Casually brainstorming for a monster girl text game

Aug 6, 2021
I've been playing around some with Twine and having fun. I have a basic idea and feel curious what input others might have.

Let's say there's a text based game where you are a minor lord over a castle in a world of monster girls. You're responsible for maintaining and improving your holdings, as you are a subject (vassal?) of the Demon Queen. What kind of things come to mind that you'd want to do? How do you want to live up your status as a lord? What would be cool to have in the castle? How do you want to manage your land? What kinds of encounters with the exotic and horny inhabitants of this world would you like to see?

No idea what I'll end up doing, if anything, just curious for ideas.

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Oct 3, 2017
What comes to mind:
Controling taxes(the amount i get from my subject vs the amount i pay to keep the demon queen of my back)
Trying to max my personal wealth without risking to many revolts or queen being angry at me(revolts can only kill me. She will do way worse)

The idea of being an improvished noble inherrating a rundown castle with little to no servants.
Rebuilding it to its former glory is going to be fun.

Setting laws.
Including but not limited too: Slavery allowed, Forbidden, Intedited servitued only.
Incest allowed, banned, nobility only, Peasentry only.
Conscription, proffesional army, militia, Mercenercies.
Spiecism: Demon are first class citizens, Elves are second class citizen, Mosters arent not citizen, Monsters are first class citizen, etc.

Basicly the idea of making my own local laws and then having to enforce them via militery might while at the same time showing(faking?) loyalty to the queen(Even if for no other reason then too keep her off my back)
Encouraging investers or paying for everything myself?

I think that it would be fun if i had to balance my desire to: Enslave everyone and make them mindless drones to keeping the peace and keeping the tax incoming.
Aka the need to appease the masses enough that i can get away with some really dark stuff like.
All woman are public property to be bred.
All male are to be trained to serve as slavers.
All beast race's need to prove they can read in order to be civilions.

Stuff like this.
Where it feels like i am in control but not total control.
I have to at least pretend to care for my people and my queens wishes.


Jan 16, 2021
You could be charged by your superior (King) with creating a brothel district with monster girls. The King wants profit, morale benefits, and/or a personal harem. You can capture, entice, or romance them into service.