Unreal Engine - Carnal Instinct [2024-12-22] [Team Carnal Instinct]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is basically adult furry assasins creed. Probably the highest quality of game I've played on this website.

    The game is still in early stages and needs a lot of content added but I'm excited to see it be developed.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a bit of a mixed bag overall. Reviewing 0.1.50.

    • Great graphics. Some minor visual glitches, but that's to be expected for a game in pre-alpha.
    • Spot on voice acting (for what little there is). One of the voice actors really needs to invest in a better pop filter, but that's pretty nitpicky.
    • Great animations with the exception of one sex animation that, at the time of me writing this, does not properly handle insertion.
    • A seemingly interesting world. I say seemingly because while it's clear they have a lot of lore figured out, it's mostly just hinted at in the game.
    • Has a sense of professionalism to it that I can't quite describe. Might be going places.
    • The controls are a tad clunky. It feels like it's going for a Dark Souls sort of combat scheme but the mechanics don't quite express that properly yet.
    • There is absolutely no direction. You'll see a lot of people in the discussion section asking where things are and if they have missed anything. I get that this is open world and all, but once you get off the boat and turn in the first quest, there's really no sense of what you should be doing.
    • The visual of an animal head on a human body might be offputting to some. Not for me, but I'm putting it here because I know it'd be a deal breaker for some. It's clear that there will be more animalistic bodies later, but for now? That weird mixture is pretty standard.
    • It helps to have a map. Too bad there's no map yet.
    • UI is unfinished and you can currently only view your inventory (excluding the escape menu).
    • No clear explanation of saving and loading the game. It's the P and O keys respectively, by the way.
    • The world is pretty empty right now.
    It's definitely worth keeping an eye on. If the game does what it's doing but more and better, it'll be a winner. I'm not sure if I'd sink money into their Patreon yet, but if this hits all of the right buttons for you, it could be worth investing to support their work.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    good graphics, especially the animation
    cool idea with the change of dicks and x ray
    very disappointed by the dialogues, because of the complex controls and a lack of voice acting for many characters
    the quests in the nature of give & serve did not fit at all, as well as the fighting
    However 4/5.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    For a pre-alpha this game is excellent, the animations are smooth and really well done, there is a surprising amount of customization at such an early stage, the combat is ok, as long as I'm not forced to fight multiple enemies I don't see it as a problem (you can see all the porn it currently has without the combat) and the map is really well crafted, there is a somewhat low amount of NPCs in the map, but the ones that it has serve a purpose and it's only really empty where there is nothing to do (which I think it's a good thing, better this than a bunch of lifeless NPCs doing nothing but deceiving you into thinking that there is extra content).
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty ambitious project but at it's current state there isn't really much to do. It has a lot of potential so if the developers play their card correctly I can see this being a good game.

    - The game controls well. A lot of 3D games have terrible controls, so much so that I wish they'd just stick to 2D so I can play the game without fighting the controls. This game controls really well, especially for a pre-alpha.
    -Models are beautiful. Not the best ones I've seen but they are good enough.
    -The world is interesting and looks good.
    -Sex scenes look pretty good although they have some problems I'll get to.

    -The map is big and content sparse so you just walk around doing nothing, a lot. This is a very early version so I'll allow it for now but if they do not manage to fill the world with content, this can become a big map with no life like so many other 3D games.
    - Combat seemed pointless and uninspired. I think if combat is not one of the best parts of the game it just shouldn't be a part of the game. Again, this is a very early version however I've yet to see a 3D porn game with good combat so I'm very skeptical.
    -Sex scenes had some awkward camera angles and no ability to control the camera manually. I would either make the scenes well choreographed or just give the players control over the camera.
    -There seems to be a vague story however it was conveyed very awkwardly and made me more confused than if there was none at all. Definitely needs more work.
    -I just...don't get the weird face mask thingies. You have a human body but you have weird animals heads that you can attach on your head. Granted you can also get animalistic bodies but the whole equipping body parts/animals heads thing feels like a bizarre choice. If the purpose is to have you be able to transform into different furry creatures, there has to be a better way to do it. Maybe that's just not my thing and other people love it but yeah.

    I'll just wait for more updates to see where this goes, I think it has potential to be a good game but it can also go very very wrong.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This is PreAlpha .1.42 so if I remember to come back when/if more finished.

    Can't skip anything but normal unvoiced talks (as many claim/say) so -1

    No point to combat besides 10% chance to get a shirt/no direction/keeping quest icons after doing quest so -1

    Got stuck in a building that I crawled into that had fake mesh floors (making crawl atm not only for sure pointless as far as I know, but a trap and not the fetish kind) so -.5

    Not much to it in any way shape or form outside like a tech demo (to be expected as a pre alpha) so -.5

    good Graphics + interesting enough sex including decent tale action finally so +1

    shows potential so +1

    2/5 below average or just what points it has (take your pic like you will apparently be able to pick your head+bod+penis in this at any time).
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Art/Desing : 10/10
    Animation: /10
    Mechanics : 7/10

    I often follow new updates on the forum.Maybe I've played more than 100 games.Some of them were games with animations, but this game is at a different level from others. I played Wild Life, but I could not experience it much. So if we don't count it, Carnal is the best game I've ever played. Actually it would make sense to give 10 to all of them when scoring, if we consider other games.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall: As a new 3D game this game is Fantastic. Since it is a 3D game, it should have more freedom and more interaction with every NPC or more.

    • Good animations,
    • Inteeresting sex position
    • Nice graphics

    • Story too short
    • No map
    • During the sex scene is quite (No button, mouse interaction, no control of camera)
    • Can not skip conversasion/animation with NPC
    • Need more NPC that can interact with or more sex scene with every NPC ;).
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good, fun to play, short story so far 12/2/20 but has a lot of potential, combat works and its not a chore. No save function yet but not really needed yet. Im looking forward to future updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The combat is nothing top tier that scratches triple A games or anything, but it certainly is better than a lot of souls-likes that are unironically sold on steam for their gameplay. I reckon with the addition of more weapons it'll be more fun, but I already enjoy it so far even if it's a bit janky at times. Maybe needs a parry system? Or any kind of reason to roll over attacking to stunlock or blocking.

    The inventory system is great, although maybe a bit small, but it's so detailed and properly done there's very little I can say to this except that it's nice. Having the option to stockpile customization options to change on the fly is an amazing idea that is very underrated.

    A ton of customization options with skin, head and dick, absolutely great. Even if there's only two dicks right now, that is amazing in it's own right.

    The scenes are so well done, I was expecting basic loops of one scene per encounter, but there's so much variety with great camera work and even x-ray. Even the tail scene was interesting. My only complaint is to add a skip button (or enable to go next scene instantly) because I accidentally misclicked the tail scene and had to watch it 5 times.

    Quality. Nothing else to say. For 1.58 GB this looks like it could straight up just shit on most titles these days in terms of quality. The models are really good looking and I've only noticed very minor issues with them.

    Plot - while I don't usually care too much about this, it's a great plot that livens up the whole game.

    Variety - Having the options to switch your dick on the fly, or to make yourself different skin races and colours will never grow old. I kind of wish the races had differently sized dicks, or that there will be more variety added but I'm already quite happy with what it has so far.

    With the addition of the quest log (and a map?) the game will be so much better, too. It's a bit hard to find stuff currently and none of the edges of the map are clearly defined, to the point where you walk for five minutes to find out there's an invisible wall on the way.

    But yes, big fan, will follow this with open eyes.

    - Combat
    - Inventory
    - Customization options
    - Scenes
    - Quality
    - Plot
    - Variety

    (- Performance)
    (- lack of content)
    - No map
    - No skip option
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    For a Pre-alpha, it already looks and plays better than most games in the market that have been developed for years.

    The sex scenes, characters and maplook gorgeous. The map exploration and gameplay are fun, with an already voiced NPC in the game.

    I am really looking foward for this game and will probably buy it when it comes out.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow in every way to this game... unlike most "Unreal" listed games it is not a buggy or crashy mess. The physics, combat, characters are all A+... Not bad for a alpha. There are not many scenes you can look at but com on, that jiggly ass is worth it. Nice hud and "equipment".
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I LOVE IT !!!!!!

    It is one of the best games that I have liked, compared to those that have been uploading this one is one of the best !!! I can't wait for more updated versions


    Es uno de los mejores juegos que me han gustado, comparado con los que han ido subiendo este es uno de los mejores !!! No puedo esperar por versiones más actualizadas LO RECOMIENDO
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first release game this is very smooth and feels very nice to play, Giving off nice vibes. Love the hole costumisation option and set up. and would love to see more diffrent types of armor, furs, and masks~ Perhaps even foot wear or difrent types of legs could be cool. A bug on the other hand that seems to acure to me is that some items seems to act like one time use items. like the difrent types of manhoods. They seem to only work for one sex scene and then they are gone. or that they just disapear in the inventory. Ive also encountered masks disapearing after putting skins on them and the naked body completly disapearing so i could only wear the warrior skirt. Other then that this game is looking very promising for its first release and ill be looking forward to future updates and releases.

    Keep up the good work!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    For a pre-alpha version of a game this looks so good! Some games that have been in development for a long time look worse gameplay and graphical wise. Looking forward to see how they will update this game in a future. Defo going to support creators on their patreon!