Identify Can't remember the game - pixel art, cybepunk-ish setting, cyborg girl


New Member
Dec 2, 2018
The game was set in a typical cyberpunk environment - dark mysty (always raining) dystopian city with neon lights etc. The protagonist was hired by some big tech corporation as an IT person. So the game starts when he enters the company's office and meets a secretary who shows him his workplace. I believe you can have romance with her later in the game and also that she's a cyborg who's not fully aware of that...(?). You actually have to do some work on a PC, I think it's even some sort of mini-game. When you have break, you can interact with co-workers and eventually fuck (some of ??) them. I don't remember the story very clearly. I think you had to choose between your (female, also cyborg) boss and the secretary. And one of them had to die (or be turned off or erased or whatever). I think that I eventually ran from the city with the secretary girl but I'm not really sure. I believe that basic story line was free and you could pay for some additional content. The storyline was quite short but I tend to believe that the developer was working on some similar but more complex project. It's pixel art graphics, sex scenes were animated.
If you have any idea, please let me know. Thank you, guys!
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