Comics - Completed - Cheer [Final] [Forview]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A simple premise, but remarkably hot.
    forview is great at adding this extra hint of realism that makes the action even better.
    I loved it years ago when I first read it, and still love it.
    A classic to be sure.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Asterisk Mods

    An old favorite. The slower build up is what makes the story good. It doesn't just jump straight into porn for the sake of porn. You actually get to learn a little bit about the characters and their motivation for fucking. The good art is just a bonus on this one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Objectively one of the best erotic comics I've ever read. Within a short period of time, the characters, setting, and pacing are all firmly established. The art style is very nicely detailed, and the story itself is believable, and just SCALDING hot.

    Give it a read; I doubt it'll disappoint.
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