Characters that need more content ?


Dec 5, 2017
I was wondering if any of you like a character from a movie or any other IP that you think there should be more H content of ?


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
The way you phrase it, every single one of them, haha. It's not like we can name a single attractive character from any IP and say "Yep, that's enough porn of her". Especially when talking about H-games specifically.

If you mean what IPs are underserved, then all of Nintendo ones (because everyone's afraid to get C&D), and my personal answer would be Buffy and HTTYD.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Shapeshifters. You get all the visual variety of a harem but can invest most of your effort into developing a single character and relationship, with the option of doing in-character roleplay for fans who like the imitated characters for their personality. As long as the shapeshifter is an NPC and you give them even a smidge of personal agency/freedom you don't have to worry much about plotholes and derailment either. In fact from a gaming perspective it would add a convenient avenue for horizontal progression via earning/attaining different forms.

Plus Mystique is hot in her "real" form anyway so still enjoyable even if you aren't interested in shapeshifting during sex. YMMV when it comes to Ditto or Serleena though.


Aug 24, 2018
ChiChi from DBZ.

To this day, I don't get why a trainer game about the MILFS of DBZ hasn't been made. Would be crazy popular
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Dec 5, 2017
The way you phrase it, every single one of them, haha. It's not like we can name a single attractive character from any IP and say "Yep, that's enough porn of her". Especially when talking about H-games specifically.

If you mean what IPs are underserved, then all of Nintendo ones (because everyone's afraid to get C&D), and my personal answer would be Buffy and HTTYD.
Never though about HTTYD, but now to think of it it has so much potential.


Dec 5, 2017
Shapeshifters. You get all the visual variety of a harem but can invest most of your effort into developing a single character and relationship, with the option of doing in-character roleplay for fans who like the imitated characters for their personality. As long as the shapeshifter is an NPC and you give them even a smidge of personal agency/freedom you don't have to worry much about plotholes and derailment either. In fact from a gaming perspective it would add a convenient avenue for horizontal progression via earning/attaining different forms.

Plus Mystique is hot in her "real" form anyway so still enjoyable even if you aren't interested in shapeshifting during sex. YMMV when it comes to Ditto or Serleena though.
That’s a genius idea, a game like this will be easy to make and the potential for updates is unlimited.


Jun 17, 2019
Anastasia Palma from Shin Sakura Wars
Lei from Oneechanbara Origin
Minerva Victor from Valkyria Chronicles 4
Ailish from Sudeki
Ayumi from X-Blades
Forte Stollen from Galaxy Angel

Some unappreciated ladies off the top of my head. You can probably detect my weebiness.

Bonus Round: The Wraiths from Darksiders II, and pretty much any generic female monster non-boss grunt enemy from any game. Shantae is full of these sort of characters.