Ren'Py - Carnal Contract [v0.9 Rework] [Dotty Diaries]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty much loved the game.
    The renders look amazing.
    The pacing is alright.
    One thing is that the character development seems kinda fast. You do nothing with the girls and suddenly in 5 minutes you're already having sex. But I guess that that's the nature of the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best written mc's period. He's not a creepy bastard, he doesn't need to force/coerce/trick one dimensional npcs into sex and he doesn't talk to himself way too much like so many autistic mc's.

    Strong points for me were that the family all seem to care about each other and they aren't shallow, or retarded, or a generic trope trying to pass for a character, like you see in so many other games. Dialogue was fluid and wasn't full of jank or weirdness, it was just like people talking to each other. All the models looked good for the most part and animations were pretty solid.

    The only real flaw I can think of are some of the paths are harder to do than others. The only thing I can think of to add would be maybe don't magically make all the jizz disappear from one frame to the next. It'd be pretty hot if after filling up one of the girls in one scene she walks away with some cum dripping down her leg or have a little extra cream on her lip after a blowjob.

    tl;dr refreshing game to play after so many mediocre ones, great mc too!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished it, and it's really good for my taste. Hope some WT is included on your games really apreciate if we know we on the right track of the route we bangin haha! Thank you and keep up the good works brodas and sistas
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    leo dicaprio

    I'll bet five, just because my fetish is a younger sister, it's great here. The rest of the game is worse, but you have to play as a lover of your little sister. I can also praise the animations, grieve a little that the older sister turned out just to be. But Becky is wonderful.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A great VN that is 100% complete. The writing is excellent, the models are hot, the choices matter to a decent degree. I hope that the next game shows the pleasure and responsibility of being on top.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Carnal Contract is definitely a good game and one which is complete, even though that seems to be rather uncommon. They're still adding stuff which is great, but the game goes from start to end with multiple paths in it. The story is quite interesting and it's not a common overdone one, it has its own style and interesting characters. It has a couple things and scenes which are still unexplained and seems to make a few jumps in logic at some points, but overall it's a good story. Choices could be better, since the main choices of the game (relating literally to the Game) cannot be not-done so it ends up being mostly a story in which your choices relate to which girl you focus on.

    Render quality and character models are pretty high. Animations are also pretty good and there's not just sex animations, even though sex scenes are a bit short. Audio seems a bit above average, which is a nice addition.

    So, all in all, it's a good game. I'm divided between 4 and 5 stars so I'll go with 5 to be positive and will keep on checking the game if new content comes out.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    This game ended up turning out better than I thought it would.


    Was skeptical about this game at first but the writing was actually good. I play these types of games without the patch as sometimes it makes more sense that way. The main plot was based off of a life threatening dare challenge game which grew on me. I did like the dialogue a lot, it felt as if people were genuinely having conversations versions the robotic, inorganic stuff I usually come across. Love interest were likeable except for the cheating EX. The main character was well balanced, not too macho, not too timid and for the most part he carried himself well like he actually had a brain, it enjoyed this overall. Feels like more could've been done but sometimes less is more and at least this creator isn't dragging stories out for years to come.

    Well made for my liken, maybe a few more petites would've sufficed and maybe a BBW? No?

    Becky was my favorite which was unusual for me, followed by Nicole.






    Congrats on finishing your first project. You should look at this as a huge accomplishment. You crossed a finished line that not many Devs have the chance to...or want to anyways... cha ching! Best of luck to you and your future projects.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Very solid game and story. There are meaningful choices. I love that it's actually complete. The story hooked me well. Without going into spoilers any more than necessary, this could have been explored further than it was. It seems intentional. The women are attractive which is always a huge plus in my book. Definitely a better than average game. Recommended.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Paul Newmon

    I finished CC and am happy to review it.
    I liked almost everything about it. The only complaint is that the virgin was not given more time exploring the MC.

    In reading other reviews, that go into better detail on Character Models, Story, Pace, Grammar... etc., I agree with all of the positive points.

    I don't agree with the negative comments, except when they refer to the virgin.

    I am looking forward to playing subsequent games by Dotty Diaries.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Mike Hunt TG

    I thoroughly enjoyed this game. The characters were beautiful, the story was cool. The outcome was cool. My only disappointment is that after one of the characters revealed that she was a virgin and wanted the MC to be her first, it never happened.

    It was a good length to completion and it was actually COMPLETE!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 Star Game.....

    Story 4/5 - I enjoyed the story, incest is one of my favorite kinks, so having that as a starting basis is already good for me, add to that the fact of the "mysterious game" plot and you got yourself a nice mystery that add some tension to the story. The one downside as to why its not a perfect five in this category is that the game felt short, not sure if its meant as a Season 1, but you literally only get one "full" sex scene with the three main girls before the story finishes.

    Graphics 4.5/5 - I like the character models chosen for this, every single female was god damn beautiful, notably the mom character just did it for me, but the sisters were no slouches either. The animations were pretty good in most cases, with only a tiny amount of them suffering from either wonky movements, or bad camera angles for the action.

    Characters 5/5 - The strongest category by far, the MC is young and attractive, and not your typical shota loser with a big dick like most of the stories in this premise have, hes taller than all the female cast, and you can believe he can take care of them both physically and sexually. The main 3 female were also fantastic, you dont get your typical mom and older sister hate the MC and only young sis likes him... all 3 like him, and eventually develop deeper and naughtier feelings for him. The secondary cast is also decent, the females were hot, had decent scenes... and the rivals were dealt with in believable ways before they did anything to ruin the story.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game likes to force player to certain acts which is something i hate, Your character doesnt have much control how the story gonna progress and game doesnt give you any motive to do or care much

    like game tells you to gain money from some forced challenges for some debt and some car but doesnt explain or show you why you should care, and when you dont care you wanna skip these challenges and thats the gameover scene yep

    scenes are ok
    story is boring
    characters have no soul

    nothing to gain here by playing this i suggest just skipping this one
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    4 star game, giving a 5th star due to development speed

    Not a unique premise for a story but has its own twists. The writing is above average as far as VNs go and has good pacing. It is also well edited, no spelling mistakes or engrish in this game. The models are good, and the characters are distinguishable even if some of them (particularly Diana) are textbook trope characters.

    What keeps it from being a 5 star game IMO is the choice mechanisms. Most of the choice paths are fairly clear (can only pick one path) but in some situations you can select several if one option is taken first (like helping with the boss), and this is not clear to the player unless they do rollback or another playthrough

    The game has been out for a little less than a year and already has about 4 hours of unique content in it. The story is also progressing, not adding needless side characters or filler content, and is probably about 2/3 finished. This game is on track to be finished by the end of this year, which is very rare for VNs.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Weird this game is barely above 3 stars when it doesn't have usual red community flags, like "engrish", paywalls, or surprise ntr(?) . The only legit complaints I see are incest tropes(really, everything already been kinda done, so it's just the matter if you enjoy the characters or not), and poor illusion of choice - you get small changes here and there, but there are no exclusive branching, the main plot about secret society screwing you over is here to stay. So yes, it's mostly kinetic novel with side content, like majority of top 50 games here.

    I don't get comparison with *that* game either - you get sexual tasks on your phones you need to complete on your phone, so what? What else would you use, anonymous paper mail? Secret society is more mythological illuminati vibes this time around. And they target specific people (seems to do something with lineage) and make their life difficult before swooping in offering a way out to get them on the hook(this particular time around it was money offered to debt-ridden guy)

    Renders are good, most models aren't easily recognizable from usual DAZ assets(including MC). Lots of animations/cutscenes (not all of them are good or needed, but it's a plus for trying), and they are major contributing factor to size. Writing didn't leave me smiling or awed, but it's servicable , didn't have any snags with it at least. Sex scene writing is lacking(often the case with animation-heavy games), so they may leave you cold despite pretty models and angles.

    Overall, this could go places. I'm tempted to give this 5 to offset harsh reviews, but will stay unbiased and dock a point for one thing i noticed: choice inconsistency.
    Not all choices are properly tracked, and script can refer to events in railroaded "canon choice" way. I can understand it with money tasks, but not smaller private stuff like peeping (unless someone catching you in the act or knowing about it in some other way is demonstrated).

    Nevertheless, this is pretty fixable thing, just a case of going over the script and doing some conditional scene branching, so I'll still be glad to see this game in finished form and can recommend it if you liked what you saw on screenshots.

    Edit: alright, one episode since my review and it's already ending, with a slight teaser of the next game(though plot in it is already looking to be way more boring besides the struggle with anti-Game people). Game was kinetic novel with meaningless choices, but suddenly in the last episode or 2 some choices become mutually exclusive, even it doesn't make sense to make them so.

    For example, you get time to help out NIcole with her boss and still go save Becky from kidnapper with nothing changing with her situation at all if you would've gone straight to her. Example of old kinetic choice. But just the day after you can only pick one girl to hangout with in your family. That is obviously done to branch endings variations, but with how they are implemented, I can't be bothered to find them all(because It's hard to know which choices are kinetic and which are exclusive branching) .

    Exclusivity also feels artificial, which can be very glaring at times. Like in scene with Diane, if you are honest all the way, she is okay with sharing with Becky, but later on you are still sneaking around with her and girls don't have interaction with each other. No harem or threesome stuff. MC is just being made sneaky fuckboi for no reason.

    All in all, still good game, with nice renders, characters, and animations, but it suffers from it's inconsistent story board and rush to put a [Completed] bow on it.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Overused trope of a young guy with a giant dick who lives with a horny milf and two younger women. There are some great games that use that premise, this just isn't one of them.

    Renders are surprisingly average given the mammoth file size. The story is bland and annoying. I don't want to name other games in this review, so I'll just say the edgy contract seems to rip off ideas from other games on this site.

    Sex scenes are boring and unimaginative. I found myself rejecting sex from the random side-sluts just to get through the game quicker.

    BTW, why is Tom Holland the main character?
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The story isnt amazing or anything but it's decent enough and enjoyable. One complaint I seen was people thought the MC is a loser or weak. Well I dont see it because if you follow the story you would know he has some real fear on why he is doing everything the cult says.

    My real only complaint is the lewds comes way to easy for my taste. But it also makes sense because this game is more about the story rather than building a relationship. Which kind of hurts the game's experience for me as I never felt like you get to know any of the girls that well and some like the ex GF are just forgotten.

    All the girls are pretty in this one which was part of the reason I wanted to give it a try. But the animations are some of the best ive seen in an AVN.

    I say if you are going to play this go in expecting just something fun and semi serious. As it does have serious elements to the story but most of the time it just makes for fun scenes. So dont expect anything amazing but something that is just fun to be along the ride for.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The current game content does not justify 10Gb download. The charcters are poorly posed, they look like broken mannequins. There are 6 episodes so far and 2 main characters, and a main/side character that is a sex release character that's connected to the main plot and one of the main characters.
    With the other characters you get nothing, pretty much
    then you have the usual "harem" of side characters or less important characters that can give you very easy to get sex like its "hello, lets fuck" and those don't need any challenges involved, or booze, or anything really. Their events will have a beginning and a meaninful continuation and "satsifactory" ending, as oppsed to the main characters, specially Becky that will have events cut for whatever reason. The first time she faints, the second time during the movie night she leaves and when she returns the mc leaves. the third time there is one of the options that interrupts the event, which happens if you face her when she is doing stuff. The plot won't allow you to face her at this point in the plot, and she will run and the thing will never be spoken again. If you dont face her, the result is the same, she will go missing, the thing will not be mentioned again until plot says so.
    But as I said there is sex with pretty much every side character at some point, so that is not lacking. But sex scenes are not good and as I said, at least 2 girls have the same face, and every girl pretty much have the same body, and they are not well posed, poses are not natural.

    the story is 90% illusion of choice cause I dont think there is enough work to integrate the choices made into the dialogues. The booze party for instance, you have the option to reject Lara, but even if you do, after that night the thing will be mentioned as if something actually happened.

    The thing has a lot of flaws, it didn't move me at all cause visually there is nothing to enjoy and there is no anticipation, mostly stalling main characters and filler sex.
    I can not recommend it in november 2023, maybe november 2025
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    It started out pretty good, pretty decent story all though its already been done before in other games with the phone challenge stuff, but its still alright, MC is a bit brainless since he knows they can take the money away from him so if he had brains he would withdraw the money and hide them so that wouldent happen atleast but like i said he dosent have much of a brain.

    Problem for me is when a game has choices and you expect to be able to pick who you want to have sex with but you dont in this one.
    Not only that story dosent even follow your choices, like Nicole telling MC all hes peeking was on purpose even in the costume shop, when you NERVER peeked on choices are fake and follows a pure kinetic route no matter the choices you pick and picking worng leads to game-over in some cases.

    There is nothing more i hate then when a LI is forced on you as the MC giving you no options to say no, here you meet som old ugly nanny with huge saggy tits, one i would not touch with a 10ft pole and she is forced on you when you go to the nightclub with your sister and her friend, it dosent really make sense since he has plenty of time to complete the challege so hes not forced to fuck some ugly LI but its out of your hands as the player, not only that hes at the nightclub with hes sister and Lara so having random sex with someone he hasent seen for years and years and one he knows nothing about just feels idiotic and out of chararter for MC, and in the real world it would risk never being able to have a relationship with Lara or hes sister if they found out, but ofc game just turned into a pure porngame sadly.

    Then story just goes crazy from there when Lara who said she dident want sex in the bathroom of the bar pops in and hears you have sex with the old ugly lady which gets her horney?? and now also wants to have sex in the bathroom?.

    What makes it even worse is that it now feels like a pure kinetic story since you no longer deside anything as the player, if you pick the choice not to go to the nightclub MC gets killed and its game-over, so choices are just fakes which is another idiotic part of the game which again makes it kinetic and not choice driven.

    MC is also the childish type constantly thinking everyone he sees is oh so hot, even the old ugly nanny with saggy tits, it just gets boring to read hes toughts over and over about girls you as the player hate, i wish devs would stop doing this shit and let people who plays the game make up their own mind.

    Game just turned into a pointless fuckfest game with no romance no relationship building, just a boring porn game and nothing else.

    As for the girl, i did like a few of them, but when you hate big/huge tits and they are forced on you its just a big turn-off, so even i you like a few it wont help much.

    Animations are about average.

    Music is nothing special just standard background stuff.

    I would just pick the first gameover chocies as my ending since i dident want to go to the nightclub to fuck the old lady, so a very short game and barely worth 2 star, did try to finished it but it only got worse, like choices you already made being ignored due to a kinetic storyline.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game is definitely underrated. It looks fantastic - like the renders are S tier and some of the best i've seen on F95.

    I also think the story has a ton of potential. It's kinda episodic in a 'one task, one episode' sorta way and would i like it to run faster - sure... but i'm still very interested in where it ends up and who's behind it all.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Didn't like the premises tbh. The whole game felt like you as a mc doing everything which is forced upon you by an unknown shitter and being a horny jackass doesn't help either, can be skipped if one doesn't like it but then you might as well skip the whole game because that's the main theme.
    Girls were mixed bag for me. Nicole i think was worth going through the game but that harassment arc is childishly bad. Rest were not my liking. Has a roommate, Becky i think, obnoxious brat, doing onlyfans and everyone knows about it including mc's friend but mc himself.
    Voyeurism here is a significant genre as well so that's buzzkill.
    Animations are quite good.