Can't remember name of a game

Sep 24, 2017
Yo, sup my dudes. I've been lurking on this site for a long, long time but I've been trying to remember a game lately and just cant so I figured why not break my silence and just ask for some help. I've searched through the tags i would tag it as but I've come up empty.
Things I remember;

- japanese game, female protag corrruption sim game

-The game I played prob bout a year or so ago, can't remember if it was RPGM or Wolf but it was in the same gameplay vein as Material Girl and all those Acerola games.

-The characters had a younger/cuter look to them but I wouldn't really classify them as loli/shotafrom what i remember, also since loli isn't allowed here and i def got it from here it had to follow that ruling at least.

-Phone played a big role in gameplay allowing you to call your boyfriend, friends and lovers

-there was a love triangle were the main guy was into you but your friend as into him.

-pretty sure protag starts out brown hair then you can dye it and get a makeover once you become slutty enough

Hope someone can help a brother out, first real post and would like to say ya'll seem like pretty cool people anytime I look through threads. Ya'll are doing gods work, stay awesome.