Absolute gem! A deep and lasting experience I would have never expected from a visual novel.
Didn't know what I was getting into, though I did spot lovely art of the Marion (by various artists) many years back, so I had the project on my radar, but was skeptical I'd be interested in a VN. I really enjoyed the art though, Marion had that vibe of purity and sincerity,
this one especially.
In short, I came for breasts_and_teats, left with heart aching from the intensity of Marion's story! She helped me find my heart IRL.
I was initially taken aback by the serious tone of the story, then intrigued by the transition accompanied by music and an "observational quote" from unknown character - immideately captivated, I dropped "horny game" expectation and approached it with an open mind.
The Branching Chapter 1 takes hours to fully explore (although focusing on one path makes it quick). It takes several more hours per each of the three girls, with their stories having varying degrees of branching - alternative endings with various degrees of happiness, or (relatively) abrupt bad ends that hit you like a train.
Bite sized text, a small paragraph at a time, make it very easy to sink a lot of time into a single session, and characters will often show many different expressions that will match what is being said or done. There is excellent variety between their form, clothes and accessories.
More exciting moments in the story have special scenes with full size drawings, be it a transformation sequence or a lewd scene, or something else that benefits from visual presentation. These are done especially tastefully, although the announced art update promises to improve them!
And it is all accompanied by music that fits mood of every scene. Absolutely lovely soundtrack.
The other gals are quite nice too. Grace's lengthy story somehow kept outdoing itself, and Jessie's has perhaps most interesting world building.
I bought three copies on Steam for myself and friends <3
I only regret I didn't join Patreon way back to play Marion's story as soon it was finished, some 2-3 years before the full game released.
P.S: Love to see Watsup (one of the creators) engaging in the discussion on this site.
P.P.S: Second most painful thing (the first being a bad end in Marion's chapter 2) is the time skip leading to the final picnic scene. I guess saying "there is not enough" is the highest praise there can be.