Seeking Cheating wife protagonist, casual sex with men, 2D art preferable.

Nov 18, 2022
I've been playing a game I had downloaded for a while (Cheating Wife Yuka) and the game is indeed a mess but I'm absolutely in love with the mechanic of playing a wife who starts off horny with the intention of remorselessly having sex with men for whatever reason. A while back I tried Wife's Unfaithful Routine which also has that formula but with to a far more repetitive degree. I've been searching the forum for games just like these but the search tags usually come up dry or don't give enough info for what I'm looking for exactly.

I've mostly found similar RPGM games like Nymphomania Paradox which might be the best game like this albeit lacking the wife thing I'm going for. So I know it's a long shot but I'm hoping some of you have played games like this and can give some recommendations.

So simply put, I am looking for games that:
1. Allow you to play as a wife in her daily life
2. Casually have sex with different men in a consensual manner, nothing like rape or blackmail

I'd very much prefer it if the games are 2D. Engine doesn't matter if the niche is there. I'll even take a static visual novel. Not interested in anything if the wife is being blackmailed, or if the husband has a cuckoldry fetish. Like, slutty and nympho wives are perfectly okay. I'm not looking for massive exposition on why she's doing what she does. It's the act that a woman secretly does these things is what I find hottest of all.

Anyway, I do know it's a long shot if the search can't find anything but I will settle for games like Nympho Paradox where you're just a girl being a nympho for any reason.

Thanks for your help! Posting this before bed so hoping I can come back to this with some good suggestions in the morning!


New Member
Mar 14, 2021
might want to try secret care cafe, its not wife but its GF yet its pretty cool game. Its allow you to have "secret partner" or should i say consensual cheating ? its allow you to unlock the cheating by giving her signal for the sake of cofe shop