, or a science paper about the issues revolved around incest, and so forth... Porn with incest is a whole other ball of wax, regardless if it's fiction... You have to understand the context of when Patreon would allow it... But even then, some subject matter will always be disallowed, regardless of context...

Also, just because any particular law (City, County, State, Federal) allows for incest themes in fictional works, does not mean companies and other organizations can't disallow it on their websites... Or that companies can't break ties from other companies on moral grounds... Or companies/organizations can't make rules banning specific content in order to disassociate themselves from said content...

As far as your quip on minors, you really need to do your research... In 2002 the Supreme Court did make some rulings regarding the case of Ashcroft vs Free Speech Coalition that overturned much of the Child Pornography Prevention act of 1996... But in 2003 Congress and President Bush signed into law, the PROTECT Act of 2003, which criminalizes material that has "a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture or painting" that "depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene" or "depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in ... sexual intercourse ... and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value". By its own terms, the law does not make all simulated child pornography illegal, only that found to be obscene or lacking in serious value... And the laws regarding what is considered OBSCENE, is subject to the US Supreme Courts Miller Test... So, then it becomes very complex... Involving local state laws and court interpretation, etc...

In 2008, the Supreme Court upheld the 2003 Law to include the criminalization of pandering and solicitation of any form of child pornography...

So, you might want to do your research before blanketly telling folks they are safe to include minors in sexual content...

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Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2017
So, you might want to do your research before blanketly telling folks they are safe to include minors in sexual content...
Well, my research for now is Patreon explicitly states Lolita is allowed - and the minor is the main theme in it. Also my research shows manga/hentai is allowed in US although most of the characters there look like 12-13 years old.

Also my research shows Y3DF is registered on Seychelles, but is not banned in US and they state in their policy: "Some visual depictions displayed on this Website are exempt from the provision of 18 U.S.C. section 2257 and 28 C.F.R. 75 because said visual depictions do not consist of depictions of conduct as specifically listed in 18 U.S.C section 2256 (2) (A) through (D), but are merely depictions of non-sexually explicit nudity, or are depictions of simulated sexual conduct, or were created prior to July 3, 1995, or are otherwise exempt because the visual depictions are fictional illustrations that do not involve real persons. "

I am too lazy to follow your findings but I believe legal team researched them.
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Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
Well, my research for now is Patreon explicitly states Lolita is allowed - and the minor is the main theme in it. Also my research shows manga/hentai is allowed in US although most of the characters there look like 12-13 years old.

Also my research shows Y3DF is registered on Seychelles, but is not banned in US and they state in their policy: "Some visual depictions displayed on this Website are exempt from the provision of 18 U.S.C. section 2257 and 28 C.F.R. 75 because said visual depictions do not consist of depictions of conduct as specifically listed in 18 U.S.C section 2256 (2) (A) through (D), but are merely depictions of non-sexually explicit nudity, or are depictions of simulated sexual conduct, or were created prior to July 3, 1995, or are otherwise exempt because the visual depictions are fictional illustrations that do not involve real persons. "

I am too lazy to follow your findings but I believe legal team researched them.
I wasn't talking about research of Patreon, just the US Laws with regards to simulated porn including minors, as you were making a false claim... As to specific developers and their products and/or websites, and if they are actually within compliance of the law, I have no clue... And just because they claim they are compliant, doesn't make it so... I've never seen their products, so I have no clue if they are truly in compliance...

Do they fall under the Protect Act of 2003 law? Again, I have no idea, as it is as well as what the US Supreme Court had to say, as I posted in my original reply, that I was referring to... In any case, I was just refuting your claim in your original post... Not what others have already done or if they themselves are in compliance... That is between them and the law... And if they have to post something on their site to proclaim compliance, that already throws red flags for me... But that isn't what we were talking about...



Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2017
In any case, I was just refuting your claim in your original post...
My original post:
Can yo recommend another sites like Patreon but w/o their overbearing restrictions, especially the incest theme? I was looking at Subscribestar but found it is banned from Paypal.
Where exactly you saw any claim in my original post? I just asked a simple question w/o any claims or research etc.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2017
My original post:
Where exactly you saw any claim in my original post? I just asked a simple question w/o any claims or research etc.
You posted this reply to someone else earlier in the thread, which is what sparked my replies, regarding this specific topic:

Patreon says it allows lolita and incest like in game of thrones, and explicitly states no real pr0n in any kind; at the sam time for several decades already there is an US Surpreme Court decision stating drawn characters of any kind including minors are not considered against the law providing they don't depict real persons (for example granny Killary - ugh!).
The part where you said, "US Surpreme Court decision stating drawn characters of any kind including minors are not considered against the law providing they don't depict real persons"... That is false... As the law specifically states:

(c)Nonrequired Element of Offense.—
It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.

So it doesn't matter if the minor depicted exists or not, the law still applies...

Anyways, I think we're straying off the threads topic for too long...



Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2017
You posted this reply to someone else earlier in the thread, which is what sparked my replies, regarding this specific topic:

The part where you said, "US Surpreme Court decision stating drawn characters of any kind including minors are not considered against the law providing they don't depict real persons"... That is false... As the law specifically states:

This was never part of the original question. Other people just started to discuss legal stuff (which I don't care about as I don't depict minors). What I am interested of and what I asked about is about sites similar to Patreon.
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