RPGM - Chica's Horny and Kinky Night [v0.4] [Vanny Dev Datz]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Loon Moolay

    Chica's Horny and Kinky Night review
    Review for version "v0."

    My expectation were low but this demo blew me away, especially at a technical level. I have no experience using RPGMaker but this games looks incredible, I can't tell if those are actual 3D models or very well done sprites. You can tell the developer is pretty good at RPGMaker, making this project radiate with passion and expertise.

    The gameplay has room for improvment, because it's a pretty standard RPGMaker game-loop that doesn't differentiate a lot from other on this site. I'd suggest tweaking encounter rates but as it stands it's alright. Also, the game is tough, I don't know if it's a skill issue on my part but the game doesn't make you feel any stronger when you level up.

    My only complaint it's with the developer's communication. I wanted to support the project but seeing how "inactive" their Patreon page is a major turn off. I've also checked their SubscriveStar page and seem's pretty empty compared to Patreon (only two posts at the time of this review and not related to the game). I will abstain from supporting until either pages are up to date or the developer clears things up.

    I'm eager to see where this project ends up, I can't wait for the next update!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game and theres a lot of potential here for a great game though there are a couple issues, ill talk about what i liked first.

    1. I like the aesthetics, theyre quite nice and i like that they go for a somewhat creepy aesthetic, making it feel closer to the vibe of the source material which i quite like.

    2. The animations are great, there's not that many since its still early in development but theyre all very nice and high quality.

    3. The gameplay has quite a bit of potential, the mechanic of managing your Heat could be very fun, im a fan of the ideas in play here though there are some issues which ill talk about in a sec.

    These strengths made the experience quite fun though theres a couple flaws that soured the experience a bit.

    1. Game Over on death, this is something im not really a big fan of since you need to lose to see the sex scenes but you lose any progress you made on your way to the death, combined with a save system where you can only save in certain locations and i could see it getting really annoying, i think that just kicking the player back to the last used save point would make the game more fun to play overall.

    2. Combat is in a very early stage so im sure that this will get fixed but Endos are way too powerful, they hit like a truck and you need to grind to about level 7 to beat them, the balance is a bit out of wack.

    3. Heat, i like the idea of managing a resource in the middle of combat but rn its a bit unbalanced, Endos can just grapple you right after you succesfully struggle which is pretty annoying since you get no time to cool off, making it so that the enemy has to wait at least 1 or 2 turns to grapple you again after you succesfully struggle would make the combat more fun imo.

    Enemies building Heat by hitting you is also a bit annoying, im not against the idea but gaining 20 Heat every time you get hit is a bit frustrating, i think that lowering it to 5 or so Heat or maybe giving the player a stacking debuff every time they let their Heat get to 100 would fix this.

    Overall, i'm quite a fan of this game, it's very short and it's in a very early stage of development but i can see a lot of potential here both as a porn game and as a regular RPG game, theres a couple issues here and there but they dont detract too much from the game for me, ill for sure keep my eye on this and i cant wait to see the next update :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly can't wait for the next update for this game. Its showing a lot of promise and it seems the creator really wants this game to be successful. I love the concept of grappling, corruption, and losing animations and situations so once they keep building on it with more enemies, allies, and animations it'll get even better. Can't wait for the next update and see how far they can take this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Super well made looking RPG maker game. I love the animations and the status effects effecting Chica such as being covered with goo or grappled. Only complain is that the boss fight is absurdly hard, but is understandable as it's the only boss in the game right now. Lots of potential and I hope it doesn't end up abandoned.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely has some promise. Not much here so far, but what is here looks pretty damn sweet so far. Good choice on using that model by the way, hate how many people the model without the eyes and beak.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Blade of Woe

    It's a great start. Needs more content, but definitely a great base. Fluid animation. Hoping for more characters/skins in the future. The only BIG thing I would like to see changed is the slow startup for the game. It doesnt go to main menu, it goes into a new game first, which has a long cinematic intro. To load a save you have to quit to menu after loading in, then load the save.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Shows promise and potential to become a really good product.
    The current demo is short, but worthwhile, animations are good, chicken makin' me quirked up, one of the very few RPG maker games I'm actually interested for once.