Identify Cant remember the name of these two games

Oct 17, 2020
So I have been struggling to remember these games I remember bits and pieces but not much
1. Cant remember much but I remember it has a oni girl named sparrow, had a rpg style, male protag, female dom, and monster girl thats all I remember on that one.
2. Had alot of femdom, you traveled to different worlds, which was a beach, old mansion, some temple, but I remember the enemies, You had a succubus which if you didn't escape from she would transform(small at the start then got curvier then pregnant which spawned another small succubus) this maid who was in the mansion who tricked you into finding this ring which she used to turn into a giant, you had this blue hair boxer girl who was friendly who you could have at your base to spar with, this slime enemy who could also transform. Later on there would be these boss succubus's who would chase you in the worlds sent by some goddess.
If someone could help Id appreciate it alot
Oct 17, 2020
1 was correct thank you! As for 2 I dont remember the engine, I remember there was a void world almost which had accouple of succubus that attacked the blue hair boxer girl and she sends you there to retrieve her bag, in the mansion you come across this vampire behind bars that you can interact with, the enemies were high def, sorry I dont have much more to go off of
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