Unity - Capricorn's Paladin [Tech Demo] [SatyrKing]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I give it a 5 star because it is a demo (as the developer says) and what it shows in the demo its quite good.
    The idea of the game involving mythological gods is a good choice.
    The game looks fluid and the proportion of the girls are awesome.
    The choice of colours is quite of a good taste too.
    I hope to see how this games developes in the future.
    Art 5/5.
    Idea 5/5
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Only giving this a 2 not because its bad but because it is literally is just a tech demo, there is not a lot here so don't really need to burn your time or hard drive space downloading it. The only sexual content is your surrounded by naked satyrs and a couple NPCs are having slow uninteresting cowgirl sex.

    HOWEVER what is here looks very good, its has intro scene that presents you to the world and the concept and plops you in a small environment inspired by Greek mythos of the Zodiacs.The chibi and simple art style is very charming and the writing so far is fine as far as atmosphere building. The gameplay right now wants to be an action shooter, which was a surprise to me being set up as a holy warrior (literally only designated as "Paladin" and then handed two glocks as your weapon) They plop you in a little test area with your weapons to just walk around in. There is nothing as of current to actually shoot so can't judge the gunplay feel just yet.

    I like where its going and has succeeded introducing its concept so I'm excited to watch it grow, I hope development goes well. My major want is that they really experiment with fun movement options as it would benefit this game type greatly.