RPGM - Completed - Cannon~Cocoa Island Case File~ [Final] [apple soft]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Cannon is yet another entry in the hordes of RPGM female protagonist games where losing is rewarded and you have to go out of your way to find H-Scenes that tie in well with the story and gameplay. As such, there is nothing that Cannon does particularly well. But at the same time, there's nothing that it does particularly poorly either. It's a mixed bag of sorts. Where it loses out is its utter lack of novelty, being too easy and character art that isn't the greatest.

    RPGM games get a bad rep precisely because of the sort of mediocrity that Cannon creates here. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy RPGM games, it's why I've played so many of them. But the good ones have some novelty. There's some corruption mechanics that titillate the viewer as the protag descends slowly into debauchery. Some others have novel gameplay. Some others have incredible artwork. I am also not averse to the whole H-Scenes upon losing mechanic. But it has to be done well. The game needs to be challenging, not only by simply making enemies damage sponges but by creating reachable ways to defeat tough enemies that involve either slutting out or grinding and the player gets to decide. Unfortunately, Cannon does absolutely nothing of the sort. The story is simply you chasing clues about the mayor and having to traverse an annoyingly large map to do so. Battles are filled with the regular RPGM tedium but they are entirely avoidable (apart from the boss fights) and so you won't suffer inordinately. At the same time, I wonder, why put battles in there in the first place? Especially because they're painfully easy.

    Because the battles are easy, I never even realised that there was a restraint mechanic in the game. I would defeat everyone in one or two shots and got through the entire game without even being restrained once. Which means I am expected to utterly throw fights to view that particular mechanic. The other annoying thing is that most of the H-Scenes are not story-based. I get it, it's good to have side quests that lead to sluttiness but the problem is, you have to go a long way to explore and find the H-Scenes. And you don't have any good reason to explore because the main quest is utterly easy and the world really is boring (as is the case with most RPGM games).

    All of this means the gameplay loop remains deeply unsatisfying. You are on a perpetual fetch quest with the only likelihood of seeing some nice scenes is by losing - which is difficult because the game is easy. The other way to do so is by exploring - which is difficult because the world is devoid of any fun, is too spread out and the player has no reason to explore to find keys and other knick-knacks to help them in the main quest. This is disappointing because some of the scenes are nice, and there's some small variety to them. I'm not a fan of the character art but can make do.

    What results is an utterly mediocre game. Both in H-Content and in gameplay. This is worth playing if you've exhausted all the other fun games out there or this scratches a particular itch of yours.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a basic rpg game with h-contents on the sidelines. The h-contents didn't mix well to the story or the game play overall. The game orders you around to go to specific locations repeatedly. The locations are filled with the same generic enemies and scattered items that will help you in battle but feels like a chore to look for. In short, the maps are vast with no interesting features.
    The protagonist can get stripped and raped by enemies during battle. However, why would you do this if it will stall the game progress? There is only one good ending, so it's a bit pointless. Also, there are no changes on the status of the protagonist even if she got raped, so it's really pointless. At some point, you will just get mad that this bitch is about to be stripped naked and fucked, and that she is completely unfazed by the fact that she just got raped by multiple dudes. Still, I finished the game. Was it worth it? No, I wanted her to be a slut, but she is too dumb to realize that she is one.
    The art was ok. If you like the art, just type the password in the recollection room and enjoy.
    Liked the voice acting. It was cute.

    Score: 2.5/5
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphics, decent (not much innovation on the RPGM front, though).
    Plot, pretty basic.
    Sexy times situations, basically the MC is a pushover and despite being able to get through the 'boss fights' with ease will fold completely when she could instead have, for instance, kicked someone in the dick and left. Mostly vanilla rape. Some hypnotism plotline that I didn't really explore before getting fed up with the game and quitting.
    Gameplay: There is a clothing damage system and you can take your clothes off, but it's very basic. You can wander around naked from day one but many NPCs won't recognize anything different about you. No alternate clothing sets, either.
    Not really recommended. Also, her name should probably be Kanon. Lol.