Unity - CatWitch [v1.0] [PixxGame]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    You'd expect some kind of boss rush where each level has an enemy with a special animation or individual features like special attacks, but no, you just click attack to kill the same enemy with different "designs" that don't even have a custom H-scene. If you die it shows a scene, but it is random and you don't even lose, in fact you can't lose, you can only kill the enemy and wait for the next random scene (and only if you are defeated). It is disappointing in every aspect that can be disappointing, there is no type of progression in either gameplay or porn
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    CatWitch [v1.0]

    Well, as this game is not marked as complete, I'm just going to do my review based on what I saw in v1.0.

    - The cargirl artwork is pretty good
    - Has a "gameplay"

    - Grind gameplay
    - No real motives to play the game as you can just game over at the start of the game to see all the animations
    - Short animation
    - You can't save
    - Sex scenes locked behind game over/losing

    Could've been way worse, is not that bad, but I can't say it's a good game at the current state.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay time: Non-existing, the game is fkin endless mode.
    Let's keep it short:
    - Cannot save
    - No gallery
    - Annoying to access H content as you must lose
    - Short ass animation that you don't have time to fap
    - RNG mob, you can't pick, so good luck choosing one of them
    - You need like certain grind to make mob kill you faster
    - What is the 10 sec timer for? When it deal 0 dmg to you after expire.

    Nah man I feel cheated for the H content, I give a pity 1 star for begin short and time-consuming game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    clicker game. bad and uninspired cg that has nothing to do with the monsters you're fighting. No goal or endgame, just busy clicking attacks or upgrades. lose to view scene, but losing doesn't mean much gameplay wise. don't bother.