Unity - Completed - Captivity [v1.0.5b] [Perveloper]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Simply excellent.

    Positives: Fun to play, visually appealing (the style is excellent), hot, sound mechanics.

    Minor issue: I need to play this in a window (alt + enter) due to having an ultrawide monitor. Some portion of the bottom image is cut off.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Played it quite a bit.
    And I can tell you right now, this game, IS HARD.
    And not in the usual way on this website.

    Not unbeatable, but I'm a seasoned gamer, and even I set this game to easy.
    After you get the hang of the wpns/lvls/enemies it gets rly fun.

    I downloaded this to play a game and get some bonus wank.
    And it delivered. As the gameplay is quite hardcore it's only when you start losing or when you are in full controll you start getting ''rewards''.

    The cool thing is at one point I didn't care about the 18+ aspect of this game, the gameplay itself was just hrs of fun!

    PRO TIP:
    1) Find the wpn vending machine asap
    2) get an smg they're the least expensive proper wpn
    3) get the dmg upgrade
    4) PROFIT!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Bruh i am telling you this game is GODTIER. I mean its like god sent this game from between hell in heaven. I have not saw game like this good, smooth, have amazing content. There is too much garbage 2d-side scroller nsfw game but this game better than most AAA game in my opinion. I HAVE BEEN BLESSED FOR PLAYING THIS GAME.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Stop reading the reviews and play the game.

    TL;DR aside, this game is just great, it combines lewdness with regular gameplay in an exciting way. I'd say more h-games should do this, as it gives context to the sexual nature of the game itself. Either way, it does have an issue with weapon balancing, but it's not bad enough for it to warrant a lower rating from me. There's also a small modding scene for the game at the dev's official Discord if you're interested in that as well.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    ima need a new update this shit bangs, not the norm but still slaps, most games are too porn focused or two game focused this is a pretty fucking good blend of both tbh. been like what more than a year? ima need that update and tbh this could be a game on steam if the dev wanted to.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game, carters to some under served niche fetishes while still having an interesting game play loop. One of the best games for egg/impregnation fetishes out there. It's a bit difficult but otherwise fun. Looking forward to more updates for this game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Many people seem to like this game - Captivity, which is great. Perhaps it just fell outside my interest, because I really didn't think it was interesting.

    The most annoying thing was that the waves just kept coming with no end in sight. I played the first Shack(?) level to level 35, always hoping that at some point it would say "level cleared" or allow for the rescue. Alas, that is not how the game was to be played. It is meant for you to be overwhelmed, which is alright.. but I wasn't until I let myself be that.

    Granted, that is the easiest of all the levels. Still, the game play in the other levels are the same, and that is to me thoroughly uninteresting.
    But I'm happy that other people enjoy the game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really frustrated me at first, but for some reason, I kept at it. I just wanted to pound those zombies into the dust. And I got the hang of it and started kicking their asses senseless. But then I got to the other stages of the game and I just broke :D

    Love the h animations, love the fighting, love the GUNZ. This is a good game and obviously a lot of hard work and skill went into it.

    The only thing that I think would maybe add to the replayability is if these unlockable clothes you find would change your stats somewhat. That would make the player want to develop the character and make her more badass :)

    Great job!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Other devs: Take note. There's an old saying that goes an h-game has got to be a good game first and good h second. This game is wonderful, from the decent AI to the fluid controls. There are many neat touches like a slight screen shake when a gun fires and the use of directional audio. Enemy types compliment each other, with certain enemies forcing a reaction that often plays to the advantage of another. Challenging, but fair, and highly replayable. Worth spending money on!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best side-scrollers in this site. The gameplay is very fun, the animations are really good and CG is amazing. With more updates I am pretty sure this game will be a masterpiece.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for fap, stayed for gameplay, died (heroine was raped) by my stupidy.
    Fap-content here very good too. Wish for male protagonist (trap, maybe) and female enemies, is this possible, and will you do it if it possible? I just love reverse rape, femdom and monster/alien/robot/undead girls. This is really good game, wish for more, thank you very much!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Artwork might throw you off, but the gameplay experience is a solid one ... plus the good combination between Camera Movement & H Scenes to seal the deal.

    Also the file size is a big plus, for someone with a slowpoke internet connection like me
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Rape Lord

    this game is truly fantastic. its rare to see this level of quality in an erotic game. id love to see more of the features in this game appear in other games of this style. (UNLOCKABLES (y) , custom PC, strength mechanic making struggle futile after a few times breaking free, etc.) rape games are much more immersive when they present a true challenge and make you feel like youre fighting to protect your body, rather than "allowing yourself to be raped". also, i was pretty impressed and amused to see certain characters such as mind controlling ones and choking ones be nearly impossible to escape once they get a hold of you. such TLC, i love it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better Sidescrollers and there needs to be more of them. Kudos! Albeit a bit hard until you know what to do in most cases. Hopefully they come up with some cheats soon for "Testing" purposes. So we can be as casual or hardcore as we choose.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A great platformer with the possibility of buying new weapons and unlock new areas in several different maps, that all have different enemy types and tropes to explore.
    I especially like the gameplay value of having "achievements" or unlockables that you earn through the many replays. It add a lot of replayability to the game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of those rare great games - easy to learn, hard to master. The gameplay loop manages to stay fresh as you keep trying to unlock more gear, and the art itself (if you enjoy pixel art) is very clean. I like it a lot. As for the difficulty, it is fairly hard so expect a challenge, but naturally the more you play the better you'll get. The content, the details in the background - all superb.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Game, keep up the good work! I love the pixil animations and the style of the characters. The combat s hard, but rewarding and the animations are the best ive ever seen! Love this gae and i want to see more from you in the future!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Superbly crafted. This game feels like a mixture of COD Zombies and Parasite in City, and manages to surpass both. The game is quite enjoyable. The gun handling and variety is excellent, the muzzle flashes and sound design top notch.

    There is plenty of character customization, excessive amounts, that you can earn individually by completing intelligent challenges. There are 5 maps, each with a unique set of enemies.

    The H animations are varied and smooth. I wasn't a fan of the enemies in the Space Ship or the Cave (with the exception of the fly), but that mostly boils down to personal preference. In the "FER" map, full of FNAF animatronics, if you complete a certain section of the map, a unique headless robot attacks you. Unique and situational enemies, immense variety, and many other smaller factors make this game very alluring.

    I could write more about this game, but honestly you should just play it. Best H game I've played in a long, long time.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A side scrolling pixel shooter, with smooth gameplay mechanics and 60 FPS animations. With a total of five levels (currently), this game is quite a lot of fun. There are many different weapons to use, as well as many different fetishes. Whether you like pregnancy, futa, bugs, or drugs, you'll like this one. The best level right now is FER, and if you play all five levels of the game, you'll understand why that one is the best.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    4.5 overall for version 1.05

    - fluid animations
    - satisfying gunplay
    - interesting level design that is quite interactive
    - clothing damage

    - punishing difficulty and a real time action game
    - lack of meaningful progression across stages (only cosmetics)
    - limited replayability
    - bugged experiments? or not enough explanation for some experiments. For example, the ones that require you to get raped 15 times by a monster at stage 10 has a lot of ambiguity: do you have to reach 15 rapes before stage 10, or just have to advance to at least stage 10 and at least 15 rapes, and what constitutes rape - does immediately escaping the grapple count?

    Would like to see:
    - debuffs from monsters
    - persistent level-up and possible debuffs across stages to make game more RPG-like and easier as time goes on
    - multi-monster scenes
    - more stages (should be easy at this point with the engine built)