Identify Can't remember the name of this game...


New Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hey all,

There is a game out there that I cannot remember the name of or find. The feature character was the daughter of drunk mom. She falls for her uncle who is a big burly red headed guy with a beard. There's a weird subplot with tiny detective woman named Penny I think, she's looking for some hitman that is hunting for the uncle or girl...can't remember. They also go to see ancient Asian counselor guy who is helping them with their life and feelings. That's about as much as I remember. It had a few updates, but I don't know if it's abandoned, or moved to another platform.

Anybody remember this one? That's not much to go on.


New Member
Jun 3, 2022
Yes and No. It wasn't Gracie, and it wasn't Penny for your thoughts either, but thank you! - that got me to the right creator...Lockheart! The game I was thinking of was Avalon. It looks abandoned, tho. No updates since Jan of 2020. A shame really...the game had the right balance of plot, character development, emotional investment and of course, filth. A pity they never finished it.