Tool RPGM Completed Changelog Plugin for RPGMaker MV


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2020

So as I was writing a huge changelog, I thought I should make a tool to make it easier for me to display it, like I see in other games, from the main menu.
So I created this!

This might also work for MZ but I haven't tested. Also, it hasn't been tested for android builds.
Should work for all resolutions, but I only tested on mine.

I pretty much made this for my own games, so I don't know how well it will work for your game. I just decided to share this with everyone.


Free for personal and commercial projects.
Just credit "Makai Rosi" in your game.
Do not sell it.
You can edit it as you see fit, but keep "Makai Rosi" as the original author.
If you use it in your game and you find it helpful, it would be cool to also credit me as OnEdge in your page. But it's up to you.
But yeah, do whatever and have fun!

What it does:
It creates a new command in the main menu, called "changelog". When you select that, you get the changelog screen, that displays what you've written in the text, in a comprehensive manner, and allows you to scroll through it too.

How to use:
It doesn't have any dependencies, so it shouldn't clash with anything else, nor require anything prior to it.
First of all, make a "changelog.txt" file in the same folder where the exe is. Should be just the folder of your game.
Then you can open that file with notepad and write your changelogs in there.

The versions follow the format "v0.0" or "v0.0.0" so for example "v0.2.5" or "v0.1" etc.
You can change the colors for anything in the plugin parameters.
In general, read the helpfile, as there are other stuff you can alter, or remove.

So for example you can write in the textfile:

did this
did that
did another awesome thing

Initial release

Note that any spaces and stuff will not be trimmed, because I thought you might wanna make it look like this.

Some explanations:

I use some terms in the plugin, so I wanna explain them here.

Titles: Just the things that appear ontop and on bottom, saying "changelog"
and that you can press up and down arrows etc.

Versions: Whenever a version is displayed, like v0.1 etc.

Separators: So I thought of that as something that sub-explains something
in a version. Like for example "Bugfixes:" etc.

Before Versions etc: Some people might want to add something to further
separate a part. For example, I add a dash "-" before each version. You
can even add spaces to just move it more to the right and stuff.

The cool thing is that in this way by simply editting your txt any changes are automatically displayed in the changelog in-game!

I hope this is helpful for most people, it's really helpful for me.

PS: Tell me if there are any bugs!