OK. To tell you the truth I never had high expectations for any porn game. The point, I thought, for most, would be to just get off. Games beside this mostly met those low expectations, but I have been surprised a few times. This game, as short & limited in size as it is, shows the best promise yet. I am an artist & a poet, good work requires a story, requires attention to detail. Even just as a prologue, both requirements have been met. The story is well written, well conceived, engrossing & has left me hanging, the visusals are plentiful, beautiful, & also shows the same attention to detail as the story. I can imagine that the whole game, when completed, will take considerable effort & dedication, like any art work worth the effort. I gladly give this game 5 stars & only regret that I did not encounter this when it was completed, instead of at such an early stage. Kudos to the developers, you have my highest regard.