Unreal Engine - Carnal Instinct [2024-12-22] [Team Carnal Instinct]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot going for it as far as conceptual design and overall current gameplay.

    It doesn't lean too far into being a fapbox and is leaning heavily into being a full-fledged ERPG.

    I am very excited to see this game reach its goal and am ready to support it. I am always saddened when I see games with great conceptual designs get abandoned before they can be completed.

    I really hope the aforementioned does not come to pass for Carnal Instinct.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The devs shoud lean into creating a PORN game and not a below-average run of the mill RPG.

    Instead of making a bland open world with eye-candy graphics, they should put those resources into actually improving the fidelity of the sex interactions. The sex animations refrain from showing the action up-close due to the fact that there is no real penetration happening.

    How about adding penetration physics, sweat/tears, more poses, body collisions? That's what is missing in this game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Cobalt (aka James)

    Really glad to see a high-quality game that (mostly) just contains furry/scalie characters (It'd be infinitely better if it also contained avian characters, feral characters, and no human characters).

    The game is in pre-alpha still at the time of writing this, so I can't complain too much about any lack of features, although I do want to say that I hope a lot more gets added to the character customization before the game is finished and/or abandoned. I also hope they don't focus too heavily on traditional gameplay, because with the UE5 version that seems to be the way they are going, it seems to have significantly drifted away from sexual things, aside from semi-revealingly dressed NPCs for the most part. The UE4 version had a lot more sexual options and opportunities, which was great. But anyways, like I said, hope the focus gets shifted more back towards sex and such, plus I hope there ends up being minimal focus on humans.(y)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Not sure I should even really throw my two cents in here as I am sure I lack the eloquence of some of the reviewers but here we go.

    I have played both versions of this game, that being U5 and U4, I feel like in the long run the switch to U5 will have been the right move but otherwise I feel like it has set back development unnecessarily far; which is fine, I hope that this developer can prove themselves to be able to complete this game even after the remaking of it; part of me hopes that they will complete both but that just feels like wishful thinking.

    This game feels like it quite possibly has more potential than even some of my favorite games on this site, as it stands I wouldn't count it as one of them but holy hell; I could see this being one of the most mechanically sound H-games of all time, I hope they can refine it to the point where combat could rival even many non-H-games.

    My only complaint is that as far as I can tell, in both versions; pregnancy is only implied and not implemented. This complaint may very well not age well, perhaps as of the writing of this it is actully not applicable, in which case; my bad.

    That is all.

  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Played U4 version and U5.

    U4: Enjoyable, really nice. Graphics are good. You can get lost on some of the early quests but the guide takes care of that. Sex scenes are nice -- the orgasm-o-meter is something i dont see much of [or when i do, it gains at a steady rate no matter pose/speed]. Unlocking the skins takes a good eye.

    U5: Not worth downloading currently. 1st boss is hard. Almost no loot. Graphics are still good, you can't climb up things yet. Replace the U4 fast travel points for boring campfires.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Not clickbait. Super Fucking Good.

    (based on the discontinued UE4-version)

    Someone built their own little version of Ass-Creed/Skyrim, but with even more furries somehow.

    It's an immersive-sim with great models, good animation-work and competent game-design. It's got combat, and beautiful environments, and even stuff to do in those environments. There's even voice-acting to go with the good models, imagine that.

    The core of it is not that complex, and isn't actually too different from most other simple sandbox-games, but the restraint, poise and skill involved still make this a very refreshing implementation of all these styles. There are actual professional games that have done this concept worse.

    Fucking Furries, man... They get stuff done.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Lewd Wolfe

    Review of the version on the Unreal engine 5

    This is an erotic game about an alternative ancient Egypt with magic and various supernatural creatures.


    • Exploring the world around you, fighting enemies, completing quests and romantic events with other characters.

    • In the game, quests are divided into categories of Main, secondary and small events. This can be a mission to clear an area, talk to characters, or search for items. Since the action takes place in Ancient Egypt, of course there are mazes and puzzles.

    Positive aspects:

    • A good plot full of secrets.

    • Beautiful graphics and a large open world.
    After switching to Unreal Engine 5 looks like candy.

    • Good optimization.

    • A simple and intuitive combat system.

    • Good character development. Some of the dialogues have already been voiced by the actors.

    • The player in the game is given a choice of which character to be. It can be a human male/female or different types of furries, also male/female. According to the new system, this happens for magic points that can be spent at a special obelisk (in the UE4 version, it was just through the game menu).

    • Well-made sex animations.

    Negative aspects:

    • There are bugs with animations and quest triggers.

    • Not everyone can like so many furry characters.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    In advance, I'm really torn about this game. On one hand, it's extremely high quality, on other hand, I deeply hate some of the developer chocies here.

    Let's start with the bad: the transition to UE5 is probably the most useless, timewasting thing the devs could possibly do. The game already looked great on UE4, it ran well, worked mostly bugfree, there's nothing meaningful the transition to the UE5 could provide to the players, but in exchange, it put the story development on hold for who knows how long.
    On the top of it, the UE5 version is bad. Like real bad. For the literal first half hour of gametime it has zero interaction with any alive characters. It feels extremely empty, and it's empty by design. Devs said they wanted to give the game a proper intro, but in reality, a putting a Skyrim-like scene at the beginning would've given the game enough intro. The introductionary part of the UE5 version is terrible, and would absolutely stop me from playing any further.

    Now, onto the UE4 version. I can honestly say I've never played such a complex, and well-made porn game as this. It's genuinely an RPG game that revolves around sex. The sex part is naturally integrated as a central part of the plot instead of making unlifelike saint-to-whore kind of story that we've all seen too much.
    The game has several quests with varying quality. Some of them are genuinely so great that blow AAA games out of the water (the investigation quest for example) others are just basic fetch kind of ones. Or somewhere in the middle. A non-fetch quest, that wasn't thought out much. But even the fact that a porn game has genuine meaningful quests, and dungeons is a refreshing addition.
    The game has a basic combat system too. Not too complicated, and honestly, it strarts out hard at first, but with very little progress it becomes too easy. I've seen worse in non-porn AAA games.
    The most of the dialogues are pretty well written for their purpose too. Of course there are the random encounters that are repetitive, but in general, there's no room for complaint there.
    My only real problem with the UE4 version is the sex part. The game has several sex scenes, but those scenes don't give the player much freedom. plus most of the time the fixed camera positions during the scenes are positioned behind some object, so the already bad camera angles are made even worse. By the lack of freedom in scenes I meant the game decides which scene it would play for which random encounter, and doesn't allow any change in that. And all of those scenes are basic penetration ones. They are animated well, but become repetitive after 6-8 random encounter.

    All in all, great game, but I'm really afraid when it will get an actually meaningful update next.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The UE5 release looks like an actual game with proper plot and mechanics, has great graphics with good optimization and is a solid foundation for the future updates.
    Voice acting is a nice touch, though not every dialogue is voiced and that feels quite off.
    Map is very big and introducing easily accessible mount is a good decision, but there seems to be only one boat in the world and you either have to remember where you left it (there is no marker on your map) or swim to new places on your own.
    World is still empty and is primarily filled with easy-but-annoying enemies.
    For now, loot is in abundance and there is only a single trader, who can't buy stuff from you if their inventory is full (it is, cause they fill it up with random things). Completing quests doesn't give you any rewards, at all.
    A new "customization" feature has been implemented, which lets you buy new morphs for a currency that can be found at some sort of obelisks around the world. Different morphs give you perks, e.g. Crocodilian can swim faster. In UE4 version some morphs were important to complete quests, and I wonder if in UE5 they are going to be just for show and perks.
    Overall, UE5 version is a good and promising basis, but still missing some crucial features that, hopefully, will be implemented later.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Intresting game.So much potential to be exploit and I hope the devs won't give up on this . The game offers you quite medium size map and be glad it's only medium because you travel on foot with posiblility of fast travel on certain locations.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Hans Zuchter

    Disclaimer: This is based entirely off the Pre-Alpha as of 8/2/23 and the new changes therein.

    Good: UE5 graphics are simply amazing and the FPS are still high. Of course, I'm not running on a potato, and people who refuse to upgrade are probably going to suffer. Still, it beats any of that "Made with Unity" garbage out of the water in both visuals and framerates. Nice to see a dev team who actually knows how to code. Speaking of which, I have only found one real bug in what is there (to be fair, there isn't much there) and that was sound related (i.e. certain special ambient effects get stuck in a loop & don't end when they should).

    Combat is a lot easier than the previous iterations, which is good because enemies are everywhere. Again, smoother graphics help with this a lot, as things are now fluid instead of jerky.

    Voice acting doesn't suck, which is rare for any game made these days. Yes, the dialog is cheese but what do want from a porn game?

    Map is frikkin' huge (if empty) and has lots of potential.

    The game mechanics that are in place seem to work just fine. Some have complained about the controls but I have no issue as I am a grown up person who isn't trying to interface a gamepad with a PC.

    Boats are a nice addition. Could use an autopilot, though.

    Bad: World is very, very empty, except for enemies that are way too abundant. Hopefully this will change in future, with copy/paste combat locations replaced with regular NPCs.

    Many previous game mechanics are still missing, even simply things like climbing have yet to return.

    New plot is absolute weaksauce and I hope they go back to their original story because it was far more interesting. Starting off in a bazaar looking at things you want but can't afford yet is a great hook. Starting off on a beach with a stick and having to spend half an hour running through hordes of enemies to find even one person to speak to is a great way to turn people away. Plus in the old version you can get laid within literally one minute of starting. Now it will take you over an hour. It's a porn game. I shouldn't have to explain this one.

    Campfires are nice, and free healing nicer, but it's no substitute for having a proper home base to call your own.

    Making players spend an hour running through three different quests before unlocking basic character customization is a very, very bad move. Again, this is something players want to do before you even roll the intro credits. Let them do so.

    Desperately needs an autorun button.

    Conclusion: I greatly enjoy all the potential that this new UE5 version has opened up, however I fear that they may end up taking everything from here in entirely the wrong direction. Just because you have a new game engine doesn't mean you have to wipe out everything that came before it and invent new everything. They'd be better off just porting everything they had before into it and then deciding what to keep and what to scrap from there.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried this game years ago and it was very empty, but they have taken advantage of the time and have turned the game into an incredible game, 5/5 but if there is something that they have to improve it is the optimization of the game, it consumes too much memory of the graphics
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Johanna Jane

    [Review of version 0.3.70]

    This game is GORGEOUS. Some of the best artwork you will find in any adult game especially among the limited selection of futa content.

    Things become slightly less impressive when those gorgeous character models have to do things. Sex scenes mostly get the job done, but they are not quite at the level of the simulators like what Illusion and Miconisomi put out. Some clipping here and there. Camera angles are quite limited and sometimes have objects blocking the view.

    Combat feels janky and not much fun. Gold seems very hard to come by which limits purchasing supplies or the cute and sexy outfits sold by the merchants. Overall gameplay can feel a bit grindy sometimes. The gameplay is largely rescued by the atmosphere, the lore, the quests, and the artistic side of the game.

    The game has also been in development for several years, and the progress seems like slow-going. This is one of those games that looks like it has so much potential if it can ever escape development hell. If this game ever reaches a true state of completion then I might bump this review up to 5 stars, but I won't be surprised if it remains "in-development" for the rest of eternity.

    All of these reasons make me rate 4 out of 5 stars at the present time.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Well this is the first serious looking unreal project I’ve seen on this site.

    Game runs very smoothly even on epic graphics, very nice graphics mind you.
    Physics seem to be pretty decent too.
    UI looks pretty neat as well.
    Audio is very good too.
    Animations are well done.

    This game could one day become something really big, but devs have tons of work infront of them obviously, but for what they have done they have my respect.

    It is a shame at least for me, that they put this amount of work into unattractive reptiles and cats with human bodies. I’ll probably come back one day to check out their progress just to appreciate their work, shame I can’t appreciate those H-scenes tho.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The game runs well on my dusty old rig. The models and character variety are great, all of them look gorgous. The map and environment are pretty much AC: Origins - lite. Not bad looking, but also not amazing either. The quests are semi interesting, mostly just boiling down to "me horny let fuck". It's a porn game though and they're interesting enough. The gameplay... is weird. On one hand its just the dark souls of porn, on the other its kinda clunky and skyrim esque (bows just straight up win everything lol .

    All in all, for a porn game, this is above the bar. Went into it expecting trash and was pleasantly surprised. AFAIK there is no animation viewer, so if you're in a rush maybe skip it.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Alright, gonna be honest and gonna be brutal about it.

    Graphics, animations: 10/10, i'll give you that, they are top notch!

    But the rest is, total disaster in my honest opinion, here is why;

    Gameplay is annoying, frustrating, not well thought from the players perspective.

    -%90 of the game is a walking, running simulator. Quests are ALWAYS far away from teleport locations and you have to run from one point to another for hours and hours. And to make it worse, some quests (lets say fetching stuff) needs you to bring two things, it tells you at the start but doesn't let you know the both of them, so you bring one and then the .....er sends you to almost same place to bring something another! This is B.S desing imho and we, as players, know the reason behind this; its to make your game-play longer! This idea alone should be burried 6ft deep under by now!

    -Dungeon designs are terrible, confusing, easy to get lost several times. While it looks like it has its inspiration from Skyrim, in Skyim we atleast had a spell called clairvoyance to show us the path if we get lost ffs.

    -There is (or are, after 1st encounter i didn't find the heart to do more of them) un-finished SIDE-QUEST! Like what the hell man, you start a side quest, spend 30 mins (20 mins running around ofc) only to find out (not available, coming soon) at the end of it. Seriously???

    -Scenes, when i said graphics / animations are top notch, the scenes are the most vanilla boring s...t you'll ever see. And the fact that in order to find them you went through lots of B.S makes it even worse.

    Yes, from afar this MAY look like something beautiful, and for some reasons it still is, but for other obvious reasons i can not give more than 1 star. Devs should learn that not everything is about graphics & animations, if your game requires the patience of a saint to play it, then there is something wrong with it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Great mechanics, with nice lews scenes, could be a little better with the cum, should see where the cum falls. Story is good but could have 1 main mission where everything connects.
    But all around is a great game, good job to the developers!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game seriously can't get anything less than 5-stars, at least at this point. For a game that looks this good and has plenty of sexual content in it, it's crazy that it's free. It reminds me of an actual published game. Combat isn't perfect but works, character customization is great. This is an actual good game, while also being super hot.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is ascetically pleasing but is an unoptimized bug filled mess and if you encounter a game breaking bug then best you can do is to restart the entirety of the game again and hope that whatever broke your days worth of progrss does not replicate.

    This issue would not be as bad if the dev team took time to address said issues or provide a service like fixing a bugged out save and save a few days worth of repeated and tedious railroaded progression in what is essentially a walking simulator with elements of gameplay elements and sex.

    The state of the game at the time of review stands with most of the content being incomplete such as quests and locations by the way of invisible walls and the way the dev team priorities new and often bloating content to attract the attention of a larger audience without finishing any of the already established content.


    Game breaking bugs common with no support from the dev team.
    XXX Rated walking simulator.
    Outstanding imcomplete quests from years ago.
    Uninformative UI and Map.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    [v0.3.42](UE3) Was awesome!
    One of the few h-games I liked to play without focusing on "h" part.
    Played it some time ago, but forgot the name of the game...

    -Story, Originality
    Van Darkholme: "Friking slaves, get your ass back here! Frik♂you!"
    Literary rise from a slave to a chad.

    Cool 3D models.
    My computer didn't blow up.
    (But I lowered some of the settings to be safe)

    No sound.
    Can enable sounds on videos if you want.

    Played through all the content I could.

    There is some grind, but there are not so many items. So, you grind until you get the best equipment.

    There are ~20-30 quests and most of them interesting.

    It works.
    But if you want top graphics, you have to have top graphics card...

    Jumping to some places is very hard.
    Enemies don't see you sometimes.
    And there were other small bugs I don't remember.

    Look smoth and nice.

    -Voice Acting
    As far as I remember, all dialogs have voices, or I heard them in my head(?).

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Played it for ~5-7 hours and liked it a lot.
    When you are near to the end of content there are more bugs and game begin to feel empty, but that's understandable.

    When you finish all the plot quests and have everything there is nothing else to do...
    Even though game looks like sandbox, where you should have fun even after you finish plot quests (maybe I want too much from this h-game).

    [2024-10-17](UE5) Bad.
    Oof... It updated so much...
    I can even buy it at steam (Too expensive for me though).

    Now it feels more like a "A"/"AA" game.


    The graphics are too unoptimized.
    While GPU hits 20-30%, CPU maxes out at 80-100% (with lowered graphics)
    -And some visual effects bug out
    -Game updates graphics and stutters
    -Pressed "Lovesence" button at menu for fun and the game lagged out and got stuck in the menu.
    -At a scene with a boat full of fruits I thing the game bugged out, because I couldn't do anything, but give a row and be berrated by a girl (After I walked away and returned, man on the boat returned to the boat).
    -If you wait for a certain daytime and teleport, the light doesn't change.
    -When I fought the boss with the statue I didn't understand that you have to hit the statue at first (it wasn't highlighted in any way).
    -Quest markers doesn't dissapear after complition.
    -If you skip too fast, the character jumps.
    -If you do quests in wrong order, some dialogue misses out (Gave monster head to anubis folk and couldn't speak about their loot I had to give).
    -If you don't do anubis quest first you will have to walk in the dark (Couldn't find torch anywhere else)
    ~Quest items doesn't dissapear after the quest (Not sure if it is a bug).

    Well the game changes and becomes better.
    But it is too big and developers can't fix the bugs...

    After playing for several hours I decided to look at my first h-scene in this version...


    I am sad.

    Not only it became dull in gameplay and more unoptimized, but h-scenes now look awfull and textures bugout...
    Why the hell did they change to UE5 if it became worse?!

    Even quests are now not connected and feel useless.

    The game wasn't "updated", it was "downdated"...